Build faith character
SportsFaith Play of the day from the Ultimate Playbook!
Psalm 44:9 But you have rejected us and disgraced us?and have not gone out with our armies.
Sometimes we think that we are doing everything right, but when we 'need' Him... God doesn't seem to be there. Why? Why would God not be there when we need Him most? Maybe we chose a battle that God didn't want us to fight, but we showed up thinking, 'God's got this!' Or maybe our outward appearance showed that we were a Christian, but our hearts screamed otherwise. Or maybe this was just a moment that God wanted to test our obedience. In any case, God may have us face a 'humbling moment' on our own. These times show and develop our character and we may gain the battle scars of faith. Faith isn't always easy, but it's through the tough times that our obedience to Christ can help us build character to stand up and win the next battle. Build faith character through the tough times and have a blessed day!
#character #faith #Jesus