Broken Promises
How many of us have been hurt by a broken promise.
We had confidence. We had trust. We had hope. Notre Dame suffered a similar fate as the Baltimore Ravens did on Saturday. They played to win, and lost. Notre Dame had a strong start. Their strong start was countered by a worthy opponent. Ohio State reached the end zone not once, but three times before Notre Dame scored another point.
Think about the conversations in the locker room prior to the game. And at halftime. Do you think each coach promised their team a National Championship Title? Were the players confident it could happen? Did they trust in themselves and their leadership?
I believe all to be true. But, now what?
1.) Faith Every Day
I don't believe either coach was intentionally setting their team up for failure by promising their team a victory. Why? Because each had faith in the possibility of an uncertain outcome. Both coaches wanted the same outcome for their players.
The question becomes, "In Who or What can I place my faith?
A tough question; no doubt! A tough answer; no doubt!
Since faith is placed in an uncertain outcome, be careful with it; guard it
2.) Joy Every Hour
Just as I wrote about on Saturday, there were moments of joy for all players, on both teams at similar but different places in time, during the hour of football last evening. To each of the players on the Notre Dame football team, remember and be reminded of those moments of joy. (I hope this article reaches just one of them.)
3.) Love Every Minute
Can we still love after experiencing a broken promise? Absolutely!
I personally can't remember a single day--at least not at the moment--where absolutely nothing went wrong. Not yesterday, and probably not today. Can we find love in the face of failure or defeat or things outside of our control? Absolutely! Can our perspective in these circumstances make the difference? Yes, they can!
Find something to love during one minute today.
4.) Hope In Each Second
As mentioned a minute ago, I hope this article reaches one football player at Notre Dame. And I hope it gives them a renewed hope, that not all broken promises are intentional, and that we can have faith in others, joy in the things that make us who we are, love in failure and defeat, and a renewed hope in great things to come.
Choose Hope -
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