Broken Elevators and Blocked Bathrooms
There will be a lot to describe from No Longer Virtual this year. We always remember the events. What about the behind the scenes? Neither event took place at the venue. After the completion of the conference I was tired.
A group was going out that night. My proximity to an In-N-Out Burger inspired me to pass. Interestingly, it would not be the last time I would see various members of the group. The longer I gather ideas and reflect on what happened at The Only Conference That Matters signifies it was a good experience.
A tiring experience as well. When I used to stay out all night it was tiring. That happened rarely. Staying out until nine when I was at the conference all day- had I gone back to the hotel and took a nap I might have awakened at ten.
Pace yourself. On the third day, many departed since they had early flights and had to go back to work. Another group was staying in town. The prospects were not as good as the possibility of seeing a movie (the theater was too far away and Austin traffic- never mind) or resting and reflecting.
In-N-Out Burger was not crowded. That is a restaurant where I wait in line. Not at the drive thru. That is a waste of gas, especially with the price of gasoline in California. The experience was as good as they all are.
In-N-Out expands slowly. Actually, that is how I expand my network. They open stores one at a time when they can vouch the experience will be as good as any other In-N-Out. Other chains have some shady and questionable locations.
Best of all, it was in walking distance from the hotel. Upon returning, one elevator was out of service. It's funny when Out Of Order is described in initials. OOO! Same applies for Out of Office.
I could have taken the stairs. A couple and their daughter did not have that luxury. The daughter was in a wheelchair. They are traveling and living their lives. I mentioned they could not easily take the stairs.
Certain hotels and motels only have two stories and they have been placed on the second floor. The father told me he had to carry his daughter up the stairs. She was smaller at the time. It's not like carrying a baby. We spoke and I learned a little about them as we were on the same floor.
You never know the challenges other people have to deal with. The next event happened on the flight home. There was turbulence which meant the Fasten Seat Belt sign was lit. As soon as it went off I excused myself. One flight attendant pulled out a cart so I could not use the bathroom in the front.
The one in the back was blocked by a Flight Attendant who resumed drink service. Another man was trying to go to the restroom. We waited. What's the point of going back to your seat when you still have to go?
Many of the people waiting have never spent time in nightclubs. They have no idea how to maneuver through crowds in close quarters. My nightclub history built a more practical foundation than anything taught in school.
The wait was not too long. I acted accordingly. It was not the highlight of the trip. These events were memorable and different interactions.