Broadcast Repack: We Read It So You Don't Have To!

Broadcast Repack: We Read It So You Don't Have To!

Midwest Unlimited - #UNLIMITED SOLUTIONS

By Michael Collins

“The FCC has closed a first-of-its-kind auction of broadcast airwaves that will see a shakeup in channel lineups in many markets, as stations are reaping a total of $10.05 billion to give up their spectrum.”

Let’s face it, the broadcast repack can be a lot of information to absorb so Midwest Unlimited thought we’d simplify your searching and reviewing by providing multiple ‘clickable’ snippets allowing you to breeze through the details. When you think climber safety and rigging, think Midwest Unlimited - your dependable partner in safety and rigging for the past 70-years!

Get Familiar With Spectrum Allocation:

In the United States, spectrum reallocation mostly refers to the giving up part of the broadcast spectrum to make more room for wireless broadband, trunking or point to point microwave services. -

What The Repack Is:

...a multiyear process that will involve moving TV channels and other services to different frequencies that use the airwaves most efficiently. -

Who’s Driving It And How Much Do They Stand To Gain:

The Federal Communications Commission conducted an historic $19.8 billion Incentive Auction to give broadcasters an opportunity for telecom businesses to purchase their wireless spectrum. -

Where The Money Will Go:

Most of the payment in excess of what broadcasters require will go to the U.S. Treasury, with part of the proceeds covering administrative costs. -

What Companies Are getting:

...companies eager to boost their wireless broadband offerings...for 70 MHz of spectrum.

Where the National Association Of Tower Erectors (NATE) Fits In:

The Broadcast Repack video provides a detailed overview of the unique rules and challenges associated with conducting work on massive broadcast towers.

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