bsur welcomes Mr Zhang Guohua, President of The China Advertising Association.

bsur welcomes Mr Zhang Guohua, President of The China Advertising Association.

During their recent trip to Europe, Mr Zhang Guohua, President of the China Advertising Association and Kim Mu, Director of International Affairs, visited bsur. The agenda: the sharing of Chinese and European perspectives on recent developments in advertising.

Darling China Managing Director Yereth Jansen arranged introductions with the likes of USP Company partner, Member of the Steering Committee and Member of the Main Jury for the Effie Awards Netherland, Ed van der Feer, Vereniging Nederland - China's Executive Board and Antonin Jamond - Strategy Director at bsur, joining the table.

The informal setting led to conversations about the current state of effectiveness in advertising with particular focus on out of home and experiential activations. Points of views were shared about how countries manage their identity and how they are in return perceived.

The diversity of each attendee’s background aligned in regretting the nefarious effects of bias and misleading news; the honesty and informing role brands have is likely to gain importance. Mr. Guohua concluded the session with warm final words before heading to the waterfront for a?group picture.

bsur would like to thank Yereth for making the day possible and everyone for making it so informative.



