The buck stops with YOU
Lee Fitzpatrick
Founder at Zebra Growth, a Certified B Corp | Regenerative Go-To-Ecosystem Services For Mission Driven Organisations Launching New Things Into The World | Fractional CMO & Growth Director | Regenerative Growth Coach
As we are entering in to “Resolution” season, I have some home truths that I wanted to share, inspired by an article I read today.
I still struggle to buy into the whole resolution thing, where on the 1st January after a whole month of excess on the back of a fag packet people write their half-arsed resolution bullshit. This doesn’t apply to everyone and there can be some good that comes from January, but it all starts with honesty and taking ownership for your circumstances, otherwise you are going to fail.
Before I go on, this blog is coming from a personal point of view, I have by no way perfected positive thinking and by nature I struggle with negativity daily, but one thing is for sure I am aware of the impact of negative thinking and I challenge it daily. I am taking ownership!
If you think your life is shit, it probably is. If you think the world is royally screwing you over, it most likely is and if you believe you deserve more, you do.
The only thing in the world holding you back from achieving amazing things is you. Just like the opinions of others should not mould your life, the actions of others or external influences cannot be to blame for your circumstances. The sooner you get to grips with this, the better.
If you think the world is out to get you it’s because you have a rubbish attitude towards life – you’re looking at everything the wrong way. You’re using the negatives to fuel you instead of the positives. You’re letting the negatives control your mind and in turn you’re allowing them control of your life. You’re letting the bad things win. The little negatives will very quickly consume you, and before you know it you will be paralysed with negativity.
I bet my new shiny Tom Tom watch that while reading this blog you are filling your mind with doubt, excuses as to why you can’t make a change, why it’s not your fault? Am I right? If so then challenge those thoughts, ask yourself how things could be different if you approached the scenario from a more positive angle. This awareness of your thoughts and the constant questioning of what you are thinking/ telling yourself is crucial if you are going to get your life on a more positive path.
If living a fulfilled, happy, successful life is important to you then why are you working a boring desk job that drains you of your energy? If working a desk job fills you with happiness, then you’re on to a winner. Otherwise WTF are you doing, figure out what sets your soul on fire and do it every bloody day, you could be dead tomorrow….
I want to travel the world BUT…….. but what? You will never travel the world and see its wonders if you keep making excuses for why you can’t go. Just buy the ticket, pack a bag and go. Let the world shape you and open your eyes. Let it challenge you and frustrate the hell out of you. Struggle with language barriers and get lost. Like anything in life if you want it bad enough you will make it happen, hopefully before it’s too late!
I’m overweight BUT….. but what? You will never lose weight if you don’t change your eating habits and start to exercise. You will never improve your health by sitting on your backside. You won’t feel comfortable in yourself if you don’t give your body the respect it deserves. Stop pushing it to the back of the que and take ownership. Enough is enough, you aren’t any good to anyone in hospital or not here anymore. Life is fragile!
You will never be happy if you’re constantly looking at the negatives. You will never reach happiness in your life by surrounding yourself by people and things that drain you. Look at your circle, is everything and everyone in it supporting you and lifting you up? If not drop it/them!
The buck stops with you. You are the reason you are unhappy in your job, you are unfit, overweight, unsettled, negative. It all comes down to YOU.
There’s no way to sugar coat it. You are your own worst enemy; you are the only one who is standing in the way of your goals and your success.
Life doesn’t owe you or anyone else anything, so don’t expect it to. Don’t expect a million dollars to show up at your door, don’t expect to wake up with a rocking body, don’t expect to get your dream job if you don’t ever put work into it and take a chance.
And no half-arsed effort is going to cut it either. The road is going to get rocky, you are going to get really uncomfortable, there is going to be ups, downs, lots of pain and hurdles but if you want it bad enough you will push through.
Don’t listen to the nay Sayers, they don’t get to determine your outcome and to be honest they don’t really care. Most importantly challenge those negative thoughts every minute of the day. Fill your thoughts with positivity and solutions and believe in yourself.
The rest is history!