Broaden your Perspective.
One of the greatest awakenings for me was the day that I realized that all of my experiences, both "good" and "bad," "joyful" and "saddening" were all working in collusion to see that I succeeded.?Now, in order to completely comprehend my meaning of success, it is necessary to broaden your perspective.?When I am able to take a moment and reflect on my life, I can see that success at any level requires preparation and conditioning if it is going to be sustainable.?Success for me is not simply the completion of my objective; it also includes the transformation and self-awareness required to sustain and relish the moments before, during, and after.?It is important that we don't simply exist to accomplish certain objectives. Isn't this the core of the work/life balance issue that plagues so many Americans today??We often focus on the intended results and become blind to the experience. Is any goal worthy of sacrificing love, joy, and happiness??If you will not enjoy yourself along the way, what's the point?
So many of us put off our joy and happiness as something better positioned for the future ("when I have more money," "when I get my promotion," "when I get married," etc...). Life is a luxury that we cannot afford to waste.?Awaken to what is happening around you.?Do you have an appreciation for the adventure that is your daily life??Open your eyes today to the unexpected. What unexpected pleasure is crossing your path today?
Success or sabotage??Is your definition of success limited to specific results, attitudes, feelings, or emotions?
Is this going to be an incredible day??This day will NEVER be repeated. what makes this day incredible and unique?