Build Around What Won’t Change

Build Around What Won’t Change

I’m often asked at events or on podcasts about where I see the fitness industry going over the next several years.

The question is often based around wondering what technology someone should use or what trend might be coming down the road they can hopefully catch the initial wave of.

It’s a valid question…

…but I think there is a better question:

‘What won’t change?’

What are the fundamental concepts that have been true for the past 10, 20, even 30 years and are almost assuredly going to be true for the next decade or two?

I think those are the things we need to build our business around…and if we do, we’re giving ourselves the highest likelihood of long term success.

So, what are those things?

The following eight concepts are ones I'm completely sure will continue to be true over the next decade (or even longer)…

People will always want to lose weight, look and feel better and ultimately become a better version of themselves.

People will always want to escape being unhappier and become happier.

People will always need accountability.

People will always do better with coaching.

People will always want their solutions delivered as conveniently as possible.

People will always want to feel like they got great value in return for their investment.

People will always want to belong to a community that makes them feel connected and valued.

People will always want to be made to feel important.

If you build around those fundamental truths, you’re in good shape.

So where does technology fit into all of this?

Well, I think the core use of technology is to execute and reduce friction with things that won’t change.

If you want to do more with accountability, find technology to help.

If you want to make people feel more important or more connected, a simple text message or ordering them a gift from Amazon makes those things much easier than it would have been a decade ago.

There will be more and more technological advances to help you execute those things that won’t change…

…so use it that way rather than getting distracted by the shiny object stuff that it can lead to.

I’ll say it again…if you want a great business that stands the test of time, those eight concepts will get you there, so act accordingly.

Dedicated to Your Success,


P.S. - Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you build a better business…

  1. Virtual Fitness Mastermind - I'll help you grow your business for just $7/Month. Get some of the best on-demand training & ready to use tools / templates from me & my team. See the details here:
  2. 2K in New Recurring Revenue...Guaranteed We're taking on a few new clients in our Business Growth Sprint Program if you're interested. If you’re doing more than 5K / mo, we'll work together to create your entire marketing plan, give you what you need to implement it and coach you every step of the way…and guarantee at least 2K in new monthly recurring revenue too. If you’re interested in details, reply back with SPRINT.
  3. Work with me and my team privately. If you’re doing 20K / mo. or more, want to scale and would like to work directly with me and my team to help you do it, just reply me a message and with the word “Private”... tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details.


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