Bugbounter Newsletter – July 2022

Bugbounter Newsletter – July 2022

Happy July. ??

Get an iced coffee and check this month's striking hack news.

Researchers Detail How Cyber Criminals Targeting Cryptocurrency Users

Cybercriminals are impersonating popular crypto platforms such as Binance, Celo, and Trust Wallet with spoofed emails and fake login pages in an attempt to steal login details and deceptively transfer virtual funds.

There are 24.6 Billion Pairs of Credentials for Sale on Dark Web

More than half of the 24.6 billion stolen credential pairs available for sale on the dark web were exposed in the past year, the Digital Shadows Research Team has found. Of the 24.6 billion credentials for sale, 6.7 billion of the pairs are unique, an increase of 1.7 billion over two years. This represents a 34 percent increase from 2020.


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Who Is a Hacker and What Are Hacker Colors?

There’s so many misinformation about hacking and hackers. In this article, we discussed hacker colors and the types of hackers.


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Tip from a Bounter

Use two browsers. The default browser for web surfing and a secondary one for important stuff.

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Tip from a CISO

“S” in SDLC is not secure. You need SSDLC (Secure Software Development Lifecycle). Make sure you have secure DevOps processes in place as well.

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Tip from Bugbounter

Hackers are lazy. They look for easy to hack opportunities, avoid unnecessary work. Make sure you’re (at least) one step better than your competitors’ security.


Upcoming webinar

The 5th webinar of Bugbounter webinar series is on July 28, 2022, Thursday at 13:00 / 1 PM (GM+3). Don't forget to?register for free.

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The 5th Bugbounter webinar, “Secure the Future - The Future of Cybersecurity Testing in South Africa” with our South Africa partner Futura International, will be moderated by Bugbounter CEO Arif Gürdenli, and hosted by Bugbounter CTO Murat Lostar. Michiel Jonker, Director of Futura International, IT, Digital Advisor, and Auditor will be Murat Lostar’s guest. Together, they will be talking about cybersecurity?in South Africa with future and key insights into good practices.

Register for Free Here

Watch the previous webinar below while waiting

On June 16, Thursday, we hosted the 4th Bugbounter webinar "Cyber Secure Estonia: How to Reduce the Risk of Cyber-Attacks" with Cyberarch. Click the thumbnail on the right to watch.

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