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???????(Passionate true story of a Mother)
?COL M ASHRAFAZIZ ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
????????About the writer??
??????Remarks by the guest?????????????????????????????
?????????Brooder Mother??????????????????????????????????????
The Writer
Brooder mother is third endeavour, which the writer learnt in nineties He kept on dwelling on this aspect of life and discussed with various friends, and colleagues’ .He concluded that the famous old saying is true and still hold good in twenty first century. Blood is thicker and due to its viscosity it has something special which is not visible. It can only be felt. Brooder Mother has a message for those who believe in relations. Brooder Mother is a theme based on human relation which is sensitive in nature. Compromise is also another form of life rather life is a compromise.
He is committed to leave behind something extra ordinary for his readers to criticize his effort. He wanted to tell his experiences to the younger generation for their guidance. He is a military man and spends his most of the time with readings of Military history during his uniform service. .
By virtues of his deeds he has been able to transform his observations into a black and white write up. Being a medical student he has used his associations by incorporating medical language in his book. He has been all-rounder and wanted to prove that nothing is impossible if one is determined to do. He is not a writer not a scholar yet he has provided something to read for his dear ones.
The writer felt irritant and perturbed due to the miss conduct of our rulers for the past six decade who have done nothing for the betterment and welfare of the oppressed class of the nation. They could do that but did not have the will to help out poor’s of the society. It is disheartening and disgusting.
Life is a gift to the mankind by the GOD. He has written the destiny of every soul who lands on the planet of the earth before his birth it is our belief being a Muslim. He has again emphasized on this point as to how much you struggle to draw benefits, depends on your part or depend on the amount of effort you generate to get the results of your destiny.
?Destiny is articulated with your actions and volume of hard work you apply to get the award from destiny. It includes everything which you come across during your life span such as grief, pleasures or happiness, awards and achievements.
Life is nothings but combinations of pleasures and grief but lots depend upon the individual as to how he conducts himself in the light of divine instructions. There are no parameters of any body’s pleasure or happiness. Pleasure is feelings which can be considered / felt and expressed as high or low. Pleasure is related to moral which is a physical index of every human.
Pleasures are of various types /kinds such as health pleasure, wealth pleasure, alcoholic pleasure, sex pleasure, chastity pleasure, old age pleasure, some body’s pleasure (company pleasure) and teen age pleasure. All the above pleasures are supreme in one’s life but everlasting pleasure is pleasure of chastity which is stronger than the pleasure of wealth. If you have wealth but devoid of chastity, it is not 100 % pleasure. Individuals by tendency are prone to drive pleasure out of their youth which is more pronounced than alcoholic pleasure which is temporary due to the absorption of alcohol into the blood. Once alcoholic effect is over, the mercury of the alcoholic effects are reduced and person fall back to its original status. The pleasures of the chastity are most natural which rise slowly and cause physiological changes in the body and have much more duration.
Age group composed of various species of same age bracket, having similar experiences and may not be same intellectual the attraction towards other sex is relative to these stages which tend to remain together for pleasure of the age group.
?Humans have the tendency and keep on drifting their mind with age. Human brain is complex machinery but perfect in all respect. Our prophet PBUH has passed through all phases of life very successfully and has left so many examples for us to follow. According to my observations pleasure of the chastity is the best because it cover the best part of your life and leaves something good for you to remember.
?????Remarks by MR. Sh. Zaffre Ali,
??????????Senior executive President,
Honestly I have read BROODER MOTHER submitted by COL R ASHRAF AZEEZ has touched my feelings and it appears that he writes with lots of pain and try to give the facts of life.?I appreciate his endeavour, his third episode and wish him success and blessing of GOD.
I know him from 1998 as a good friend who has faith, believes in himself who is fair in his dealings and never believe in unnecessary boosting. I never expected such an effort from him but as he is advancing in age he is proving good.
I would suggest to all friends to have this episode and I wish ASHRAF to have peace of mind and have good health.
INTRODUCTION. The writer once finished his second episode was feelings relaxed and none plus about the future plans/ design. His mind was more inclined towards the topic which should have feelings of human relations. He wanted to give something unique to his readers. He kept on searching mentally and all of sudden an idea came to his mind about the brooder mother who met him in 1992. She came to him for elaboration and justification. She was claiming the award of her services, emotions, discomforts through which she had passed in the last twenty four years. She was very upset and never wanted to reconcile with the ground realities. She was highly perturbed and never ready to part her daughter.
She was not alone in this scenario because her husband was equally involved in her pursuit to retain her. After listening her passionate story and feeling of true love which compelled me to help her out and suggested to her mode of action. I was unable to comment and asked her to come again after two weeks the writer felt discomfort and started applying his experience and skill to resolve her issue yet he could not find satisfactory answer and started consulting his colleagues and friends for perfect solution.
