"Bruce & Hobbes Radio" Podcast, 03/24/16 - Fleur Dawes, Communications Director - In Defense of Animals
Bruce Zeman
Member, VT. Assoc. of Broadcaster’s Hall of Fame, NHL Analyst, Author, On-Air Personality, WVTK-FM,.
On this week's podcast, Bruce & Hobbes are joined by:
Fleur Dawes - Communications Director, In Defense of Animals
For over 33 years, In Defense of Animals (IDA) has made the world better for animals. An international animal protection organization located in San Rafael, California, IDA is dedicated to protecting animals’ rights, welfare, & habitats through education, outreach, and rescue facilities in India, Africa & rural Mississippi.
During her visit with Bruce & Hobbes, Fleur discusses IDA, and talks about some of the organization’s programs and campaigns. One campaign up for discussion is a relatively new one, and one which has been generating a considerable amount of publicity - the Justice for Animals Campaign.
The campaign is aligning with Mississippi judges, prosecuting attorneys, law enforcement officials, legislators, animal advocates and concerned citizens, to pass regional ordinances to protect animals when state statutes fail. IDA has worked in Mississippi for 24 years, aiding victims, and law enforcement, with hundreds of cruelty reports. IDA is actively working with officials in communities, building a groundswell of support for establishing, and amending, city and county ordinances as part of the campaign to show state lawmakers Mississippians will not tolerate animal cruelty. As they’ve done for over three decades, IDA is taking the lead in protecting animals, and you can hear more about it on this week’s podcast!
If you care about animals, and want to learn more about a special organization doing a great deal to help them (and people too,) make sure to catch this week’s episode of “Bruce & Hobbes Radio.”