Brutally Honest #55 by Matej Lancaric
Matej ?? Lancaric
Helping Games Grow ?? 11+ years of experience ?? 52 global launched games ?? User Acquisition ?? Marketing Strategy
Hey FAM! Enjoy your week
?? Drink talk
Friday & Monday were national holidays in Slovakia! Great to be able to spend some time off with my friends & family. You should do it, too, from time to time :)
??Tip of the week
How often should you make changes in your campaigns not to fuck them up? Not so many times! Oh yeah, thank you, Captain Obvious.
Jokes aside, I always try to make 1-2 changes during the week. Usually Monday/Tuesday & Friday. Looking at the last three days' data, but also looking at seven days.
What kind of changes?
But there are also weeks when I don’t change the campaigns for a few weeks. This situation is rare these days but could happen, and it’s completely fine.
Monitor, evaluate, and optimize. (or not!)
?? Dr. Doom is not amused
One of my industry friends amused me with his direct and honest TL;DRs, so we agreed to share it here too! My friend remains anonymous as Dr.Doom!
Today, Dr. Doom rests after a long Easter weekend!
?? two & a half gamers #59
Don't settle for boring and forgettable podcasts. Unleash your inner flamboyance and captivate your audience with creative, innovative marketing strategies.
Sit back, relax & enjoy?the "Unleash Your Inner Flamboyance" session today, and take your user acquisition game to the next level!
?? Listen on?Spotify
?? Watch on?Youtube
?? Diary of a Dancing Unicorn
Today was a good day.
just meh. again..
Today was a good day.
?? Quote of the week
“7/10 for the UA tips”?Jakub, 2.5g session #59
Push your UA to the next level!
?? Level up yourself
I launched?a YouTube Channel. I'm putting a ton of energy into creating valuable content I think you'll like. Check out the?latest stuff, and give me a?like and subscribe.
?? Nostalgia games
Do you remember this game? What did you play when you were young?
Grand Prix Circuit
?? ?Before you go
Following up the UA-driven article with the latest full review of Habby & SSSnaker- Check out the?latest article!
Thanks for reading this week’s newsletter!
Please do me a favor and share this with someone in your network who you think would benefit from the insights and brutal honesty. It would mean a lot to me!
Take care, everyone! See you next Monday!
?? Reach out for feedback or questions, or say hi!
Give me some love (or hate) & Subscribe everywhere! ??