Bruker BioSpin Newsletter #6

Bruker BioSpin Newsletter #6

The Future of NMR - The Next Generation of Scientists

Discover the passion and commitment of young scientists working with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (#NMR). Our website features interviews with students and early researchers who are already making a significant impact in the field.

Join us in supporting their vision and insights by exploring their stories today!

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Free Webinar "Bee or Not to Be? Is Your Honey Authentic?"

Thursday, 23 November, at 14:00 CET

In this webinar, Martin Linkogel , from Quality Services International GmbH , will talk about the application of H-NMR and the Honey Profiling 3.1 Method in daily routine for authenticity and quality analysis of #honey, while Thomas Spengler will explain the importance of protecting the beekeepers and the bees, as many food products we eat depend on pollination by the bees.

Learn more & register:

Free Webinar "Rational Design of a New Generation of Therapeutic Oligonucleotide Tools"

Tuesday, 5 December 2023, 17:00 CET

In this webinar, Dr. Montserrat Terrazas (Universitat de Barcelona) and Dr. Martial Piotto (Bruker) will present new chemically modified oligonucleotide tools with the potential to tackle multifactorial disorders (among them, cancer and related drug resistance issues) while overcoming the limitations of #oligonucleotide therapeutics.

Learn more & register:

Develop Improved Therapeutics for Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is a worldwide epidemic that is affecting one in three adults. [i] Individuals with MetS are more susceptible to other conditions, ranging from asthma and polycystic ovary syndrome to fatty liver and cancers of the prostate, pancreas, and breast.[ii] It can also lead to strokes and kidney disease.

A team of researchers at CIC bioGUNE , Spain, is using NMR* spectroscopy to advance understanding of Metabolic Syndrome and develop improved therapeutics.

?[i] Saklayen MG. The Global Epidemic of the Metabolic Syndrome. Curr. Hypertens. Rep. 2018; 20 (2):12. DOI:

[ii] Srikanthan K et al. Systematic Review of Metabolic Syndrome Biomarkers: A Panel for Early Detection, Management, and Risk Stratification in the West Virginian Population. Int. J. Med. Sci. 2016; 13 (1):25-38.

Read more:

*Research use only. Bruker NMR instruments are not intended for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.

New App Note - Battery Research Probes for Li-ion Technologies (and Beyond)

Discover how in situ solid-state NMR spectroscopy is advancing #battery research and development in our latest application note. In situ, NMR spectroscopy offers a non-destructive and non-invasive means of analyzing battery components during charging and discharging.

#Bruker's cutting-edge RF generation console AVANCE NEO, together with ePROBE's specialized probes and accessories, provide subject matter experts with the tools they need to research advanced and #sustainable battery technology as the world strives to transition to #renewable energy sources.

Discover more:

Kejriwal Bee Care India Ltd. - Ensuring Honey Authenticity with NMR

Watch this interview with Prakash Kejriwal , Managing Director at Kejriwal Group in India, who speaks about adulteration in honey being a crime and the importance of using advanced techniques like NMR to ensure #beekeepers get fair prices and consumers get pure honey.

Watch now:

Direct Measurement of Cellular Oxygen Consumption

Researchers at the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, at the 美国明尼苏达大学双城分校 , have successfully applied high-field and #ultrahighfield 17O magnetic resonance spectroscopy (#MRS) to visualize the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption via the detection of natural abundance H217O. The research investigates in vivo assessment of oxidative #metabolism. Altered oxidative metabolism is associated with brain function and #neurological disease.

Learn more:

NMR Spectroscopy in the Chemical and Petrochemical Industries: Cleaner, more Efficient & Sustainable

Some goals are universal, even across fields as varied as the chemical and #petrochemical industries. Cleaning up coal and other #fuels, creating more efficient catalysts, and reducing carbon footprint – these and other projects important to the health of economies, not to mention the health of the planet, are driving innovation around the world.

Discover more:

Save the Date and join the webinar on 23rd November 2pm CET!


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