BTS: Covid-19 Update
Luiza Todd
Helping you pass your regulated exams first-time. Training | Qualifications | Diploma | Advanced Diploma | Academy
We are in the midst of an unprecedented situation in the UK, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
We are seeing things that we never thought we would see: empty streets and people panic buying loo-rolls are just some of the many effects of this situation.
Who knows what further measures the government will put into place to stop this thing spreading.
What actions have the CII taken to date?
Following the government’s announcement to stop non-essential travel…
· the CII have cancelled April sittings of R06 and the advanced exams.
· R06 and AF7 have been postponed to July (hopefully)
· the AF/JO exams have been postponed to October.
Although pre-booked R01 to R05 multiple choice question online examinations have still been going ahead at the exam centres (as these have less than 25 candidates at each sitting) we suspect these will also be closed in the very near future, leaving no CII exam sittings available.
Events and decisions continue to be very fluid. CII updates can be found by following this link
How has this impacted BTS and its Associates?
The team at BTS started our planning a couple of weeks ago. We had an inkling that clients and individuals would require remote R0 support, rather than our usual face to face workshops.
This has meant that we carried out remote workshops last week for our major Wealth-Management clients. As you may imagine, we are all rapidly improving our technology skills!
It is highly likely that some workshops will be cancelled, as smaller clients struggle with the financial implications of this pandemic on their businesses.
If there are no R01 to R05 sittings, then who knows what will happen. We are planning as best we can.
What this does mean is that most of us are now working remotely, with more time on our hands. Here at BTS we can see that all the developments and ideas that we were putting off due to being short of time, are now within our grasp.
What new developments can you expect to see from BTS?
We are going to be embracing a brave new world of technology!
For the last few months, we have had a free ‘taster’ sample of our BTS R01 study guide available online. We have extended this offer to now include R02 through to R06.
So, if you are thinking of using this downtime to start studying go and take a look here. You now have access to a completely free sample of each of the BTS Study Guides.
We are also looking at making our R01 to R06 study guides available both in paper and electronic format (though that might take a little longer than a week to go live).
Issuing electronic versions of the Study Guides is an idea that we have been grappling with for a while. Now we have the time to make it a reality.
What about the BTS App R0 Study Buddy?
Well, we will now have time to write some additional exam-standard questions, that’s for sure! We currently offer at least one volume of 200 or 400 practice questions via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store which can be practiced electronically.
Our aim is to increase the range to two volumes across R01 to R05, possibly three!
Watch this space for more news; we plan to issue regular updates. Contact us at if you want to sign up for regular updates.
What about BTS social media presence?
Now no laughing, anyone who knows Luiza very well…
BTS plan to go all out and embrace social media; so, Twitter, Instagram, indeed anything viable out there! Again, this will take us a few weeks to get up and running, but keep an eye out if you want to stay in touch with regular news and updates.
How long will this emergency last?
Well obviously, no-one knows. It could be 12 weeks, it could be one year. One thing we are sure of; this is an opportunity for BTS, our Associates and our current and potential customers, to get stronger.
BTS will continue to develop additional innovative and engaging learning support for our loyal and valuable clients, and will continue to support our team of BTS Associates, all of whom have shown us incredible loyalty already in these real tough business times.
Get in touch at any point if you want to chat anything through, or pick our brains (the few that we have left)….
BTS can be contacted in the following ways:
· Via our website
· By phone on 01748 822777
Please stay safe and be sensible. Lets hope we come out of this situation sooner rather than later.