- Jesus spent the first 30 years of his life on earth building capacity. He did that in seclusion, by studying, by researching, by asking great questions, reasoning, mediation, writing. He worked hard, sweated and had sleepless night. He was also helping at home. He was observing and looking at His assignment. He understood His purpose, it means why he came, what he came to do and how he was going to do or carry out what he came to do.
- Then at the age of 30, he was ready to execute. He began by building and recruiting a team of 12. He trained them for three and the half years. It means he poured into them what He learnt in the last 30 years. They left everything and followed him.
- With just 12 men, he built the strongest movement on earth today with over 3billion followers.
- The more time you spent in building capacity, the more impact you will make on earth. The less time you spend in build capacity the less impact you will make. I have seen too many young people coming out too early to embark on journeys they are not ready for.
- If all you need to do in 2022 is to build more capacity then i advice you stop and do it. If you have not read at least 6 good books in the area of your focus in 2020, then you are not ready for 2022. Go and start all over. This is hard but it is the truth.
- No prophesy can build capacity into you. No prayer will do either. Seeth thou a man diligent in his work, he shall stand before kings.
- This is SDK with the value Based No Excuse Leadership Perspec
Master of Education - MEd at University of Jos
2 年How can i get a free opportunity Sir? My contact 07033147401 thanks
2 年"without a capacity building there won't be an impact", thanks for this insight?
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2 年time to learn and incubate
Biostatistician | Data Consultant |Business Intelligence Analyst
2 年Very insightful, well done???? ?? ???? Samuel DanAuta Kyarshik SDK