Buddhism as I have Heard from the Monks
Sakyamuni did not take any belongings with him. He left the palace empty-handed. The god Indra presented him with kasavapastra clothes at the bank of the Anoma River,?(99.99 % of the Buddhas did not teach).
There are no hidden ?agendas. You too can come and experience it now. There is no need to wait until you have died. You will attain a very much superior level. By then those virgins in heaven will be just like feces from your point of view.
The power of greed makes one a hungry ghost after death.
The power of ignorance makes one reborn as an animal.
The more good deeds you do, the sooner you repay bad deeds in this life.
In hell, you have to pay your bad deeds with interest. Kamma can be defunct, but cannot be deleted. Everybody has to repay. ?When the thief received the merit, he could give us the pardon even though it was us who killed him.
The kind hearted and promiscuous ( not restricted to one sexual partner ) cannot associate with each other.
In Buddhism, when we chant the suttas, or practise the meditation, we also transfer merits to our ?kammic creditors every day. Why are dhamma searchers and meditation practitioners sharing?their merits every day?
The transferring of merit regularly is to expiate ( to extinguish ) the ?bad kamma which we had committed in the past.
The mind is the initiator.
Body is one part. The other part is the mind. Once this unit disintegrates, only earth, water, wind, and fire elements are left.?Our ?life is full of chaos which can hardly be untangled.
We will not incite one against another.
We ?eat little, sleep little, talk little, and practice a lot.
Which arahant attained enlightenment while lying down? He was Ananda, the Buddha’s cousin. He was doing walking meditation and sitting meditation the whole night. When he was very tired, he leaned down and attained arahanthood at that moment.
We also treat sickness with herbal medicine.
People who have been previously related in terms of having lived together as relatives are bound to meet each other again.
Father is like a fence protecting his children from being harmed.
Fourfold blessing: long life, fair complexion, happiness and good health.
The monks were worthy of reverential salutation.
From the mango seed, come the sprouts, shoots, trunks, branches, twists, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Is the seed different from the sprouts? Are the baby, boy, youth and old man the same person? Are they different persons?
The Buddhists never had Inquisition, Crudes, or Mass killing of any indigenous races because those races were nonbelievers. The almighty-God idea originated from Egyptian legends Zoroastrianism, and Hinduism.
Buddha did not say desires are all evils. He only said desires were the cause of our problems. Does that mean desire to end suffering is also evil? People twist and turn the teachings of the Buddha for their own selfish and evil needs.
Energy ?can turn into matter and vice versa.?There are countless galaxies. The galaxies are made up of energy.
A machine that can fly and carry people from one place to another place. Would the people 2000 years ago believe it??But over 2000 years ago, they already said” when the iron birds fly”!
World-famous Mahabodhi Temple Complex is in Bihar State, India.
Ordinary humans are like flies ?that only like bad-smelling things. The bees search for sweet-smelling nectar. Which one are you?
Good parents taught their off-spring to do the right thing.
Sorcerer said there was a black magical object under the house or around the house, so that you will pay him to remove that evil!
Waking up late, being lazy to work, ?undermining trivial amounts, waiting for luck. Are you one of them? Do not blindly follow the luck. Hard work is the best luck. Some incidents are due to kamma some are not.
If we had assisted each other in the past, we would have been relatives today.
Helped them with gardening, watering orange, durian, betel nut and coconut trees
Why do you gang up on one person?
Do not deliver what they speak. Have you ever met one of them?
Doing nothing but eating, sleeping and loitering.?
We need to bar our mind from being disordered.
Mannerism indicate his family background.
When the eyes see the form, ears hear the sound or nose smells the odour, the mind arises.
A person who is too happy can also die or go insane.
People pray to almighty gods in times of fear for protection, not knowing these gods are themselves not free from greed, hatred and delusion and therefore are still subject to fears.
Jasa was disgusted but met the Buddha. The Buddha asked him: Where are you going?
Jasa said: looking for heaven.
Buddha said: Come, come. You may find heaven here.
The Buddha preached to him on The Four Noble Truths. ?Jasa became s Sotapanna, without attaining Jhanas, after hearing The Four Noble Truths.
For rebirth as humans in the next life we need to practice dana and sila.
When a devotee knees in front of a monk and pays subservience to the monk, is it wrong?
The devotee knows the monk is not a god. But because of the purity that monk has attained, He is higher than all those gods. ?Those gods still harbor greed, hatred and delusion.
Meditation may cure migraines, and overcome drug addition
Meditation may lower the following : By lowering stress level from 5 to 8 mmHg for about 12 hours ?& the diastolic pressure by 6 to 8 mm Hg for about 8 hours.
Relaxation create nitric oxide which opens up your blood vessels.
Meditators have higher telomerase activity than non-meditators.
Meditation puts your body into a state of deep rest, thus lowering your blood pressure.
Telomerase is the enzyme which helps build telomeres.
Greater telomerase activity can translate into stronger & longer telomeres which enable us to live longer.
Meditation is better at reducing pain than morphine. It could reduce pain intensity by 40%. ?Morphine & other pain relieving drugs reduce pain only by 25 %.
Monks, form is Annatta. It is not self. You only have some degree of control over your own body. It is not total control.
The devils love the idle minds.
You must not be deluded by what is happening around you.
Mindfulness can be practice the whole day. When we are not negligent, we are mindful.
Say things at the right times only if they are beneficial ?to the other party
Mind must always have an object, bring it to the present.
Greed, hatred and delusion ?imprison & ensnare the mind.
When faced with torrential rains, strong wind, thunder and lightning or natural calamities like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, epidemic diseases, ?man prostrate in terror on the ground, begging protection from an unknown power. Does that power look like Osama or Obama?
Insomniacs, most likely become obese & suffer from diabetes and heart problem.
Two hours of wind-down period like meditation, good music, hot shower, or massage may help.
When the Buddha died, all trees shed their flowers on that day.
Low arts: fortune telling, palmistry , astrology etc.?are not practised by Buddhists monks.
Ajan Chah refused to do palm reading.
When people give, as a means of attracting others to their religions, with the ulterior motive of conversion , it is not charity.
When humans succumb to the evils of drugs, liquor, lust, anger, greed, envy, selfishness, and hate, they lose their balance.
Buddhists ?don’t attract nonbelievers by becoming invisible , flying through the air, diving into the earth, reading others’ minds, multiplying oneself, reciting magical verses to obstruct vision.