Bruce Wayne to Batman
So you've been furloughed?
What now?
Well, you have been given the opportunity to grow, an opportunity of a lifetime.
And self-directed growth has never been easier.
With access to books, physical, digital and audio. Online teaching resources. Universities and libraries. Bookclubs and Social Media.
Experts in the pastime or occupation, a lifetimes experience and tips have never been easier to find. The ability to take a shortcut to proficiency has never been easier.
Autodidacticism (also autodidactism) or self-education (also self-learning and self-teaching) is education without the guidance of masters (such as teachers and professors) or institutions (such as schools). Generally, an autodidact is an individual who chooses the subject they will study, their studying material, and the studying rhythm and time. An autodidact may or may not have formal education, and their study may be either a complement or an alternative to formal education. Many notable contributions have been made by autodidacts.
To look at it another way you are Bruce Wayne on his way to becoming Batman! Now Bruce had a clear vision of where he wanted to be and a roadmap of how to get there and put in the effort daily to move closer to the end goal. So what goal have you always wanted but just never had the time?
Have you always wanted to learn a foreign language? Read the top fifty books? Do you have a favorite author, have you read all their work? Serious study on one aspect of your work-life, become an expert in a niche. or in an area unrelated to your work but you have a passion for? Learn a musical instrument? Painting, sculpture, arts, and crafts? or brushing up subjects that were never your strong suit?
Making a schedule to cover your personal goals from Monday to Friday covering work hours, including time for exercise will leave you in peak form.
Whats skills will you be bringing on the return to work?