BACK GROUND. Once upon a time, there used to be a couple living in a big town with complete harmony. Both husband and wife were very close to each other, it was not because they were newlywed but was having so many character traits in common. Mr Sadder Hakim Ali being head of tribe was very pious man. He was very regular in his prayers and was respected by the tribe’s men whole heartedly. He was kind hearted man and stanch believer of GOD. He was docile but firm in his decision/assessments. He was having excellent married life. Both were attracted towards each other. His wife was kinder hearted lady. The life was revolving around her personality she was centres of attraction because of her loving attitude towards other. The entire population was pretty happy on the conduct of their tribal chief. He was man of principal, justice and whole town was having complete contentment on the transparent dealing of their lord.
?The people around them were loyal and faithful towards the entire family of Mr Hakim?Ali. The GOD blessed them with the glory, fame, health, wealth and all the comforts of life but no child. Their life was sailing very smoothly. Because of their attitude they never ever felt burden by helping out others. Due to justice and promptness in actions the crime rate of his domain was negligible.
They were living in elegant and posh house which was visible from a distance due to its height in the area. The chief used to attend any request or disputes by sitting in a elevated balcony specially prepared for this purpose along with his deputies who were experienced and intellectuals or scholars of the area.
?The chief used to consult his advisors before making any promulgations of his verdict. He used to always get fair and impartial advice from his fellows during the court proceedings. A small but agile law enforcement agency was responsible to maintain law and order in his domain which was approximately 140 KM wide and 320 KM in length.
Mr Hakim Ali and his wife were passing an excellent time of their life but one thing remained as source of discomfort and irritation in their relation.?They were having large force of loyalist who was looking after their house hold responsibilities. Among the workers there used to be a couple who belongs to good family back ground but due to bad luck they were destitute and Mr Hakim Ali and his wife used to look after them as their own family members.
?They were accommodated in the castle. The castle was built on an elevated piece of land. It was surrounded by tall lush green trees and beautifully decorated flowers bed lawns and vast /open parks. The castle was huge building with a covered area of more than one lac sqft. The white marble was used liberally all around the building thus white castle was very famous in the area. Milk cattle farm and stud farms?were operative for comfort and pleasure of the tribal chief.
?Mr Hakim Ali was fond of Polo and was excellent rider during his youth. He was also fond of SHIKKAR of wild animals and used to be out on SHIKKAR party for days and days along with his friends and used to camp in the desert. The chief was popular, respected, humble, and ensured justice at all cost. He always had a soft corner for his poor’s in the society and his endeavour was to facilitate their life as much as he could.
He arranged a free food for the poor without any differentiation of cast and creed. In nut shell the entire nation under him were used to worship him because of his deeds and kindness. The GOD blessed him a big heart and courage to face the realities of life. His wife was not lacking behind in his pursuit to look after poor’s.
POINT?OF?WORRY. When the life was sailing so smoothly and there was no problem for them yet there was a point of worry for both of them. His wife was aware of the fact but used to keep quiet and never wanted him to know her source of irritation. The chief did feel some sort of vacuum in between them but never realize his wife and used to bow down before the GOD for his mercy.
?After spending more than 13 years as married couple, both of them decided to go the doctor for check-up. The doctor declared that there is nothing wrong with them. They came back and released this good news to his country men who celebrated this occasion with lots of zeal and enthusiasm. Whole night there was various sittings of different QAWALS who offered their wish for glory and good health of their chief and his wife.
?Many saints were invited to give their predictions about the future of their chieftain. Most of them predicted that couple would have male off spring in the next three years. But that occasion did not come in the life?of the couple. Many advisors did ask the chief to marry another woman for a child who could continue his policies subsequently but chief did not agree. He was adamant on the plea that if I am destined from the GOD then I will get it from my wife otherwise I leave it to GOD.????????
The chief was attending a meeting with his deputies in the main hall, all of sudden a bell starting banging and the person who was holding the rope was up set and wanted to pass immediate message to chief, the chief called him inside who said that the invading forces are in a near distance and their slogans are audible. He said that huge force equipped with cavalry and supported by Artillery is approaching our listening posts who have assessed that the enemy seems to be determined to attack in the next 2 days.
?Chief knew the enemy plan and had already dished out detailed orders to defend the mother land at all cost. The morale of the defending troops was very high and they were all in excellent state of preparedness. He showed his complete confidence in his professional commanders.
The Chief decided to go and have a look of forward defended localities. He left for familiarization. During the reconnaissance he made a deployment plan of his troops and advised his commanders to readjust the location of their main reserve. The chief called immediate meeting of cabinet who demonstrated complete unity of command and trust is his leader ship. The cabinet gave final verdict on the chemistry of battle which was appreciated by the chief. So the stage was set for perfect battle.
?The Chief decided to launch pre emotive and wanted to cause heavy casualties onto the enemy. It was well executed attack and the chief achieved surprise, the enemy was taken with their pants off.
The battle started developing as per the plan of the chief. The enemy launched counter offensive with amour leading. The defending forces opened up its anti-tank weapons. The attacking forces were massacred with utter brutality per force enemy has to with draw leaving behind their equipment and dead. The Chief fired a success signal for his victory. The troops immediately started reorganizing and clearance of their dead.
