Build Confidence with Experience and Knowledge – With Charlie Peavley
Charlie Peavley is an agent on the Keri Shull Team. After starting as a loan officer assistant in the mortgage industry right out of college, he soon realized his talents would be better utilized selling real estate. Joining the Keri Shull Team gave him access to the world-class training the team provides and that helped him get experience and build confidence.??
“Lending was a lot more transactional than selling real estate is,” said Charlie. “When you're selling real estate, you're meeting with someone, you're out in the field with showings with them, you're experiencing first hand all of those emotions that your buyer is feeling or that your seller might be feeling when they're selling their home they’ve lived in for 50 years, whatever it may be. You experience all those things.”
In contrast, the lending side is “not much more than a couple of phone calls, maybe, and it’s very transactional,” said Charlie. “That's the biggest difference for me, it's transactional versus a little bit more of an emotional investment.”
When Charlie was first starting out selling real estate, he was only 23 years old and said his biggest challenge was probably a self-imposed one.
“For some reason I've always gotten in my head the fact that I'm young is like a reason for somebody to not work with me,” said Charlie. “And that's complete BS, especially now that I've got the experience that I do. That was when I first started. I don't have that problem now. And I know that I'm incredibly confident and incredibly capable.”
“I just had this like why would anybody want to spend a million dollars with a 23 year old?” he said.?
A few reasons Charlie was able to overcome that early self-imposed mental block was getting world-class training on the Keri Shull Team and having the experience of getting in the reps.
“Those mental blocks that you set for yourself – once you do 10 or 20, or 30 or 40 deals – all that stuff goes away,” said Charlie. “And that's one of the biggest advantages of being on a team. You have the ability to do that.”
“Put yourself in the room with people who are where you want to be,” said Charlie. “And all of those self-imposed mental blocks or roadblocks – that kind of goes out the window.”
One of his biggest pieces of advice to real estate agents in this market is to “educate yourself about what's going on in the market and be aware of what our interest rates are doing; be aware of, and how you coach your clients,” said Charlie.?
“Know as a professional that when the feds are raising rates, they're not raising the mortgage interest rate, that's the federal funds rate,” said Charlie. “Know as a professional that the mortgage interest rates are derived from the 10-year Treasury curve. Pay attention to what that's doing. I think just little things like that – just to be on top of where things are, what things are doing, because if you’re uncertain, then your clients are gonna be uncertain about the decision they're about to make as well. So I think just being educated and being prepared for any conversation that you might need to have, I think is going to be huge.”
Despite the rise in interest rates, Charlie is still seeing plenty of demand for home-buying.
“The buyers that are gonna buy, they're gonna buy regardless,” he said.
“The fact that other buyers are feeling fearful or have enough uncertainty around interest rates going up to back out of the market – that's wonderful, that's awesome for my clients,” he said.?
When other buyers back out of a market, it reduces the competition and creates “the land of opportunity” for those who are still able to buy.
To watch or listen to Dan Lesniak’s full conversation with Charlie Peavley, check out Episode 380 of the HyperFast Agent podcast.