bsmart ORMS is a commercial off-the-shelf cloud based Utility Operations & Revenue Management System. The robust platform leverages the mobility and cloud to give all the stake holders of the utility a complete solution comprising of operations, Automated Spot billing, Payment collection systems, Revenue Management , Consumer engagement, Smart Metering needs, Command control center and mobile based Monitoring and analytics as a unified system giving an edge to reduce the losses, improve consumer satisfaction
It is a advanced Mobile first cloud enabled utility platform built with vast experience from internal utility expertise, incorporating the best practices and expertise gained over 2 decades of domain expertise of handling large billing and CIS projects. The software is modular and is highly customizable, configurable, scalable and reliable. Platform offers specific – solution as per customer requirement, measurable benefits with set KPIs, Acceptable with various complex utilities, tested for all complex scenarios, accurate billing ensuring no loss to utilities/customers, sustainable and scalable.
- Core Billing System - Experience timely and transparent billing with the help of the?latest technology advancements implemented in the core billing system. The system is flexible, robust and has a very configurable billing engine. ?
- Tariff & Rule Management - bSmart provides the much-needed ease of configuring the tariff and as per the associated business rules?which are desired by any modern utility. It is ideal for the current scenario as the utility commodities are becoming scarce and tariffs are also becoming complicated.
- Automated Advance Spot Billing - Spot billing feature takes care of meter reading, bill distribution as well as bill generation. The software is very accurate and reliable at the same time.?Moreover, the bSmart solution provides the support for various devices to enable meter reading and spot billing that can coexist.
- Mobile Device Management - A comprehensive enterprise mobile device management for implementing secured access,?device usage monitoring, remote wipe and many such helpful features.
- Video Wall & Video Display Unit - A command control centre Equipped with Video wall can give a large picture with key data insights of the happening in the?Operations, Billing and Collections. It enables key decision-makers to take a timely decision and to monitor the Key performance indicators.
- Revenue Management - Revenue Management for any utility is one of the key functionalities. The major activities for any utility would be?to provide easy and reachable ways for making payments, send payment reminders for in time payment, and effective disconnection for those consumers who don’t pay in time.
- Online New consumer Acquisition with Document management System - New Connection Management System (NCMS) is a comprehensive workflow based module that facilitates the complete life cycle from application to contract enablement.?Further, during the contract period, any changes or updates in terms of any parameters concerned to the consumer are facilitated through this system. It is a workflow-based system and at each stage, the consumer is informed of the status of his application and the documents that need to be provided. The module also has an inbuilt Document Management System that stores all the documents uploaded by consumers and approvals provided by Utility including the Power Sanction and Agreements executed.
- Disconnection and Reconnection Management System - One of the ways of enforcing defaulters for making payment is by disconnection of the supply to the consumer. bSmart Energy has various provisions to identify the defaulters?and list them on various categorizations like ageing, amount area etc. As disconnection & reconnection involves the field workforce actually visiting the consumer location there is a certain cost involved. Often it also found that consumers are not actually disconnected or reconnect themselves without payment. Close monitoring of the entire process improves revenue recovery and lessens the costs.
- Feeder Information System - It is a comprehensive system which records the feeder details, assets, branches,?distribution transformers and consumers located on the feeder and the ability to view the same on the map.
- CIS and Consumer Portal - More and more consumers are having access to the internet on a variety of devices, providing facilities to?consumer online would not only help Utility to conserve and save resources but also serves as an important and easy mode of communication which improves consumer satisfaction. bSMART Energy has a comprehensive web portal developed in Unicode for facilitating local language support also which provides all the required tools for utility for achieving consumer outreach.
- Energy Audit - One of the critical factors leading to the increase in utility charges is the high accumulated technical losses?this is not only making the utility to go into losses but also is affecting the consumer spends. bSMART Energy provides energy audit module that has all the tools for computing energy losses at various levels. The module has alerts, drill-down dashboards and also further facilitates importing of energy dissemination points for accurately arriving at the technical and commercial losses.
- Management Information System and Dashboard - bSMART Energy/Platform has a comprehensive set of reports and dashboards that are frequently used by utilities for?information dissemination, consolidations, review and monitor progress. These are optimized with vast experience gained from large scale implementations over the past fifteen years across various utilities. The module has tools for enabling even non-technical users to quickly design custom reports and dashboards.
- Business Intelligence Tool- The system will have separate and independent BI tool for analysis of consumer data, billing data,?payment data, consumer profiling etc. The software will further facilitate forecasting and trending analysis for defined parameters given by utility from time to time.
- System Support with Ticketing - One of the key modules that enhances user experience is the help and support desk features.?The module has the standard enterprise ticketing system inbuilt both for recording complaints and providing the required support. Escalation if not resolved within the standard operating guidelines.
- Mobile Apps - The platform takes mobility to the next level. Most of the information and the operations are enabled on the mobile so that work can happen in a timely manner and thus increasing the efficiency of the people and thus the utility.
- Mobile App for Field Operations - For Asset Management like replacing Meters, Maintenance of Transformers, Feeder input reading, Consumer Complaints, Disconnection Notice, Reconnection, Consumer details view to address consumer grievances.
- Mobile App for Officers - For monitoring Billing and Collection performance, Meter reader performance, GIS-based reporting, MIS on Mobile, Energy Audit related reports, Special schemes updates, Disconnection info, Defaulters report and all key information required at all levels.
- Mobile App for Consumers - CIS app provides all the features for consumers to operate his account, get the utility bills, make the payments online and avail all the services including the doorstep services. They also support Smart Meter where it acts as an on-hand display of the meter where the consumer can the complete insights of the meter on his mobile including analytics and notifications.
- Mobile App for Asset Mapping and Survey - With an out of the box asset mapping and survey app, complete electrical distribution network assets can be geo-coded and single Line diagram can be generated.
- Mobile App for Advanced Spot Billing - Advanced Spot Billing provides options for both direct reading and manual reading. Using a proprietary Bluetooth device, Mobile App can read the reading and events data directly from the meter and bill the consumer automatically. The billing data will be updated in near real-time to cloud.
- Mobile App for Spot Collection and Collection centres - This App provides payment collection facility right from the app. Integrated with various wallets and payments systems, App provides options to collect the payment from Cash, Cards and even through wallets.
- Dedicated Command Control Center
- Smooth Operation Management Using Mobility
- Complete Electrical Network Asset Mapping
- Geo Tagging and Geo Fencing
- Advanced Support for Smart Metering
- Cloud based system to avoid downtime