BROCCOLI active ingredients against loss of libido, prostate inflammation, enlargement of the prostate as well as preventive against prostate cancer
Broccoli inflorescences - (C) by Peter Kaufhold

BROCCOLI active ingredients against loss of libido, prostate inflammation, enlargement of the prostate as well as preventive against prostate cancer

BROCCOLI active ingredients against loss of libido, prostate inflammation, enlargement of the prostate as well as preventive against prostate cancer

Broccoli inflorescences and shoot tips or sprouts (Broccoli inflorescentes et turiones)

Broccoli cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. italica), originally from Italy and known for a long time as a tasty, healthy vegetable, has also been used in Germany as a remedy since the beginning of 2000. The author, himself at that time burdened with the pathogenic effects of Helicobacter pylori, first became aware of it through a small press release in which reference was made to the work of the Turkish professor Dr. Sara?oglu, who had confirmed the good effect of a special broccoli preparation against chronic prostatitis in a large-scale survey. There was also talk of an excellent effect against Helicobacter pylori. After the author contacted Prof. Sara?oglu and he told him the preparation and therapy procedure, with the assurance that broccoli, like cauliflower, was capable of killing this bacterium even in the deepest layers of the mucous membrane, he undertook a three-week therapy - with the best success.

Chronic prostatitis

The broccoli cure for chronic prostatitis was made known to patients by Prof. Sara?oglu via the Internet. An exact classification (NIH) of the participating patients did not take place, nevertheless it could be assumed that the participants had medical (pre-) examinations. In the course of this procedure, patients were to consume a broccoli decoction (5-7 minutes) in the morning and in the evening on an empty stomach over a period of 7 days, followed by a break of 3 days, with the cycle of intake and break to be repeated three times. Since the survey method used is not a usual clinical method, requiring randomized testing with a placebo control group and comparison of observed changes using the International Symptom Score (NIH-CPSI), the control of success consisted only of evaluation of patient feedback. These varied. The majority of participants (mostly those without bacterial findings) reported a significant improvement in symptoms. However, there were also patients for whom the procedure had not helped or had hardly helped at all; however, these were clearly in the minority. The reports are available in written form (e-mails).

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP)

Although the overall effect of a plant with regard to its therapeutic properties must always be considered, in the case of broccoli it is above all the indoles as regulators of the testosterone and estrogen balance that are effective, among other things, against prostatitis as well as against benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP). They stimulate and regulate testosterone and estrogen metabolism in women and men. Testosterone deficiency inhibits prostate secretion, resulting in prostate enlargement. Two active indoles have been isolated (Saracon H1 and Saracon H2) that can correct testosterone deficiency in the prostate gland. Furthermore, it is believed that it is these two pseudo-indoles that also control or reduce PSA (prostate specific antigen).

Effect on PSA levels and libido

Broccoli is an effective agent against pathologically elevated PSA levels, which can be detected in over 80% of patients with BPH and prostatitis. Therefore, for control purposes, it is recommended to have PSA levels determined before and after broccoli therapy. (Note: Some studies have shown that determination of the ratio between free and total PSA allows better differentiation between benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatic carcinoma than determination of total PSA alone; see Journal of Urology, Volume 157, February 1997, pp. 544-547). It is noteworthy that in 98% of patients with elevated PSA levels, a strong reduction in total PSA can be observed after only 21 days of broccoli therapy. One possible cause of BPH is hormonal changes between the ages of 40 and 50, during which proteins are increasingly produced that bind the male hormone testosterone in the blood. Testosterone, however, is needed by the prostate to form secretions, and if it is no longer supplied in sufficient quantities via the blood, hyperplasia occurs. Symptomatology with bladder emptying disorders and possibly hematuria only occurs in the advanced stages. Here, too, broccoli has a regulative effect on hormone balance: on the one hand, testosterone production is stimulated by the broccoli mediators. - Testosterone as a steroid hormone causes the induction of certain enzymes or other proteins in the organ of success. - On the other hand, broccoli contains a mediator that helps testosterone reach the prostate gland so that prostate secretion is raised to a normal level. Once this happens, sexual life also normalizes (as expected) within three weeks. Many men with symptoms of BPH and prostatitis (but especially BPH patients) have to deal with a diminishing desire for sexuality. After broccoli therapy (usually after 27 days), a normalization of sexual activity can be expected.

However, it is not only these properties mentioned so far that make broccoli cabbage a valuable therapeutic agent for prostate diseases. Broccoli also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and, as recent research has shown, extremely anti-cancer properties. In this regard, however, it must be prefaced that transgenic and only organically grown broccoli is not recommended for therapy, especially for cancer therapy. There is a reason for this:

Cancer and nutrition

In today's world of chemically manipulated food, fruits and vegetables are treated with various sprays, usually with several agents at the same time or one after the other, and no one can accurately assess how harmful these chemical cocktails really are. The examples of India and Turkey show that they cannot be healthy: In India there is an area where people still produce their food as they did centuries ago: without artificial fertilizers, without the use of pesticides. Cancer is virtually unknown there; other diseases are also rare. In Turkey, too, no chemicals were used in this regard just a few decades ago; people lived healthily and cancer was the exception, but since it has been increasingly used, the cancer rate has risen rapidly. The reason for this, however, does not lie solely in the intrinsically harmful effects of such agents; far more important is the fact that plants in a natural environment form defenses against external influences such as predators, viruses, bacteria and fungi. As soon as they are chemically treated, however, they stop doing so, because this task is performed by the sprays. However, it is precisely these plant defense substances that make a significant contribution to our health by preventing or combating the development of cancer in the human organism.

Anticancerogenic effect of broccoli

Broccoli also possesses such defenses, which include, for example, the glucosinolate 'glucoraphanin', from which isothiocyanate 'sulforaphane', active against many cancers, including prostate cancer, is formed by enzymatic hydrolysis. Its anticancerogenic mechanisms are broad and include, for example, the direct detoxification of carcinogens. For example, sulforaphane has been shown not only to inhibit phase 1 enzymes of the cytochrome P450 system, thus preventing activation of carcinogens, but also to simultaneously prevent the formation of carcinogen-related DNA adducts caused by heterocyclic amines by inducing phase 2 enzymes. Such amines are formed when meat and fish are grilled or fried. In addition to its detoxifying properties, sulforaphane exhibits a cytostatic effect on the tumor cells themselves by inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis). Furthermore, it acts on tumor stem cells, as they are detectable in large numbers in pancreatic tumors. Pancreatic cancer spreads aggressively, spreads cancer cells to other organs and is largely resistant to conventional chemotherapies (which is the reason why after initial therapeutic success the cancer often spreads again). Such tumor stem cells protect themselves by a specific apoptosis-preventing mechanism, the NF-κB signaling pathway, which, however, is also inhibited by sulforaphane: the stem cells become 'vulnerable' to cytostatic agents, whether of natural or chemical origin.

Meanwhile, sulforaphane not only acts on individual tumor cells, but can also influence the growth of entire tumors by down-regulating various factors. In addition, it has considerable anti-inflammatory potential, which links to the well-known connection between chronic inflammation and carcinogenesis. Known interactions with the immune system include a decrease in the expression of iNOS and COX2 and the secretion of TNF-α.

To support cancer therapy

To achieve a therapeutic effect in cancer, sulforaphane must be used at a daily dose of at least 4.4 mg per kilogram of body weight (308 mg at 70 kg bw), which is difficult to achieve with broccoli inflorescences unless 3-4 kg of them are consumed daily. A better option is the young sprouts or shoots. They have 20-100 times higher content of sulforaphane. If we assume an average of 60 times the content, a daily dose of 60-70 g of sprouts would be sufficient. However, for therapeutic use, the content would have to be precisely determined. On the other hand, sulforaphane does not show any side effects, so that an overdose is hardly possible, but an underdose, which could jeopardize the success of the therapy, is. In this context, another important point must be considered with regard to cancer therapy: There are people who are genetically predisposed in such a way that their body breaks down the anti-cancer isothiocyanates faster than normal. Such patients require a higher daily dose, which is distributed over several doses at shorter intervals (e.g. every two hours). Other people, on the other hand, break down these substances more slowly than usual and are therefore likely to respond particularly well to therapy. In either case, a clarifying serum level check is indicated.

[Note: Recent research in the U.S. suggests that in the context of cancer therapy with chemotherapeutic agents, also in combination with preparations of broccoli seedlings, it is useful to have a patient fast for 48 hours before starting the therapy. In a study on rats, the control group was fed normally, while the verum group received no food for 48 hours before injection of a chemotherapeutic agent. After the injection, all animals in the control group died within a short time. Meanwhile, none of the animals in the verum group experienced any significant side effects. The animals remained healthy and lively. Although a new therapy method usually takes about 10 years to be used, a female judge suffering from breast cancer, who had heard about these results, had herself chemotherapeutically treated with this method on her own responsibility: with the same good result. The scientists explain this by the fact that all mammals have a protective mechanism. As soon as the organism does not receive food for more than 48 hours, the cells switch to a protective mode and become insensitive to harmful substances. Cancer cells do not possess this protective mechanism].

