BS EN 795: 2012 -Personal fall protection equipment - Anchor devices
The British Standards Institution has published BS EN 795: 2012 (August 2012), following a revision by CEN/TC160.
?This new version supersedes BS EN 795:1997, which is withdrawn. It was prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive 89/686/EEC. Annex ZA (informative) gives the relationship with EU Directive 89/686/EEC.
A reliable anchor device is an essential component of any personal fall protection system. The scope and the requirements are based on the philosophy that anchor devices are rated to sustain the maximum dynamic force generated in a fall from a height by the mass of one person, including any equipment carried. The static strength tests are based on a minimum factor of safety of two.
?To allow for foreseeable misuse of equipment, the Standard provides requirements and test methods for anchor devices used in personal fall protection systems in accordance with EN 363 (even if their intended use is for ‘restraint’).
Requirements and test methods for multi-user anchor devices, i.e. anchor devices that allow more than one user to be attached at any one time, are not addressed. Advice will be published shortly in a separate CEN Technical Specification, TS 16415.
For details of the significant technical changes, see Annex A. For the types of anchor, see Annex B.
The significant technical changes between BS EN 795:2012 and the previous edition of BS EN 795:1997 (including EN 795:1996/A1:2001)
?1nbsp;nbsp; Scope
This has been modified to specify the requirements for performance, and associated test methods, for single user anchor devices which can be removed from the structure.
The Standard does not cover:
o??????? anchor devices intended to allow more than one user to be attached at any one time;
o??????? anchor devices used in any sports or recreational activity;
o??????? equipment designed to conform to EN 516 or EN 517;
elementsorpartsofstructureswhichwereinstalledforuseotherthanasanchorpointsoranchordevices,e.g.beams,girders;and structuralanchors