A Broader Perspective on Moonlighting - Siddharth Kabra, CEO Monsoonfish
Monsoonfish Inc. UX & UI Design agency
Product Strategy, UX/UI Design, Research, Consulting
Should business owners be okay with their employees moonlighting? Is moonlighting a beneficial practice for employees? Is it an unfair practice for the company that the employees are working for? And many such discussions, opinions and judgments have been around for a while now!
Although moonlighting does provide access to easy and some extra money, have employees really thought it through from all angles and perspectives? The concept of moonlighting arises a few serious thoughts and questions:
Answer to these Questions is What Really Matters in the Long Run, in Professional and Personal Life!
We’re all aware of the fact that moonlighting is synonymous to overworking (not just hardworking), stress, multi-tasking, managing two professional lives, etc.
Access to easy money is a benefit but only for the time-being. Moonlighting leads to inefficiency in both the jobs that a person is involved in, and this in the long run might affect the progress of the person (as much as they should have progressed), if they would have given their 100% at the workplace they are working at. It probably dilutes the contribution towards both the?
Moreover, tiredness, over-exertion, no work-life balance, all lead to inefficiency, lack of productivity, adverse consequences on mental and physical health, dissatisfaction in terms of personal life, etc.?
Are You a Budding Entrepreneur, Moonlighting for Your Start-up?
On the other hand, if you're planning for a start-up and working towards it while being an employee elsewhere; that means you're not giving your 100% to your start-up and have a plan B!
Well, as a founder, having a plan B is never beneficial for start-ups, it's that simple and straightforward!
Yes, people do consider working on the start-up (in the initial phase) as a side hustle or during their extra hours, but that’s where things might go wrong! Working towards a start-up needs complete attention, focus and dedication so that you put yourself in a state where you have no option but to make things work for your startup. And here’s where moonlighting cannot be an option.
Let's actually think about these aspects from a wider and a long term perspective, rather than focusing on short term achievements! Once you take a step back and think through all the above questions, you would find an answer yourself whether or not moonlighting is suitable for you!