Brown Sugar & Salt: Stories, Essays, Poetry and Art about Identity, Trauma, Recovery, Body Politics & LOVE
Quána Madison, MA
Artist | Rep @artlifting | Model Rep @wilhelminadenver | Wellness Workshop Facilitator | Wellbeing Advocate | Senior Educator & Community Engagement Specialist @StillMuseum
Audience Participation Invitation: After reading, please share your response to the following questions, in the comments section.
- Which words or phrases stood out to you and why?
- What did this art make you think about? for yourself? others? the world?
- What burning questions did the art leave you with? Why?
Namaste beautiful and divine reader,
Thank you for taking time to share your energy with me by reading my art. I value stating my intention and positionality for every piece I create and share.
Brown Sugar & Salt: Stories, Essays, Poetry and Art on Identity, Trauma, Recovery, Body Politics and LOVE is one of the books I’m writing.
My Intention: I’ve I have always been a writer, artist, storyteller and spiritualist.
These are core layers to my identity, like the middle of an onion. I was always to afraid to share my writing and art. My heart was plagued by self-criticism, feelings of insecurity and self-imposed barriers that I was not good enough or worthy.
Do we need permission to create and share art? To record their own stories? To reflect and create expressions that sing the harmonies and dissonances that we experience in our daily lives?
Today my intention is to simply share. It is one of the ways that I practice rehumanizing myself in practical and daily ways that are meaningful to me.
Rehumanizing focuses on vulnerability, empathy, understanding and compassion. Yet, it can be quite uncomfortable or frankly brutal viscerally and emotionally to make our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits vulnerable.
It would be easier to remain closed. It is easier to be emotionally numb to the aspects of our lives, our communities and our global world that create inner and outer chaos that is hard to comprehend or handle. It is easier to put on the battle armor and adorn ourselves with weapons of self-protection.
Despite my lifetime of chronic traumas, I feel inner peace, harmony and bliss.
My heart has been broken. My mind has been devastated. My soul has been shattered. My identity has been splintered. My entire life has gone supernova like an exploding star. But despite a lifetime of suffering on the top of my oceanic passage that is my life, I have found the eye of my storms.
During my recovery, I have sunk down into the calm, cool, still deep waters of the universal divine love that is a current, that flows between all human beings. Our reverent sacred connection down at the core of all human beings. These reflections are my Traumalogues.
My art, writing, stories, prose, poetry, performance and essays focus on the themes of: trauma & recovery, love, spirituality, multi-layered kaleidoscopic identities, community, sense of belonging, evolution of human beings in our perspectives and approaches that promote sustainable global peace, uplifting all communities, critical and compassionate love for all human beings, cultures and societies.
My Positionality: I’ve I am not perfect, but I’m P.I.M.P (a PERSON INTERESTED in MAKING PROGRESS). I share because I recognize the love, power, insight, creativity, inspiration and healing that engaging regularly in arts can do for a soul and community. During my darkest hours it was art, music, storytelling & story sharing, writing and dance that kept my spirit on life support.
During debilitating suffering in my physical body, mental body, emotional body and spiritual body, I turned to the humanities for seeds to plant in my garden. I returned to the knowledges and wisdoms found in philosophies, knowledges, histories, myths, stories and spiritual pathways from around the world.
I embraced a multi-layered understanding of myself and the world around me. I strive, stumble but try my best based on where I am in that moment to practice a critical and compassionate love ethic, as a human being that values uplifting all and sustainable peace.
May you be blessed with goodness, mercy and inspiration today.
C. Quána Madison (Midnight Phoenix. An Avant Garde Black Feminist Crip-Able Community Scholar-Storyteller-Artist)
Book Excerpt
Title: My ID: Voice, Vision and Identity
Peace of Mind: I’ve been longing for love since I was a young child, since I asked my workaholic father if he loved me, since the day of my first elementary school recital when none of my biological family showed up, since empty promises were revealed about life, since becoming homeless at age 16 and age 35, since kissing the white boy named Danny on the kindergarten playground in Wichita, Kansas, since Mike the musician in New York City. I’ve been longing for long for my entire, during each of my marriages, during each my divorces, during my failed deaths. Will I experience what I desire? Will I experience what I dream of? Will I experience what I hope for before my time on this Earth, in this beautiful brown body expires in 10-15 years? I hope so. Without hope for love, no matter what form, there is no reason for being.
Defining Moment: A cold barrel of a pistol against the soft palate of my mouth. Trembling fingers on the trigger. A flood of hot salty tears. 13 years old, raising 3 brothers, working under the table, being a nanny, never sleeping, biking many miles to a gas staff to buy and hide food for my brothers. A 13 year old single parent of boys who were my brothers. Numb tingling toes, my breath a quickly disappearing cloud in my bedroom, my last candle stick, finishing my high school Honors and AP homework. Calling my 18 year old college mentor, telling her I need to finish my essay but am on my last candle, empty stomach rumbling, too cold to move. Sleeping in a dorm loft for a few hours. So happy to sleep in a home with heat for a few hours. So sad to return to my winter vacation of hardship.
Act of Defiance: Audiencing for the musical Barnum for the role “Joice Heath, the Oldest Woman in the World” after relearning how to walk after my second reconstructive ankle surgery, which ended my adolescent identity as an athlete. My skin sparkling under the dim club lights, as I climbed up the steps into the cage. I was a wounded bird, transformed by silver six-inch platforms, a purple sequin dress and a ridiculous large afro wig. Dancing helped me discover the ocean of beauty, dripping feminine sexual energy and self-love within me. F*ck it! I am free when I dance. Everything else may be failing in flying colors, but lord let me dance---even when I am wounded. To dance. To sing. To write. To create. To speak. To boldly be me. That is my freedom.
Road Not Taken: I always thought I would be a mother. I always dreamed of having my own children. After fertility treatments and many miscarriages, I revised my dream to include being a mother to another person’s child. That path has a roadblock too. I cannot carry life in my body. I cannot adopt a child either. Being a mother just simply is not happening this lifetime.
Life’s Work: Be a light-bearer. Be a bridge-walker. Be an everyday saint. Be Bright. Be Bold. Be Brilliant. To be a single candle that shares her flame with the wicks of others in positive and meaningful ways. To live, love and laugh. To enjoy love in all its forms.
About the Author
C. Quána Madison is a Community Scholar, Arts -Narrative Researcher, Speaker, volunteer United Nations Lobbyist, and an Advocate for Refugees, Health, Disabilities/Ableism, Education, Youth, Hospice and the Arts.
Quána produces her art under the name Midnight Phoenix. She acknowledges her multi-layered identity that has been evolving over time based on her unique passage of life experiences. She walks her life as a lifelong learner, critical thinker and poly-spiritualist.
Home is a sense of belonging, where you feel meaningful communities and relationships. The spaces and places that genuinely have a deep meaning of home for us, can be located in many places where we have powerful memories and authentic connections.
In that respect, Quána identifies many geographical spaces as home including:
Wichita, Kansas
Columbia, Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Manitou Springs, Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
New York City (Manhattan & Brooklyn)
Shanghai, China (Pudong & Puxi)
Denver, Colorado
C. Quána Madison is an Avant-Garde-Black-Feminist-Crip-Able-Scholar-Storyteller-Artist. Currently, she is completing her PHD in Education at the University of Colorado Boulder. She has a MA in Teaching and Learning with an emphasis on Childhood Education from New York University and a BA in Philosophy from Colorado College, with an emphasis on comparative global philosophies.