Buckle up, 2017 here we come!
Berg Moe

Buckle up, 2017 here we come!

Sign up for Angel Investor Startup Digest and prepare to do even smarter investments next year.

As normal at this time of the year we look back at the year, we are leaving behind. At the same time, we try to predict the year in front of us, which is tough or most of the time sometimes impossible. I have collected some articles that seek to look into the crystal ball and maybe can give us some notion on the road ahead. 

After Belt Tightening, Venture Capitalists See More Promise in 2017

Michael J. de la Merced - The New York Times

- The amount of money that flowed into start-ups in the United States fell in 2016 for the first time in four years as the number of deals struck tumbled to their lowest levels since 2011, but the technology world has high hopes that 2017 will prove to be brighter.

5 Practical Ways To Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet

Jessica Stillman - Inc.

- Let's not mince words, changing your life is hard. Really hard. That's why more than 90 percent of New Year's resolutions fail.

The 32 most powerful people in business technology in 2016

Matt Weinberg, Eugene Kim & Julie Bort - Business Insider

- Companies spent an estimated $3.4 trillion on business tech in 2016. With that kind of money, the business technology market has created some of the most powerful people in tech this year. 

The Climate and Energy Stories We'll Be Following in 2017

Maddie Stone - Gizmodo

- On the climate and energy front, 2016 was a year of contradictions. Again and again, our planet smashed global temperature records. The fingerprints of climate change were visible in extreme weather from the North Pole to Louisiana. 

Remembering the Wisdom of Those We Lost in 2016

Kevin Daum - Inc.

- The end of the year is a time for reflection. Many greats were lost in 2016: thinkers, creators, scientists, entertainers, and philosophers--no major field of endeavor was untouched by loss in the last 12 months.

The 2016 year in review in tech

Arjun Kharpal and Seamus Conwell - CNBC

- The last 12 months have been full of major technology stories from Samsung's exploding phone saga to the speculation around and eventual end to the acquisition of Twitter.

Top 10 Trends To Watch For 2017

Investor's Business Daily

- This new year may be as unpredictable as any, but here are 10 key issues and challenges to watch that will affect your investments and the economy.

Happy New Year!

Angel Investor Startup Digest is curated by Berg Moe.

Edgar Valdmanis

Digital Communication, Podcaster, Marketing, Press contact, Networking and LinkedIn trainer, Blogger, Author, Social media expert, Presentation skills

7 年

Excellent collection!


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