A budget is an important step towards financial freedom.
Lately, I have been hearing people mention the following about budgeting:
· I don’t like the limits that a budget would place on me.
· I am afraid of what I may find when I start a budget.
· All a budget does is make a person control others or even manipulate them!
· Budgets are for poor people; I don’t need a one.
· I don’t want to prepare a budget each month.
To be totally honest with you, the pillar of a successful personal financial goal is the monthly budget. You will not truly be successful without one. I can say it’s a blueprint – a map to your financial success. I also know that everyone is truly talented enough of being smart with their finances. Managing your money is all about knowledge and a mindset.
· Knowledge will help to create a goal that makes your money work in your favor.
· The mindset you will need to effectively follow-through on your goal
Did you know that a budget prepared in advance?
1. Tells your money where it should go
2. Crushes every bit of worth out of each dollar
I know people who do not do a budget every month, but I also know successful people who have met their financial goals through some form of a budget. A budget each month is the first and the most important step towards financial freedom.
Let’s start one today if you have not – what you say?