You can either grow broccoli sprouts yourself from the seeds, in which case the sprouts should be at least 2 and no more than 12 days old, or you can use standardized ready-made preparations from freeze-dried sprouts. Seeds and finished preparations with different contents of sulforaphane are available as in internet trade.

Taking the cooked sprouts is much more pleasant than taking the raw ones, although some of the active ingredients are lost during the cooking process. The cooking time should not exceed 5 minutes; the broth must be used as well. It is best to chop the sprouts (so that the substances glucoraphanin and the enzyme myrosinase, which are stored in separate compartments, come together and the isothiocyanate sulforaphane is formed) and boil them for 5 minutes in as little water as possible.

Preparation and use in benign prostate and other diseases

This cure recipe developed by Prof. Sara?oglu is used as a supplementary therapy and prophylaxis against benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis, genitourinary tract infections (cystitis, urinary tract infection, kidney infection, vesicula seminalis infection, etc.), prostate cancer, prostate cancer, and other diseases. ), prostate cancer, prostate stones (in this case a cure of at least 2 months with twice the amount of broccoli is indicated), bladder cancer, breast cancer, as well as against the gastrointestinal bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its harmful effect on the digestive system, such as chronic gastritis, heartburn, gastric acidity and intestinal inflammation. Moreover, high cholesterol levels are favorably influenced, bowel movements are regulated, libido or fertility lost or reduced as a result of BPH or prostatitis is restored, and ejaculate volume is normalized. Last but not least, this cure increases overall vitality and strengthens the immune system.

Preparation 1: 250 g or more (maximum 500 g per day) of broccoli inflorescences (what we know as broccoli and buy in the grocery store) are boiled for 4 to maximum 5 minutes in 1 liter of water (covered) on low heat. Then the decoction is divided into 2 equal amounts, one to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach and one before dinner. The cooked broccoli vegetables must still be eaten later with meals.

Preparation 2: Since some patients have difficulty drinking 0.5 liters of broccoli decoction twice a day on an empty stomach, and some do not like broccoli at all, the following equally effective application has been developed: 250 g of broccoli inflorescences (what we know as broccoli and buy in the grocery store) are boiled for 7 minutes in 0.5 liters of water (covered) over low heat. After that, the decoction is divided into 2 equal amounts, one of which is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, as well as one before dinner. The cooked broccoli vegetables can be eaten, but it is not necessary.

Note: After taking the decoction, do not drink anything except water for at least 20 minutes; do not add salt, spices and especially soup cubes! After the first week of therapy, it is essential to take a **break of 3 days; this is followed by another week of treatment with another break of 3 days, which is followed by another week of treatment, so that the total duration of treatment, including breaks, is 27 days.

**In an extreme practical case of prostatitis, however, it has been shown that the success of therapy was unfavorably influenced by taking a three-day break. The symptoms returned during the break. In such cases, the drug should initially be taken continuously.

Patients who have been suffering from BPH or prostatitis for 1-2 years carry out the 27-day starting cure (incl. 2 x 3-day break). Thereafter, a 10-day course can be taken every 2 months.

Patients who have been suffering from BPH or prostatitis for 4 years or more perform a 57-day starting cure (including 5 x 3-day breaks). After that, a 10-day cure can be done every 2 months.

The use of broccoli decoction in a cure does not show any side effects or interaction with medications. In general, the symptoms subside within 23 days after the beginning of the cure; the therapeutic effect is expected after one week at the earliest. In the course of therapy, cluster-shaped flakes may appear in the urine as a result of excretion of infection remnants. Broccoli can be purchased either fresh or frozen. When prepared and used according to the therapeutic indications mentioned by Sara?oglu, broccoli is not cut up, if feasible, but cooked as a whole.

For your attention: the treatment of diseases with preparations from broccoli is to be carried out exclusively under medical supervision!


Peter Kaufhold, PhytoMagister, Zu den Wurzeln der Kr?uterheilkunst, Band 1, 30. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (ISBN: 978-3-8370-1198-2); Norderstedt 2021

Further information on the subject:

Peter Kaufhold, Healing remdies from the Lord’s pharmacy - Caring for your health with fruit, vegetables and herbs from nature and the garden

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