BT Talks and Writes, Chapter 3
a random pic from Downtown, Toronto

BT Talks and Writes, Chapter 3


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Today, I sit and wonder what I should write about? I want to give y’all some cool tips and hacks and become the smart guy but then tbh idk if I am that guy. I am someone who does not know much about anything, I have always tried to learn stuff online, learn from my seniors and peers as well but for some reason I don't learn only. It feels like I see things, my brain takes notes, I feel haven’t learned anything new, I don't know anything but suddenly I end up being the guy who is speaking and leading meetings with clients, training people, someone who’s feedback matters, someone who peers trust and believe in, someone who flies to a whole another country to build a new life. July 14 '2021, I am on a call with the CEO of the company who is briefing us about a new pitch and asking me (a management trainee who joined 2 days ago) to do a competition? analysis for the pitch. Me being me, starts doing the task after the call itself, gathers some links and prices and god knows what in an excel and shows it to him. He gives me some feedback and tells me to re-work and I don’t quite understand what was I supposed to do, while the call was going on, my brain was saying now you’re caught and they’ll know you don't know how to do this and they will question you while in reality the CEO explains to me again what he wants me to do, he then gets on a Gmeet and then guides me and that's how I learnt how to do an effective competition analysis without making any fancy ppt but through through research and excel tips, also thats the first time I learnt that if you want to do add 2 rows in one cell, you press ctrl + enter and type, he taught me that as well. That evening I felt productive after a very long time. I added some value and spoke to someone who runs the shit for real and learnt something new.

So while sitting back and thinking, I figured out that I am not the guy who can be a smart person through some tips and hacks. I am a person who will learn and become an experienced guy with time. I will try to learn things on my own, be happy to fail and learn again, try to do new things without any worry and be a little more productive than a day before. That has been my cycle at every phase and has helped me. I am just a curious learner who has failed more times than an average person, hence the learnings are coming in handy. So if you’re in search of a tip/hack/motivation, I would say try to do things on your own, try to do new things out of your comfort zone, make them excel sheets/ppts/documents from your own knowledge without copying anything or be it any task in life. Do it, Fail, seek guidance, learn and repeat. Who knows in a year you will have learned more than ever and you will have been more confident than a year before. Last time I spoke about founders a little in a very generalized manner, this time I want to be a little selfish and talk about myself. Imagine a 19 year degree student updating his linkedin as co-founder and chief operating officer one minute and going to pick and deliver orders for his own startup the next minute, 150 bucks in pocket, 100 for petrol? & 50 for 2 sev puri as lunch and evening snacks and a heavy bag. That was me, we were in the initial phase of our company, our service was delivering vegetables, fruits, groceries and many other daily essentials in Mumbai. We developed an app, a website and got a few interns and started the business. I used to have the same thoughts as I mentioned earlier, my brain was telling me what are you doing? You don't know how to do this? What will you do? I ignored and stopped thinking for a while and that poor little kid just kept going to ensure a smooth order cycle, my goal was to not get a fancy office or raise funding, my goal was to make an automated process of getting an order, confirming it and delivering it within 2 hours while keeping the vegetables fresh and customers happy. I kept on failing, we tried multiple systems, didn’t get orders for a while, had no money in the first place to do something else but we still figured something out by just trying to do the next thing right. My goals kept switching from getting 10 orders, saving 150 rupees, getting a new activa and learning how to work on wordpress, I kept trying, failed, learnt from my mistake and tried something new as well, and this led to us becoming a team of 30, having a well set logistics to deliver 100 orders per week, good relations with vendors, happy and satisfied customers who were spreading the word about us on their whatsapp groups. The timeline and process of this was very long and not simple but can’t go in very much detail here. I hope you know it was not that easy to go from bad phase to good phase but we kept going and got slightly better everyday. And I went from being the founder with self doubts to an experienced professional with a very formal photo in a suit in our pitch deck. I somehow became the guy who is managing wordpress for listing products and training new people as well, Meeting vendors from time to time and clearing payments early and the guy who people said they look up to for working hard, I still don’t believe it guys, I don’t think it's true though. But whatever, so this is what you should take away from me:?

Do it, Fail, seek guidance, learn and repeat.?

Okay now Life Update:?

Last week I got some really interesting assignments, for the trends in digital marketing subject, our 3 assignments were making a presentation for each of them: Snapchat, Instagram and Pinterest, we had to do this to pitch the platform to a marketing agency in Toronto to convince them to use the platform for the brands and convince their clients to advertise on these platforms, we had to act like we are the members of the company.?

For data analytics, we got an assignment where metrics and values of Netflix’s annual advertising spends were given, we had to make next year’s budget and optimize it based on the results of previous year.

Guess what? Your boy led all of these group assignments and got some really good feedback from the instructors, oh also my classmates think I am a scholar, lol.

This week I also started getting ads from Gucci and Versace to follow their Instagram account. I did follow them but it made me think, today a brand like Gucci is also spending money to acquire Instagram Followers, why? It's interesting right?? I want to understand why they are doing this. I would really like to speak to brand managers of a luxury brand who run follower campaigns some day.?

If anyone else also likes to see what ads are being run by a brand, here is the link. go check it out, it's fun:?

Also my roommate calls me a reporter now, lol.

This is it for today, I have to go and get some milk and groceries for next week.

Don’t worry today also I am sharing good recommendations in courses and tools, scroll down to find it.?

  1. Resume Templates:?
  2. Customized Buyer Personas Free Tool::
  3. Study Marketing Case Studies:
  4. Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate Guide:?

Some helpful online courses related to data analytics, literacy and project management:?


Ending this here for today. Go try to do things which are out of your comfort zone, face challenges, be okay with failing sometimes, learn and adapt quickly and do it all again.

Let me know what are your thoughts on this newsletter, my dms are open:?

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Shyam Patel

Web development | Software development | Data Analysis. React | C++ | Python | SQL | MongoDB | Express | UI-UX

9 个月

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