Bruised and Broken
My Chapel, stolen from me.

Bruised and Broken

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My name is Laird R Snowden.? I am 73 years old.? Twelve years ago, my wife, age 56 was given two months to live with liver cancer.? We had lived largely secular lives, not fidning much worth in our post modern secular churches.? So, i had two months to save my wife, Spirit Soul and Body.? I brought in pastors and priests, who did NOT give spiritual sustenance to my wife, only secular .? Anyone needing spiritual sustenance finds secular "advice" offensive especially if it comes from a priest pastor or minister. One minister, was so offensive, insulting my wife and asking why she not at at their church tithing (because she was bedfast) made her so angry so told me NEVER EVER bring another minister or pastor in our home again.? I told her, yes.? I asked if i could minister to her.? She told me yes.? I found treatement that extended her life a year and three months.?

She allowed me to read scripture to her when i promised to give her a back rub first.? I would read the gospels and then angel stories to help her fall asleep.? I would read an angel story and ask "was that a good one" she would say "oh yes" and i would ask her, "would you like another" she would say "yes please"? we would do this till she fell asleep.? You see, these are Gods power and ministry manifested on earth, not empty jibberish words of a those who call themselves pastors priests and ministers and ther are not.?

I ministered to her about healing spirt and soul (mind, self forgivness) including physical healing.? She asked? me how i knew i was right and all these so called priests, pastors and ministers were wrong.? Well, she was no fool, just because i said it was so, not sufficient for her, nor should it have been.? I had to carry her and buck the offensive stench of these so called modern ministers who pray "if it be thy will" I bought commentaries, the new commentaries were just like the priests and ministers, these were not worth the paper they were printed on.? I threw them out.

I bought commentaries, sermons and expositions on Ebay form 100 to 400 years old during great outpouring of the Holy Sprit.? They confirmed what i told my wife.? i read them to her.

Still she had trouble forgiving herself from a past sin that is very very hard to forgive.? I did get her to recieve Gods forgiveness. she had trouble forgiving herself, I was alone in my ministry, when she lay dying, i could find no one to help....

?then or before.? NO NOT ONE!!!

After she passed, i continued to buy and restore these antique books to save my own soul, i was so alone and cast adrift in a world where there is no light, where churches are monolithic cold dead places filled with darkness, the wisdom of man, which is foolishness to God, filthy monuments to the pride avarice of pastors, priest and ministers who think revivle is MAKING THEIR DEAD CHURCH BIGGER SO THEY CAN GET MORE MONEY PRESTIGE AND POWER.????

Do you know one minister, just the other day, wanting revival, actually said "we need an atmosphere for revival, so we have volunteers who clean al lthe chair arm rests and spray deoderizer in the church so that it smells good... get it? "atmosphere" it is beyond my comprehension, they associoate revival with physical plant which will bring more people, more tithes.? No Holy Spirit... can i believe this? Their sermons are random copy and paste jibbersih they put together in an hour on a computer, full of errors and supposedly amusing anecdotes... no words of Jesus, no love, no grace no hope, just human not even human wisdom, just rubbish.

This fills me with insatiable anger, these smiley face people as my wife called them, smile while the bride of Christ wanders about outside, hurting, their tears continually ascending to Heaven for remediation!

I ask these pasters et al, "what is the utilization rate of your church"? Do you know the answer?? These monuments to hubris are opened only for 6 hours on Sunday maybe a few hours during the week, so that a privledged few can worship at the feet of the "pastor".? He is not the Shepherd.

So how may John Lake/Curry Blake healing rooms are commissioned?? Where are they? they should be open for 30 days a month, pepole may need every day for 30 days ministry... or more, so open every day, people need help every day, they are perishing every day, their tears are ascending to Heaven every day, there is so much vile corruption that has been sown into their souls by these venemus churches, they need help every clear out the detritus that has been sown in their poor souls by these horrible churches, no wonder people are leaving churches.

Where are these churches that feed the Bride of Christ, His Sheep?, i know what it is like to be desperate for help and there is non, only horrible little smiley face people who worship themselves and care nothing for the bruised and broken.? These haughy ones scream loud music they think the louder the better, until everyone in their church is deaf from hearing damage... yes when i was at Bell Labs, i was prime on a project to use Neural Networks to model data and then i went on to explore simulating the human brain.? I studied the audio cortex and visual cortex, the complexity is far beyond the understanding.? The levels at these churches do permanent damage to human hearing.

I realized as Imanuel Kantt correctly identified, in his critique of pure reason, that a-priori knowledge come from outside of experience, it can only come from God, our brain processes and stuytures the input from our sense and build a structure inside our soul and then our soul is the spiritual interpiter and link back to God, this is how we enjoy thje beauty of Gods sunsetm the beauty of His music, the joy of His Love, the very concept of love.? AI will NEVER be sentient by the way.

I have spoken to these ministers, they are not interested in helping those who are broken, they only want to entertain the goats that they have made by their humanistic sermons and then collect their tithes so that they can live in the style to which they have become accutomed to, they have their own authoritarian view, usually a once a month check list service, could they spare it, just so they can virture signal.

Yet they want ten percent of salary for what exactly?? 45 minutes a week of a useless sermon, full of errors, devoid of the Words or Love of Christ, music so loud it damages human hearing? seriously?? No wonder people are leaving church. Something they put tpgether at theior computer in an hour with copy and paste of some key word, with no spiritual understanding?

i built a $5M chappel to train ministers and priests and pastors with another man 11 years ago.? The man who funded it became afraid, decided to give it to the Ctholic church rather than let me start a mission for Healing. I warned him not to do that. He thought the Catholics would let him stay there, use it for visiting priests and he could serve at the altar. Instead, the Catholics turned it into a cloister and kicked Gary out with not even any place to live. I told him he could live at my house, but i suppose he was too embarrased. satan stole it right out from under me before it even opened, so it is now a cloister, of no use at all to the healing and nurturing Bride of Christ.

Well, maybe i do not need a church and maybe God will replace it,? i can i not find? ?Curry Blake certified Healing rooms?? where are they?? no one have the stuff of John Lake, Smith Wiggelesworth or Curry Blake?... could be.? It is time to make this happen!



Pray for me, pray for the broken and bruised, pray for the Bride of Christ..

Thank you for sharing this inspiring journey. Much blessings and best wishes .



