The Brute force fallacy
6 million people in India were force sterilized by megalomaniac Sanjay Gandhi in 1976. He thought India’s biggest problem was population and he could brute force solve it.
General V P Malik returned from a foreign trip and got to know about Pakistanis occupying Kargil heights. He asked for air cover to army men which Air Force chief denied saying the fortification required full activation of Air Force. With ego hurt, Malik tried to apply brute army force to capture NH1 peaks. The result was 300+ soldiers dead and no result.
I was given a programming assignment to check whether a 5 digit number (N) like 89561 was prime. I wrote a program loop which tried to find remainder when dividing this number by every number 1, 2,.. to the number and not a single instance of zero remainder come, declare it as prime.
Life continues to throw large problems to us. Sometimes we have large powers . This power is political, large army and huge computing power. It’s very very tempting to solve large order problems by throwing a lot of force on it. What you do with that temptation is a reflection of your maturity and your capability to think.
Do these large problems get solved by throwing disproportionate force on them ?
Sometimes yes. 6 million people castrated did ebb the population but very soon the 64 crore people fornicated enough to take India beyond 100 Crore in next 13 years.. VP Malik had some gains but he realized that he was a FOOL and then in front of Vajpayee agreed for full activation of IAF which did precision bombing and cut down the logistics supply to infiltrators from Pakistan and thus paved way for win.. My program did solve the prime number problem but was horrible in terms of thinking. I could avoid eliminate 50% of loops by just doing a first check whether the number was even and then setting the outer limit of number to square root of the number. When I realized my lazy thinking and inefficient program I had written, I cursed myself for having used such poor logic.
Why is controling Brute force very important today ?
We see megalomania at a massive state in the world around us.
You have a faulty business model ? Throw tons of advertising on end users and crush them under its load. Once drowned they will use your product or service.
You lost a state election ? Spend few lakh crores to buy MLAs and make senior leaders to defect.
You have poor ethics of business and leadership ? No problem, buy out media ( Print+ Digital) and they will glorify you.
Judge likely to pronounce you guilty in murder ? Buy the judge and if he doesn’t sell himself, kill him and make it appear like an accident.
You have a few mosquitoes in your house who are not responding to repellents? Shut all windows and doors and burn the god damn house.
and lastly ..
You have a huge Pandemic staring in face ? Lock down 1.3 billion people in their homes and enjoy the spectre of millions of Infantilized adults beating thaalis , ghantaas as millions of daily wage earners die either of disease or of poverty.
Do you have any solid examples of Brute force fallacies you have seen executed by MEGALOMANIACS?