Build Adaptive Leadership to Survive the Test of Times

Build Adaptive Leadership to Survive the Test of Times

The traditional concept of leadership needs to evolve in accordance with unstable times. At the organisational level, rapidly evolving technology, mergers and acquisitions, company restructuring, employee reshuffling and layoffs, market upheavals, economic downturns, etc. often intersect and can threaten even an organisation’s existence. With global crises looming large, it does not take much time for institutions to turn topsy-turvy.?

Adaptive leadership refers to the ability of leaders to adjust themselves, modify current approaches, tailor priorities, and acclimatise to the unforeseen changes that come along.

Adaptability is composed of three components: cognitive, dispositional, and emotional flexibility. Cognitive flexibility refers to interpreting change, which involves acknowledging that change has taken place, identifying the impact areas, and devising alternate strategies to deal with it. Dispositional flexibility sees change not as a threat but as an opportunity to be tapped. Emotional flexibility involves addressing emotions reflected in resistance to transition.?

Adaptability is no longer an asset but has become a prerequisite for enterprises to survive. The question is no longer how to cope with challenges. The key differentiator will be how quickly and effectively leaders adapt to change. A study by the Centre for Creative Leadership found that the inability of leaders to adapt to the dynamic world has been the prime reason for the derailment of organisations.?

How can we build adaptive leadership in a way that can brave all storms?

  1. Leverage Diversity: In the dynamic world of business, traditional approaches and perspectives are bound to die out. To avert getting wiped off, have a diverse workforce in terms of gender, race, age, and religion. This would bring diverse perspectives to the table, which will further drive innovation.

It would ensure inclusive decision-making where everyone has a say in the decisions that matter. Individuals hailing from varied backgrounds and experiences will bring forth innovative ideas through cross-cultural communication.?

2. Encourage Learning: Inculcate a culture of continuous learning. Kindle curiosity and encourage a growth mindset where experimenting, adopting new approaches, making mistakes, and learning from them are encouraged. Provide feedback and have a healthy discussion on the pros and cons. Value your employees by investing in training programmes and workshops for personal and professional development. This would develop a resilient workforce equipped with the relevant skills to combat problems.

3. Inculcate Awareness: As disruptions continue to knock at the doors of the business world, leaders need to go the extra mile to prepare beforehand. To be relevant throughout, the leader needs to keep himself abreast of the changing trends and look for potential opportunities to grow. Others will follow if he leads by example.?

Leveraging networks can be a viable option when adapting to challenges. They can provide much-needed guidance, support, and collaboration to steer away from challenges. Focus on your strengths and weaknesses. Identify your weak spots and work on them.?

4. Master Communication: Articulating effectively can help pivot seamlessly in the face of challenges. It helps leaders better grasp challenges that can cause disruption. Conveying effectively can help set goals and priorities and see if everyone aligns with them. It becomes easier to adapt when the efforts directed towards flexibility are collective.

Communication is a two-way street. The leaders must be open to feedback. This would help them strategise in real-time before problems turn into issues. Engaging with everyone, both internally and externally, fuels collaboration, which is very critical in changing circumstances.?

Building adaptable leadership might seem challenging, but it is not impossible. It is the need of the hour. Don’t wait for the right time to begin. Start now.?


