Is it broken? DON'T fix it!
Do you need to fix something? Do you have a dysfunctional team? Your project went off the rails? It may be compelling to focus on what is wrong, or what is broken.
We all remember these uninspiring meetings, on a Friday afternoon, with a completely exhausted team, and the ideas just do not seem to come. Everyone in the room knows what is wrong -especially with the others- but nobody knows how or has the energy to fix it. It’s normal, we all have a natural tendency to focus most of our attention on what's wrong.
I make a case for NOT fixing it. The issue at hand should have been prevented in the first place, obviously, but once you are in this mess, I make a case for turning most of our attention on what's right. You will obtain seismic change with small shifts.
The key is in stepping away from trying to control the situation towards getting attention, by having faith in the developmental and cooperative potential in persons, their relationships, and their self-organized systems.
“Oh right, here we go again”, I can hear you think. “Uncle Michael took a joint and has launched himself back into the 1970’s”. Well, I do not smoke, but I do have an approach to share with you to get you out of your mess. If you are keen to discover the 4 D-approach, feel free to read through and share my latest blog: