Build Android & iOS Driver,
@Bean and @Component annotation.

Build Android & iOS Driver,

Here we will see how we can build and create android and ios drivers, but before deep diving into driver building we need to see how we can do this and by which way we are going to do this, for this you need to clear on some of spring boot core concept, which will not only help you here but in your entire experience this will be in use, So let's goooo,

Here mostly we are going to talk about Beans and Components in spring boot,

Understanding @Component annotation:

@Component is a class-level annotation used to denote that a class is a Spring-managed bean. When you annotate a class with @Component, Spring's component scanning mechanism detects it and registers it as a bean within the application context.


public class AndroidDriverProvider {
    public AndroidDriver createDriver() {
        // todo: create and return driver
        return new AndroidDriver();

In this above example:

AndroidDriverProvider is a Spring component, and Spring will automatically create and manage an instance of this class.

Key points:

  1. @Component is typically used for classes that are general-purpose components.
  2. It is automatically detected through classpath scanning.
  3. It can be used in combination with other stereotype annotations like @Service, @Repository, and @Controller, which are specialized forms of @Component

Understanding @Bean annotations:

@Bean is a method-level annotation that tells Spring that a method will return an object that should be registered as a bean in the Spring application context. This allows for greater control over the bean creation process.


public class DriverConfig {
    public AndroidDriver androidDriver() {
        // todo: config and creat of driver
        return new AndroidDriver();

In this above example:

The androidDriver method is annotated with @Bean, meaning Spring will invoke this method and register the returned AndroidDriver instance as a bean.

Key Points:

  1. @Bean gives fine-grained control over bean instantiation.
  2. It is typically used in @Configuration classes to define beans that require some custom logic during instantiation.
  3. Beans defined with @Bean can be injected into other components just like those defined with @Component.

Using @Bean and @Component Together:

In many cases, @Component is sufficient, but when you need to customize the creation of a bean (e.g., setting properties or using constructor arguments), @Bean provides that flexibility. For example, you might define a @Component class and use @Bean to provide different configurations of that class.


public class DriverFactory {
    public AndroidDriver createAndroidDriver(String platformVersion, String deviceName) {
        // Configure and create an AndroidDriver
        return new AndroidDriver(platformVersion, deviceName);
public class DriverConfig {
    public AndroidDriver androidDriver(DriverFactory driverFactory) {
        // Using DriverFactory to create a custom-configured AndroidDriver
        return driverFactory.createAndroidDriver("12.0", "Pixel_5");

In this above example:

  • DriverFactory is a @Component that provides a factory method for creating AndroidDriver.
  • DriverConfig uses @Bean to configure and instantiate an AndroidDriver with specific settings.


The @Component and @Bean annotations are essential tools in Spring for managing and configuring beans. While @Component is perfect for simple, auto-detected beans, @Bean is the way to go when you need to customize the creation of your beans. By leveraging these annotations, you can easily create and configure an Android driver for your automation testing framework, making your tests more modular and maintainable.

How we can build iOS and android driver we will cover in next article stay tuned for it, subscribe now.


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