Once the battle was over, the chief ordered his ARMY CHIEF to stay in the present location for next 30 days. He issued a plan of jubilations for the entire nation. The Army Commanders were awarded various gallantry medals especially to those who fought the battle in a brilliant style. During the peak of happiness and victory he was joined by his wife for celebrations. She was very enthusiastic about their success in the battle.
?She was not lacking behind during the development of battle and kept on looking after sick and wounded personally. She organized a systemic evacuation of causalities to the rear areas for better look after by the medical staff. The Chief moved his TAC HQs in the rear and went to stay night with his wife. The chief came to stay at home after couple of months because he remained occupied in view of the eminent attack by the neighbouring state.
?He was in a perfect mood and wanted to open up special issue with his wife. He thought over this relentless topic and was firm to share with his wife. He invited his wife to throw some light on the issue of kids. She knew his weakness and wanted to console him but before she could say anything he asked her to adopt a baby so that she could make herself busy.
?He never wanted to part from his wife. He advised her to consult her parents and other relatives. Whole night he kept on weeping and begging his mercy. On first light He was passionate, very emotional and was sunk in a love of his wife. He always prayed to GOD for his blessing and mercy. He raised his hands and begs the mercy of his GOD to bless him with son. He met his wife on breakfast table and narrated his activity during the night.
?She was pleased to know his state of mind and join him in his pursuit of getting a son from the God. The chief left for the ceremony which was scheduled for the Army commanders. The function was great pump and show. The chief felt his satisfaction over the performance of all military leaders
RISING OF MOON. The destitute couple was very respected by the entire society for their neat and clean habits and character traits. Malik Sikander and his wife were having 2 children who were schooling in the town. God blessed them with a baby girl. The parents were happy on her birth. They decided to celebrate her birth and the Chief and his wife were invited to grace the occasion. The invitees were all the loyal and sincere people of the royal family.
?In the heat of party the Army chief’s wife suggested to her husband that Malik Sikander and his wife should present her newly born baby girl to the chief and his wife. He asked her to talk to them about your suggestion meanwhile I will discuss with chief so he approached him and opened up topic of adopting new born baby by them.
?The chief advised him to talk to his wife. She was in desperate situation without the child and wanted somebody to propose to the chief for adoption of child. Both agreed and matter was referred to the chief for his comments and approval. The chief said that he will give his verdict in few days’ time.
THE ADOPTION. The chief kept on thinking and making up his mind because it was not easy decision. He never wanted to be emotional and never wanted to make a hasty decision. He went to sleep early with a view to get up for prayer. After recitation of Holy Quran he offered prayer and raised his hands towards ALMIGHTY ALLAH for his guidance and instructions before announcing the decision.
?He kept on weeping and seeking his mercy. Suddenly he heard a voice of an ANGEL who was sent by the GOD to permit him to adopt a newly born baby girl of MR. Malik Sikander
Next day the chief called his ARMY CHIEF and said that he is willing to adopt the baby girl of MR Malak Sikander. The Army Chief went to the couple and requested them to hand over the baby.
Mrs Sikander was initially not willing to hand over her daughter to the wife of Chief but later .MR Malik Sikander after lots of persuasion convinced his wife?who agreed and baby was handed over to the wife of the chief with a heavy heart. Mrs Hakim Ali was very pleased to have a baby. The baby girl was very attractive with sharp features, big eyes, and thin lips with white complexion. She was tiny doll, delicate and softy by nature.
MRs Sikander and her husband started planning to go away to different place so that his wife could not see her daughter; this way she will be out of sight thus she would be out of mind. The wife of Malak Sikander was not willing to leave the place. She was not prepared to part from her daughter.
?His wife was under emotional stress and was passing time in agony. Malik Sikander was observing very closely all activities of his wife. He asked his wife to think and let me know your idea. She kept quiet but never wanted to leave the place. She told her husband that she is not prepared to go but due to constant insistence and pressure of her husband she became willing and decided to leave the place for good.
?Malik Sikander next morning left for the selection and choosing of place to live. Besides his best efforts he was unable to find a suitable shelter which could satisfy his needs. He met his friends and discussed his plan with them. They arranged a most suitable shelter for his family.
He came back and told his wife to prepare for permanent move. Finally one fine morning in the darkness whole family left their abode without meeting anyone in the neighbourhood. The family started their journey to the unknown destination. The wife of the Malik Sikander was not normal and kept bothering Malik Sikander who kept on intelligently tilting the mind of his wife; he kept changing the topics and was partially successful in bringing the situation to the normal. The journey was very laborious and tiring, by sun set they hardly covered 20 KM. He decided to halt for the night so that everybody could have some rest / sleep. After quick super they went to sleep so that early in the morning they could start their journey. The wife of the Malak Sikander remain awake whole night and kept missing her daughter.
