Brother Instructor - May 2005
Many times I heard brothers asking themselves, 'why this brotherhood would not grow'. I was not given permission to give that answer because you all needed to find that answer and analyze your own actions. There was not enough love, there was not enough tolerance, there was not enough understanding and the egos still dominated many of your actions. For a brotherhood to grow, for a brotherhood to flourish it is the same - like the plant that you cultivate with love on a daily basis - giving nourishment, giving it that water that it needs or sustenance and then to see its buds growing and full of happiness see the fruit, the flowers that is how a brotherhood is also like a small plant or tree. So that it can fill with buds and fruit, with green perfumed buds and for it to be that way, it needs to be nourished by its members. It needs to be sustained by its love, it needs to be worked on constantly in the sincere, humble, constant practice of its members. When you accomplish to overcome the insinuations of your ego, and you sincerely ask my Father for forgiveness for so many moments that were lost, so many times that the word came to you and came before you and was not even grasped or touched. For all the times that you remained indifferent with love of this altar.
When you find a heart open like yours, sister, when you find a mind that despite all the disturbances continues looking above and with the hand reaching out to find the light, the masters, the messengers, the protectors and the guides will come in your help to sustain you, support you. One day sister you will recognize fully the sublime moments, the unforgettable days in which the infinite love of a Father, the help of masters full of light brought to you all. Multitudes, multitudes of gifts that many times were barely perceived. In your heart there is love for all of the brothers of this brotherhood and that elevates your conscience and I congratulate you. When you unite your hands in the invisible link that is unbreakable of the true love, remember that it only grows through the love that surrounds you. When that love reaches your heart it will be an explosion of light that will fill you in the infinite love of the Creator.
Welcome sister, prepare your mind and your conscience so that you can nourish yourself so you can return to your home strengthened, illuminated and full of determination to continue to the very last day of your existence in the work - this marvelous powerful work and in the only work that will secure eternal light. Welcome sister, I am grateful for your infinite love, respect and your loyalty. My Father blesses you. I ask a lot of prayer through today so we can carry out that ceremony tomorrow. There are minds prepared to receive the light and the strength.
The light of my Father illuminate your path and that in your heart let that light be peace in your life.
Inspiring Author
3 年I'm going to state the obvious here - our Altar was a precursor to the events of today; teaching the same lessons in order to prepare we could prepare others.