#Broken Silence
Is it still the same in agencies to today as the past with outdated software, running on machines that are not capable of doing the job or simply not fast enough?
I wonder if there are effective backup systems in place when a machine goes down or gets replaced with a slightly new one? Are the agencies still updating there systems and software to match the current work load?
Most agencies and individuals do not realise the impact of even a newer system with an additional 150 new features. What about the Creative packages with there updates. I have been using Mac for 30 years and started using the 1st Photoshop version as well as Certified but i can testify that i do not know everything about this beautiful system, learning is a daily occurrence.
Efficiency is directly related to speed of work not how quick one can get it finished. Better to double check work with a system in place to insure minimal mistakes.
Off course the machine is also directly related to how quick one can do the job. You can not ask a mechanic to overall an engine with a screw driver from the exhaust now can you, so why ask the same of the designers and creative staff! With old machines, old software, no ram, outdated technology etc etc..