I would like to start this appreciation of the wonderful life of Mr Gabriel Byrne by making it clear that he is not, never was and never will be my Uncle. Mr Byrne has always been much more like the Archangel Gabriel to me. I always remember him with great respect and gratitude every time Irish Radio and Television rings out the Angelus (not RTE please note “the People’s Angelus”). As all of Ireland and much of the World knows, Mr Byrne led a wonderful and brilliantly varied life, with a great many different manifestations, chapters and verses; but now in the eighty-fifth year of his age God has called Mr Byrne home to his Eternal reward. The Christian Church and Faith, which he served so well throughout his long life and broadcasting career, said farewell to Gabriel at Saint Mary’s Pro-Cathedral the Episcopal Seat of His Grace, Dr Dermot Martin, Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland. There was a very large, devout and mournful congregation in attendance, including the chief mourners, his beautiful wife, Kathleen, who teaches the Harp in Heaven, and his truly lovely daughters Corinne and Suzanne.
Unfortunately, unlike the abortionist Health Service Executive death chambers established, operated and run by Health Minister Simon Dracula Harris, the Pro-Cathedral does not make the faithful suffer and wait through the operation of an interminably murderous Triage system. Consequently, some very pushy interlopers and Murderous Abortionist angels, purely in quest of and seeking personal publicity crashed the ceremony. These included and can be seen anxiously crowding in to the Irish Times photographs, President Higgins and his spouse Sabina as well as Premier Leo, who has no spouse. Although it was hard to say for sure, beyond all reasonable doubt, and from all the available evidence, it seemed that the exceedingly fat Abortionist Chief Justice Frank Clarke was there to represent the Irish Judiciary, including a very large number of his murderous abortionist judicial colleagues. My heart went out to the very fine Officers and Aides-de Camps from the Irish Defence Forces who were forced to stand in public in the Pro-Cathedral beside their renegade Commander-in-Chief, the alleged Premier and Minister for Defence and the treacherous Chief Justice who had administered to them their Oaths of Office, violating the Constitution of Ireland, the Laws of Ireland, Public International Law, the Law of Nations, including the Charter of the United Nations (where Ireland is campaigning for a seat on the security Council) and the Statute of Rome (to which Ireland like the United Kingdom is a State party), a Statute which outlaws Abortion, prohibiting, designating, classifying and punishing the horrendous Crime of Abortion, in all its forms and manifestations, as Genocide.
There was of course much more to Archangel Gabriel’s departure than a merely insightful celebration or evocation of national politics and culture, as well as international relations. Unsurprisingly and very deservedly, a very great many genuine and moving personal tributes were paid. Many of these tributes related to the Late Show over which Archangel Gabriel presided with distinctive good humour, thoughtful insight, deep perception, great kindness and refinement for so many years, as well as to his truly brilliant radio show with which and through which, on a daily basis, he magisterially and alternatively informed, cajoled, enlightened and entertained the Irish people by contributing to their happiest moments or lightening their most sombre moods, moments or mornings for literally three decades. It is impossible to mention or to refer to each noteworthy incident, success or achievement in a career of such great length and rich variety. But amongst the plethora of obituaries which I have read, most writers seem to have been obsessed with Bishops, Mistresses and Nighties. To these I would say “Judge not and thou shall not be Judged”.
When all is said and done, there are two incidents and episodes which I remember most vividly and with great admiration about Mr Byrne. Gabriel had no time or liking for so-called Apostles of Peace, who would cause Christ to bleed on the Cross while eating red meat on Good Friday! For that, and for many other good reasons, Mr Byrne refused to shake Murderous Gerry Adams by the hand. That took great courage and I commend Gabriel Byrne most sincerely for that.
The other episode which I shall never forget was when Gay Byrne interviewed my grandfather Sean on the Late Show. Grandad was a genuine Easter 1916 hero, and Joe Duffy please note, he told Gay and through him the whole Nation that what distinguished the heroes of Easter 1916 from IRA terrorists and murderers was that Pearse and his comrades never deliberately killed, maimed or wounded unarmed civilians, men, women and children.
Most people have a strong opinion, one way or the other, about Gay Byrne. I would honestly and unashamedly say that I loved him. He may not have been my uncle, but he will always be Archangel Gabriel to me!
At the right hand of God, amongst the saints of Ireland, may his immortal soul be holy!
Maurice James, Barrister at Law, United Nations Counsel
Remembrance Sunday, the Year of Our Lord 2019