The Caravan set off for the subsequent journey and after covering about 25 KM, a halt was declared by Malak Sikander near the water source. All animal and men were taken to the well for watering and bathing. The journey was difficult due to semi mountainous terrain and heavily loaded bullock carts. Malak Sikander was on a horse back along with his loyal colleagues who used to lead the Caravan and used to clear passage for easy movement of bullock carts.
?Next morning the caravan assumed journey and before sun set they all were at their final destination. It took them couple of days to settle down. The local were very hospitable and extended all sorts of assistance to new arrivals in settlement of their belonging. MRs Sikander got involved in the house and due to extra work in settlement she forgot her daughter but seldom she used to remember her and tears used to come out of her eyes which she used to hide from her husband.
On the other side MRs Hakim Ali was pretty happy on having a baby girl in her lap. She formulated a diet plan for her and on the advice of elderly ladies of family she offered her breast feeding to the tiny doll. In the beginning there was no milk for the baby but as the luck would have it GOD blessed plenty of her breast milk for the baby. MRs Hakim Ali was amazed on this miracle and was very pleased on the blessing of GOD She decided to look after her all by herself.
She was getting strange feelings of having a baby in her lap. Initially the baby girl was not that disturbing but as she was advancing in age she used to be awake and do not let her mother sleep well during night. This situation remain for quite some time and MRs Hakim Ali started feeling monotonous due to prolonged absence of MR Hakim Ali from domestic obligations.
He was too busy in reorganizing his field Army because of nefarious design of their century old enemy who was on the look out of capturing oil wells which were identified and commissioned by the forces of MR. Hakim Ali in their area. The neighboring state never accepted this plea and always claim that this territory belongs to them in which wells have been dug.
Sardar Hakim Ali being a visionary man sent messages to all neighboring states through his diplomatic resources explaining them the malicious design of his neighbor which could not be changed due to geographic boundaries. He showed lots of tolerance and tried his best to solve this dispute through peace full dialogues but the mean enemy was not ready to come on to the negotiable table.
?The enemy behavior was in different and always remain occupied in launching strong negative propaganda. Sardar Hakim Ali domain was source of irritation to his enemy who could not tolerate the prosparity and well being of his neighbor.
Sardar Hakim Ali being excellent and bold leader never bow down before any body except ALLAH MIGHTY who has always been extra ordinary kind to him. His people were all out for him because of liberal policies towards the oppressed community which was 72 % of the total population. His economy was based on agriculture. The GOD blessed this piece of land with natural fertility because of one major river and one minor reverie.
?The water of the both sources was spread over to entire land for cultivation thus there was no dearth / scarcity of eatables for whole nation. Mrs hakim Ali called elders and various religious scholars to find suitable name for the loaned baby girl. Quite a number of persons suggested many names but she was not satisfied. She chose three best names out of all and decided to discuss with her husband. These were princess DUR-E-SHAWAR, Princess REHANA, Princess MASHAL.
Sardar hakim Ali meanwhile called his deputies and directed them to produce some renowned scholars / saints of the area for consultation. Sardar hakim Ali was on the chair and house was opened for discussions. He presented three names before the house. All of them appreciated the selection of name by his wife but requested the Chief to allow some time for their working, so the house was adjourned to meet again.
?Next day all of them assembled and they were in good mood. After the presentation the house unanimously announced that instead of three names suggested by the lady, a name ??showing more attractive locations of stars would be more beneficial or suited for the young princess. Sardar Hakim Ali referred the matter to his wife who was pleased to know the amount of interest taken by her husband in selecting the name of her daughter as SOPHIA and every body started calling her as Princess Sophia. All the saints agreed on one point that stars are presenting a favorable locations for the next 9 to 16 years.
The elderly ladies of the castle also appreciated the name of the Princess Sophia. They arranged a big functions of ladies and celebrated the announcement made by the Sardar Hakim Ali. The time kept on passing like a bullet and soon Princess Sophia birthday were being discussed by the ladies of the house. MRs Hakim Ali started planning the celebrations with her friends.
?On D day a big gathering were invited to attend the birthday party of Princess Sophia. All famous singers were invited to sing a song of jubilation on this auspicious occasion. The Princess Sophia were dressed in a formal royal family clothes and her mother and father was extremely happy. The formal cake cutting ceremony was attended by the royal family members with applause / good wish and gestures from all corner of the house.
The Princess Sophia was getting active and started making sound like mama and papa. Both used to be happy on her utterance of words. Sarder Hakim Ali while at home used to spend most of time in playing with Princess. His wife used to drive pleasure out of their union. Mrs hakim ali during her married life never had a chance to know the true feelings of conceived woman?except that she heard from the old ladies about their experiences on their pregnancy periods. She was quite keen to know the feelings of pregnant woman or conceived woman. Princess Sophia second birthday was celebrated with same zeal and enthusiasm.
