Build Community
I was watching a Movie named "Defiance", starring Daniel Craig acting in the role of Tuvia Belsky. A Jew running in the forest along with his 3 brothers, hiding from Nazis. Nazis are searching households and killing any Jew they find.
Brother of Tuvia, Zus Belsky is sort of an animal, aggressive and full of vengeance. Tuvia starts to find Jews in the Forest who can't help themselves. Old Man, Women and Children. Tuvia brings them in daily and it upsets Zus as he states that how we can feed these people. We have to steal more from Nazi Camps, and stealing more means more danger. To which Tuvia often replies "God will Provide" and "They are Family".
Zus leaves the Forest Camp in order to fight Nazis alongside Red Army. But Tuvia refuses and stays and leads the Old & Weak. In the End, Tuvia survives a 4 Year war, along with 500+ lives saved.
In the middle of Movie, when he was able to gather enough people. He gives a speech which is some thing like
"My brother left me to fight Germans. I can go as well but I will stay. Nazis want us to run like animals so that they can kill us like Animals. But we are not Animals, we are humans, we will build a Community because this is what humans do."