"Brussels Exacted A ‘Brexit Premium’ From London To Deter Further EU Withdrawals"
Harry G. Broadman
Global Business Executive & Counselor║Board Chair, Audit Committee Chair║Columnist║Keynoter ? EX White House║CFIUS║Private Equity║PwC║World Bank║US Senate║Brookings║Resources for the Future Inc║Harvard, Hopkins Faculties
My latest monthly column for Forbes focuses on a key element of the back-story of the EU's negotiating strategy with the U.K. on the content of the Brexit withdrawal agreement, "The Trade and Cooperation Agreement".
It explains why Brussels was able to extract a pound of flesh (pardon the pun) from Boris Johnson, who was out-negotiatd.
The link to the column is here: "Brussels Exacted A ‘Brexit Premium’ From London To Deter Further EU Withdrawals"
As always, comments most welcome.