Roberto Guillermo Gomes
Founding CEO of Global Solidarity / Founding CEO of Green Interbanks and Mayday.live / Leader of 2% For The Planet / Architect / Journalist / Writer / Master in Yoga / Mindfulness Expert Consultant. Creator of Neuroyoga
All our industrial processes pollute the environment, so we have to start over from scratch, rethink technologies and rebuild civilization, making it sustainable and environmentally friendly.
We do this, or we go extinct...
According to Wikipedia “terraforming1 can be understood in two ways:
? As a proper term that describes processes aimed at the intervention of a planet, natural satellite or other celestial body to recreate in it the optimal conditions for terrestrial life, namely, an adequate atmosphere and temperature, and the presence of liquid water. This is the original use of the term.
? As an informal scientific term, which groups together a set of hypothetical procedures proposed by scientists from various disciplines, to carry out the process described above in real life.”
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warned that there is "a 50% probability that, in at least one of the next five years, the average annual temperature of the planet will temporarily exceed the lower limit of 1.5o C previously established".
“This threshold of 1.5°C is not a random number, but indicates the point at which the effects of climate will be increasingly harmful not only for people, but for the entire planet”, explained Professor Petteri Taalas. WMO Secretary General.
So, what awaits us 5 years from now? We are already experiencing a historic drought that affects the United States, Europe and China, drying up rivers, ruining crops, affecting livestock and forcing us to save energy because hydroelectric dams are practically empty.
We must bear in mind that if intercontinental harvests fail, hundreds of millions of people around the world will die of hunger as a result. If this does not happen in 2022, it will happen in 2023 or 2025. It is only a matter of time. Countries would do well to store grains to get through the bad times ahead.
The first positive feedback loops for Global Warming have already begun. The intercontinental drought is totally destructive, it leaves us without drinking water and without food. By increasing the average temperature to 1.5o C the general situation will worsen.
What are the presidents of the world doing who do not meet to declare a planetary emergency and begin to apply substantive measures to solve Global Warming? Don't you understand with what is already happening that it is a matter of global life or death for all humanity?
We are on the brink of the abyss. There are detailed plans to establish bases on the Moon and Mars, to mine in space, in the asteroid belt and on the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, there is even speculation of colonizing exoplanets within a little less than a century. The terraforming of Mars is in the works.
And in the meantime, what about planet Earth? There is as yet no coherent plan to save it. All intelligence and all human brains are set on leaving our world, not on solving its problems...
Meanwhile, the vast majority of the population continues to consume indifferently, drugged by marketing, believing that everything will remain the same forever and that technology will fix everything.
Worse times will come for all humanity. Very soon continental crops will fail. There will be a lack of food and there will be a great mortality of livestock, as a consequence hundreds of millions of people will die of hunger. They would do well to save some of the grain for bad times to come.
These times come because of the unbridled pride, selfishness and greed of man who has polluted, looted and outraged Mother Nature, on whom we all depend in order to survive.
Of what use will the technology of which man boasts so much, if he lacks water to drink and food to eat?
Likewise, there is still a short time to avoid complete self-extermination, due to total irresponsibility and recklessness in the administration of the resources of our wonderful planet Earth.
How did we get into this situation?
+Overpopulation = + Intensive farming = + More energy consumption = + Industrial Production = + Pollution = + Global Warming
To do?
The problem is caused in multilevel, so the solutions must be applied in the same way in multilevel.
It is urgent to rebalance world overpopulation. A planet with finite resources cannot support a population with an infinite exponential growth trend. We need to restrict the number of births to one child per family. The planet has resources for only 5,000 million and if we consider non-renewable resources in the equation, the number is reduced to only one billion.
The other point is to reduce CO2, methane and other greenhouse gas emissions to zero and proceed to extract the excess free CO2 in the atmosphere, through trees or artificial procedures, until it returns to 350 ppm.
Clean up the oceans and protect the Arctic. To prevent the floating ice of the North Pole from completely thawing in the coming summers, the Arctic Ocean thaws and the immense deposits of methane gas hydrates are released, causing the global average temperature to rise to 6o C and up to 12o C in both poles, accelerating the melting of massive glaciers and causing the flooding of all coastal cities with almost a billion environmental refugees.
Protect the Amazon. If it is necessary to privatize it. Invest 1 billion dollars, buy it and thus protect it.
The other polluting factor is energy dependence. Going to invest what is necessary to fine-tune fusion reactors and exploit geothermal energy sources to produce abundant and cheap electricity. But the use of energy must have a limit, the planet overheats the more energy we use.
Switch to a vegetarian diet. And thus reduce livestock stocks and their methane gas emissions.
Redesign cities making them sustainable, eliminating individual vehicles.
In short, to use the space technology that we are planning to use in our solar system to save our planet Earth, to ecoform it. Mobilize all the necessary resources for this priority objective, urgent and necessary, to ensure our survival.