On the Bubble
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Did you know? Today is National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day! Again, we can’t make this stuff up, but we did think it was worth noting the day commemorating what’s arguably anyone’s favorite packing material.
As the story goes, engineers Marc Chavannes and Alfred Fielding sealed two shower curtains together in 1957 in the hopes of making a new kind of wallpaper. Turns out, their new product made a great, lightweight greenhouse insulator. Not long afterward, the product really took off and became the popular packaging material we all know today as bubble wrap; the brand name owned by Charlotte-based Sealed Air.
Well, here at The Dunstan Group, we couldn’t imagine what shipping and mailing would be without it! Bubble wrap surrounds some of our most popular products, from glassware and tumblers, to electronics, awards, custom wine bottles, and just about anything else that needs to get there from here in one piece. And it’s just so much fun to pop those little air pockets… it’s like getting a surprise in every delivery.
So, here’s to you, bubble wrap and Sealed Air!