Brock Peters
Next, let’s look at the 1st VO Artist that played Lucius Fox, Brock Peters. Brock Peters, first known as George Fisher, was born on July 2nd, 1927, in New York City. At a young age, he was very musically inclined as he consistently played the violin from age 10-14, but he came to realize that his singing voice was more prolific, so he was enrolled in The High School of Music & Arts, and immediately several productions in the musical theatre program. Upon graduation, Brock scored more oddball jobs than acting jobs, often working as a hospital orderly, but he went to college at the City College of New York. During college, he scored a job in the Leonard Depaur Infantry Chorus, which caused him to quit CCNY. During this time, he changed his name from George Fisher to Brock Peters at the suggestion of an agent.
In 1949, Brock Peters hit it big with the touring company Porgy and Bess. He made his film debut in Carmen Jones in 1954, but became well-known in such movies as To Kill A Mockingbird and The L-Shaped Room. He received a Tony nomination for stint in Broadway’s Lost In The Stars. Brock Peters played background vocals on Harry Belafonte’s hit song “Day-O.” During this time, Peters continue to play background vocals with other artist, but also him and Henry Belfonte became very close friends and starred together in the 1964 film, The Pawnbrokers. In 1972, Brock Peters played an episode of Gunsmoke. He played a character named Jacob in the episode “Jacob’s Boy.” In 1978, he played Henry, a freed black slave who was accused of robbery in the movie Abe Lincoln, Freedom Fighter. He played in episode of Battlestar Galatica in 1979. Between 1981 to 1986, he did radio adaptions of the 1st 3 Star Wars movies and played Darth Vader. During this period, he played 8 episodes of The Young & The Restless, and played a priest in The Greatest Adventure: Stories From The Bible in the episode called “Samson and Delilah.” From 1986 onward, he played in Murder, She Wrote, Ducktales, Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron, Ahhhhh! Real Monsters, Mammoth in Captain Planet, Mortal Kombat: Defenders of The Realm, The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest, Johnny Bravo, Samurai Jack, The Wild Thornberrys, Soul Power in Static Shock, etc. Brock Peters is well-known for 2 main characters, Lucious Fox in Batman: The Animated Series and Benjamin Sisko’s dad, Joesph Sisko in 6 episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space 9.
In Batman: The Animated Series, Lucious Fox is always the serious, warm-hearted business friend/partner of Bruce Wayne. In the Dark Knight Triology, the relationship between Lucious Fox and Bruce is more developed as Lucious Fox is usually seen as a go-between between Bruce and the board of Wayne Enterprises, but in the animated series they seem like they are 2 chums that usually have a good time. Very bland and mundane. In Star Trek: Deep Space 9, Joseph Sisko is the owner of a Creole restaurant and seems to be a haven or a refuge for his son, Benjamin Sisko. Joseph was a little upset that Benjamin didn’t want to follow in his footsteps and work at the restaurant with him, instead Benjamin Sisko joins Starfleet, and eventually is given a post as Captain of Deep Space 9, a space station deep in the heart of the Gamma Quadrant. Joesph and Benjamin Sisko seem to be at odds at times, but they ultimately love each other and have a strong sense of family, despite both men being very stubborn, and at times, prideful. I really like this actor and he seems like a very warm, gentle soul. He died on August 23rd, 2005 from pancreatic cancer at the age of 78. Next, we will look at the 2nd VO Artist who played Lucious Fox, Mel Wrinkler. Until next time!
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