THE TRAGEDY.?Mrs. Hakim Ali was not well and one fine morning she was walking briskly in the corridor suddenly she fell down due to slipperiness of the floor. Immediately she was evacuated to her bed room and was being taken care off by the elderly ladies of the castle. She sustained bruises and bleeding from the uterus. Mid wife was summoned at once who after the examination diagnosed as she is having pregnancy of 10 weeks.
She was having profuse bleeding. Sardar Hakim Ali was informed who rushed home to see her state. On arrival he was congratulated by his close relations. He immediately called gynecologist female she advised him complete bed rest and certain medicines.
All the elders women were worried and anxious about the profuse bleeding and suffering of the Mrs Hakim Ali. All were praying that GOD should bless her safety of the fetus. Sardar Hakim Ali asked for animals for SADIQA. Two beautiful big animal ( male goat ) were slaughtered and distributed among the orphanage. Situation was not improving and anxiety of Sardar Hakim Ali was mounting. After two days of profuse bleeding doctor declared that the fetus is dead and she had suffered abortion.
?She was taken to hospital for DNC. She was brought back after couple of days. Meanwhile Princess Sophia was in the custody of her father Sardar Hakim Ali. The innocent Princess was unaware of the happenings around her.
On arrival she embraced Princess Sophia with tears in her eyes. Sardar Hakim Ali also came at the site and console her by saying that GOD always do the right things and usually for the betterment of his creature. He went back into the room and started offering prayers. He started weeping while bowing down before his Almighty. He sought his mercy, good health of his wife whom he loved a lot. Next day while he was attending a formal meetings of his aides he was informed that neighboring country is planning a big offensive in the near future.
?The enemy is rehearsing capture of oil wells in border town of YAZMAN. He became very attentive and called off the meetings to assemble again on day after tomorrow. Meanwhile enemy started artillery shelling with out notice and assault on the border posts. These skirmishes was an eye opener for MR HAKIM ALI which was taking place on daily basis with one odd casualty from friendly forces.
The enemy patrolling activity was increasing meanwhile Mr Hakim Ali designed special force which was highly mobile to beat back intensive enemy patrolling activity. This force was equipped with versatile automatic weapons with high rate of fire.MR Hakim Ali was very happy on their effective employment against enemy patrolling.MR Hakim Ali again decided to launch quick and aggressive campaign at the diplomatic level by inviting them on fifth birthday of Princess Sophia. It was big show and the chief was successful in passing his point of view to all his invitees. He kept the pace and met with his Western neighbor King who promised to provide him complete material and moral support to him at the time of need.
THE BORDER SITUATION. The situation at the border was not normal which kept him occupied in making various contingencies of war. He was good Military Leader and always enjoyed wearing General uniform by virtue of his status and position. He declared himself as Commander in chief of all the three forces which was taken very positively by the Military Commanders who were convinced about his intelligence and visionary Military leadership. His working policies were transparent and never have lust for money. Being a liberal and bold king he was known as IMAM in his territory
Meanwhile Princess Sophia was busy in her school and was getting training on horse ridding, swimming, hiking. She was gifted with excellent throat and could sing very skillfully. She was an out standing actress and was very active member of her school dramatic club. She could dance very well hence she was an out standing student in her school. She was moving very fast and was covering the distance of life very smoothly under the umbrella of her adopted parents.
?Both end were extremely satisfied and happy on their achievements in life. She was more inclined towards her father and remain in direct control who was trying his best to groom her to rule the nation subsequently if need be. Her biological mother was constantly in contact with lady living in the castle who used to apprise her frequently about the achievements of Princess Sophia and used to miss her deeply. She wanted to see her daughter but could not do any thing on face of her husband. Who was of the opinion that this topic should not be discussed in the home. Her biological mother was in great agony and was under tremendous?emotional?pressure which she could not with stand. She did her best to hide but after all she was a mother and could not help keep it secret from her other children and her husband.
The neighboring country was preparing for major offensive with a view to capture oil wells in the border areas. The worry of Mr Hakim Ali did not allow him to have peace of mind which was constantly pricking?him?and that was after him who would take charge of state. Princess Sophia was a innocent doll and Mr Hakim Ali was convinced that her shoulders are not that strong to bear the load of state. At the same time he has no choice except to pray to his GOD for a male issue from his beloved wife.
?The enemy was preparing in full swing and the major offensive was eminent. Mr Hakim Ali passed the instruction to his military commanders to prepare the defenses in different layers and kept his main reserve at a critical place. He decided to have a battle at place of his choosing. In the meetings with his military commanders he gave the complete concept of the battle,?his appreciations were based on intelligence reports, data received from the friends, intelligence gathered from patrolling and information’s passed by his infiltrators and planted agents behind the enemy lines.?The preparations?for war were given priority over every activity in the state and entire budget was pumped into forth coming event. Yet the resources were in adequate to combat the enemy who was preparing for last ten years. He was equipped with latest and modern tanks and was enjoying air superiority. The defenses were converted into a fortified positions and with aim to kill the enemy once he cross the borders. He wanted to break the military might and the myth of the enemy. The entire areas was mined with clusters of the mixed mines.
?The area west of the defenses were inundated because it was tank able terrain?and there was every likely hood of the enemy to adopt that route from the west for his tanks. He denied the enemy to use western approach for his tank but foot tracks were fit enough to be converted into a MSR. This route was mined and Artillery was tasked to destroy the enemy with help of registered target in no time. He managed to achieve local air superiority through his small fleet of highly versatile, swift and modern?air crafts.
Being a visionary leader he at once sent messages to all his diplomatic force to apprise the latest border situation to their host country. The message was if the enemy attack then principal of last man last bullet would be ad hereto at all cost and no position will be abandoned with out his personal clearance.
The message was delivered by friendly forces to the enemy who was forced to reschedule his plan of attack. The bold and brave Mr. Hakim Ali was satisfied over his preparations for the defensive battle. The enemy had a meeting with all the Commanders who proposed to delay the plan of attack. It was unanimously agreed by all but kept secret and decided to continue border skirmishes so that?Mr. Hakim Ali forces should not have sigh of relief. The enemy by nature was very mean and used to have malicious?design against the neighboring states. He wanted political hegemony with all his littoral states. He was by design expansionist and wanted to redesign his borders.
Diplomatically Mr Hakim Ali was much ahead of his enemy. He was served with information’s that the enemy is likely to delay the attack or may abandon his plan for next couple of years. Mr. Hakim Ali got this news confirmed through his tentacles’ and passed the orders to intensify RECCEE patrolling to ascertain the intentions of the enemy.
After some time he was pleased to announce some relaxations to his troops who did not go homes in the past many months. He himself moved his tactical head quarter more towards the rear. The situation at battle front was calm and he decided to visit home.
He was pleased to see the progress made by the Princess Sophia in her academic and extra curricular activities like sports and drama in her school. She showed him the certificates obtained by her. By now she had crossed 15 years and was preparing for her final examination of 10th class. Mrs Hakim Ali was feeling proud due to the policy launched by her husband to counter the enemy plan of attack. She was more than contented woman and always prayed for the success and glory of her husband. He had stayed couple of days at home and felt relaxed and recouped his energy. He went back to the field with more vigor and strength.
He called the meetings of his commanders and after listening and ascertaining the factual position of enemy intentions decided to pull his troops to peace locations except leaving composite force at the borders posts. He diverted his energy and capital to the development works which were awaiting funds. Thus he gave priority to most wanted works to be completed in a shortest possible time.
?His nation was very happy and proud of being blessed with a dedicated leader who stood shoulder to shoulder to his nation. The public demanded a big celebrations at this juncture. Mrs. Hakim Ali also wanted to celebrate this occasion with more zeal and enthusiasm. The Military Commanders were awarded various gallantry medals and other ranks were given bonuses and extra leave with recreational allowance equal to one month emoluments. The troops were happy and contented from his CHIEF.
As you were. Mr. Hakim Ali resumed his routine functions and allocated funds for those developmental projects awaiting capital. He channelized the energy of the entire nation towards building up of new state. Mrs Hakim Ali called for a ladies?Mafila-e- Malad in her castle. Princess Sophia was taking part in this event very enthusiastically and participated whole heartedly. Mr Hakim Ali was very pleased on her participation in the religious functions.
She was preparing for her final examination which was scheduled after 7 weeks. He arranged a spot test and was pleased to see the preparations of his daughter. He was confident that she is going to break all records. It happened so. She topped in the entire state among the girls. She was?adorned by her teachers and parents.
A big function was arranged to celebrate her brilliant success and her sweet sixteen birthday. She came out to be a genius and very sharp in uptake. Soon she learned the mechanics’ of state. She decided to get education in history and law in addition she was being rehearsed as ruler of the future.
She was displaying lots of intelligence, wisdom with chronological order highly meaningful/ skillful conversations with the guests. Her parents were highly satisfied on her conduct and behavior. People around her developed liking and predicted the future King and rumor spread among the people that she is going to be the future ruler of the state, but?there was a lobby among the political people who were looking at her differently because they knew that she is not real daughter of MR. Hakim Ali.
?Their aim was to put some male member of the royal family on the thrown who would successed MR. Hakim Ali. They contacted her biological mother and apprised her with the latest situation. All of them threatened her if she does not get her daughter back with her they will create all sorts of troubles for Sophia to not to become head of the state.
These people plan to write off Princess Sophia. This conspiracy was leaked out and Mr. Hakim Ali came to know the malicious design of his dormant enemy. He at once called a meetings of his loyalist, Military Commanders and top notches of his government and discuss his desire to nominate Princess Sophia as his successor. The news of nomination spread like jungle fire. His opponents were shocked on this development and declared to confront the situation. Mr Hakim Ali being a visionary leader announced to have proper ceremony for declaration. On the same day his opponents revolted and created a mob / demonstration of none compliance of his will.
There was massacre and all anti government element were arrested. With lots of efforts the situation was brought under control. His enemy from neighboring state was having a very close vigilance over the condition prevailing in his state and was successful in planting a agent in his rank and files. These agents were very active and were able to create a lobby against the policy of Mr Hakim Ali.
?Temporarily he was able to bring peace but his enemy was not sitting idol and constantly busy in creating unfavorable circumstances/ situation for the Chiefdom. Mr. Hakim Ali did all possible measures to keep the nation together and was successful to some extent. On twenty scond birthday of Princess Sophia, he launched quite a number of welfares projects for his poor’s and other ranks of Army.
?He augmented his intelligence agencies for want of accurate intelligence reports. All these measures proved fruitful and he was feeling satisfied. Mrs. Hakim Ali was source of strength?for her husband and used to remain very close to him. At times she used to give her opinion on matters of land, Military and foreign affairs which he used to implement in totality. She was respected in official forum and being considered as actual force behind the CHIEF.
The Chief started showing signs of lethargy being in old age but he was very up right man and never crossed his limits. He was always out to assist any needy and oppressed peoples of his country. Always accepted the will of GOD and remain obliged for his mercy.
Princess Sophia was progressing very well and started shining like pole star. She was very confident and well informed lady. She was trusted and believed by all. She was very firm on her commitment and used to respect a lot who believed in discipline, punctuality and uprightness.
SURPRISE. The aggressive and expansionist enemy was on the look out of ideal time for his naked and cowardice plan of attack. On one fine morning when the Chief ton was attending a meeting, the enemy launched a major offensive with view to captures the oil wells. His attack was so rapid and swift and in first 12 hours of his offensive he was able to capture all the oil wells and kept his three pronged attack on the objective as planned by his Military Commanders.
?The impetus of the major offensive was so fast and in 72 hours his forces were operating in the superb area of the castle. His forces put up better resistant but failed miserably against overwhelming advance technologies of the enemy. The enemy Air force played havoc to the friendly forces of Mr. Hakim Ali, they were caught unaware as mostly the forces were celebrating their holidays at home and only token force were there for guard duties. His forces did their best to counter attack but the enemy was determined to have success. Finally he himself decided to launch counter offensive under his direct command.
The enemy converted his defensive localities into fortifications and were held very strongly. He was maintaining his MSR(Main Supply Route ) very effectively and ensuring his supplies of ammunitions, rations and petrol uninterruptedly. His troops were served with hot fresh meals at both the occasions. The moral of the fighting elements was very high. Mr Hakim Ali organized his troops and gave briefing in the assembly area. While addressing his troops he was confident, clear in his mined to evict the enemy from his territory.
He declared that enemy has to abandon present localities and has to go back to their pre war locations. He himself was controlling the battle from his command post which was on wheels. The attack was launched with full force using artillery, air force and tanks. The enemy did not suffer heavy causalities due to over head protection and fortifications. Contrarily his troops suffered very heavy in terms of man power, equipment and moral. He himself was injured badly and was evacuated?to the nearby MDS ( Main Dressing Station).
He was in a critical conditions and on the advise of the doctors his left leg was amputated due to fear of gangrenes below the knee. He was unable to lead and continue to command hence in consultation with his wife and other seniors he called his senior most Army commander MR. MUSA BIN AZIZ who was very intelligent, experienced and honest person and asked him to take on. After a simple ceremony MR MUSA BIN AZIZ became the head of state and took over the command of land forces. Meanwhile enemy started air strikes, artillery shelling and moved his propaganda machinery close to the castle and even on the castle. Mrs. Hakim Ali suggested that they should shift and vacate the castle. MR. MUSA BIN AZIZ arranged transport and the royal family were on their way to MR. SIKANDER house.
Mr. Musa bin Aziz recreated reserve and counter attacked the enemy position. Enemy suffered heavy causalities and?his MSR was cut from the middle. Enemy started retreat and asked for cease fire. A flag meeting was held and enemy was prepared to go back to pre war locations and 50% oil well shall remain in his control. It was agreed and cease fire became affective.
CLIMAX. Mr. Hakim Ali and his family was being looked after very well by Mrs. Sikander and her team at their new place. Princess Sophia was depressed because of change in the circumstances and surroundings. She was now with her biological mother Mr Hakim Ali being injured could not walk with out support thus clutches were arranged.
?He also lost his left eye during the war. Mrs Sikander was very keen and wanted that Princess Sophia should address her as mother. But she could not display her desire. Princess Sophia was unaware and completely ignorant about the actual facts. Mrs Sikander consulted her friends who knew that Princess Sophia is real daughter and she is in a agony being a biological mother.
?Mrs. Hakim Ali warned her not to open new issue which has already been settled twenty two years ago. If you do that your action would likely to hurt Princess Sophia. Mrs. Sikander was in very difficult and unbearable conditions and with every day passing her passion was getting out of her control.
The situation was very precarious and delicate. Meanwhile MR. MUSA BIN AZIZ gave a good news that truce have been prevailed and enemy has gone back. Princess Sophia was pretty happy to hear this news and forced her parents to fall back as quickly as possible.
Mrs. Sikander was not happy on this development and wanted that her daughter should remain in front of her eyes even if she doesn’t call her Mom. But it never happened and they decided to go back. They were well come by the royal loyalists including MUSA BIN AZIZ. During the journey Mr Hakim Ali made up his mind to declare Miss Sophia as his successor and wanted that she should look after the affairs of the state.
He consulted all his aides and unanimously agreed to crown the Princess Sophia as head of state. It was very joyful moments in the life of the princess. Her biological mother was invited to attend the ceremony. She came there and could not resist to open the facts of life to the Princess. She was stun to know and immediately went to her brooder mother. She was also confused to know this development and could not answer her query.
She?told her to remain silent but Princess was adamant. She was perplexed and highly demoralized on this development. She went back in her bed room and locked herself in the room. Mrs. Hakim Ali and Mrs. Sikander started talking with each other. She begged them and asked for return of her daughter. He could not answer and went into the room where his Mrs. asked him to tell her( MRS. SIKANDER ) to go away and forget about this possibility.
They were in a fix and in difficult situation. Mr. MUSA BIN AZIZ was called for consultations who advised the family to leave every thing to the Princess. Let her to decide. She is intelligent girl and know the intricacies’ of her verdict. She was called and whole story was narrated to her by the adopted father. The entire family exclusively were sitting in the main hall. Princess looked at the mother with tear in her eyes, started crying and weeping.
?She embraced her and kept on holding her in the arms. She was kissing her hands, fore head out her passions. She was begging her and asking her that you have not only caused me mental agony but also you have suffered from emotional pressure and affections as biological mother.
Then she looked at the parents who were standing with their arms open and ready to shower their love, affections, emotions with tears in their eyes. She ran towards her adopted mother and embraced her, then embraced the father. She was confused and perplexed. She could not imagine that it has happened with her soul.
?The princess said to her parents that for want of your happiness and peace of mind you snatch the child from her real mother who gave birth. My mother suffered labor pains and absorbed lots of un comforts during parturition. Her blood is circulating in my body. You hide this fact. I salute her for patient and courage displayed for over 24 years with out seeing her daughter.
?Your charm of life was very dear to you. For a moment you did not think of her feelings and her emotions. She was utterly sentimental and could not control her passion and kept on yelling. Again she embraced her real mother and never prepared to leave, out of shear love for her biological mother. She felt relieved and came out of the initial shock.
The adopted parents were disappointed from her behavior by acknowledging in heart of heart that blood is thicker than water. Real blood relations are very strong and attracted towards each other when ever need arises. Mr. Hakim Ali explained the actual story and confessed his guilt but it was beyond his reach he said.
?She apologized and acknowledged the sacrifices which her adopted parents bearded during her infancy and adolescence stage. They taught her the basic fundamentals of life whereby she could differentiate between good and bad and on top of it they gave her their love, affections and never ever displayed angriness or bad feelings.
?She kept on crying and felt suffocations in breathing, immediately she was fainted and was lying un conscious. She was given medical aid and after a while she became normal but under heavy mental pressure. She was completely broken lady.
Both parents were in a fix because there was nothing in their hands. All of them were looking at her with eyes as if they are begging her company, love, like a beggar requesting some help.
She understood the situation and said that we all shall live together like a family. Because she was double minded as to whom to keep and whom to leave. She compromised the facts and compromise is the another name of the life.
INFERENCE. Life is granted once only by the GOD. Newly born baby has no feelings. It is like piece of meat, unable to take care, unable to eat, unable to talk and unable to walk, it has no religion, no awareness of the worldly affairs. In animals, God teaches the newly born baby as to how to get up, how to eat fodder and how to suck a milk from the udder of the mother.
But in humans this duty has been given to biological mother who is responsible for the brought up of her off spring. She provides guidance at each step. Thus God has nominated mother for this sacred functions who keep the fetus for nine months in her belly. In other words mother is a replica of God.
In females parturition is a complex but straight method of giving birth to the off spring. The entire phenomena is controlled by the nature. The mother for nine months bear all sorts of troubles related to the pregnancy. It’s a matter of great pride to be a mother. By and large all mothers are jealous and possessive in nature and not prepared to share their love, emotions. In our society mother of son look for bride, brings her in home and do not tolerate presence of the daughter in law subsequently which is beyond my comprehension. I think it’s the law of the nature.
Princess Sophia was convinced that both parties were victims of the cruel society, time, circumstances and urge to have children. She could not live with out them. Being a responsible lady she compromised this aspect of life which was a fact. All of them were happy on her verdict. They started living happily there after.
?But the biological mother was not comfortable with the arrangements hence came to me for advise and taking all possible measures to get her daughter back.
I deliberated her issue with my friends, colleagues and elders of the society who were of the opinion that ALLAH should not put any one into trail. All humans are not alike and that stout to bear/ face the challenges of life. The God usually put on trial his beloved ones and not people like IBLEES.
DATED. Mar,2021