broadCAST February 2020

broadCAST February 2020

In the January 2020 Issue of The broadCAST, we offered up on beginning again. and more. And we are doing just that; beginning again. As 2020 unfolds, you will notice new formats and even contributors. You will also see broadCAST? Live launching this month. To date, we have offered up 4 trailers.

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More to come. Stay tuned. But first, and for now...

  • The broadCAST? remains a monthly weigh in of thoughts and perspectives by our members of The broadCAST? Team.  As noted so very many times in the past, "these wonderful people are independent experts in their own right, and I am humbly proud to say friends of mine. Here, they have an opportunity to share their earned insights, for you, each month. And, as we have said many times before, we encourage you to connect with these experts on their respective bodies of work and how they might be of service to you. Think of The broadCAST? as a "news and views" letter ... intent on bringing value added and even fun to your life at work and beyond. Intended for educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders, it has something for everyone... and we encourage you to share it.

On Love in Action... JENNY DEARING

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  • Jenny Dearing speaks to love in action. She brings talent, experience and learning around love, trauma and care. With a passion for Child and Youth Care and Addictions, and a background in same, she connects, and memorably so. Her work spans children and youth care with addictions, personal and senior care, respite work, and business leadership; delivering on all. Jenny is a Certified Virtues Project? Facilitator, with professional training in child and youth care with addictions support and home support services. With certification in ASIST Suicide First Aid, Autism Awareness and Understanding, Trauma Information Care and Child and Youth Care Practice, Jenny brings it, with zeal. On top of all that, she loves singing, and is an accomplished multi-media artist … and brings both to her work. Artistry is a path to love and healing. Jenny knows it. She believes in it. She drives it. Connect with Jenny @ Epic Engage, right here.

Jenny says...

Hello my beautiful people!!! Long time no chat. I want to pop into your world to speak on something that I so passionately believe in. That I so passionately have yearned and ached for. 

Love... What can I say about love? This month we are talking a little more about how love makes us feel, how love makes us explore certain parts of us that we don’t normally tend to nurture or appreciate the way we do when experiencing said love. My heart is so all consumed with love, that this piece seems to speak louder and clearer than it has in the past. That being said, I have loved. I have loved beyond the shadow of a doubt. My son being the biggest love I have ever known.

But in the more recent years I have felt love like I never knew possible. I have experienced love that I have ached and yearned for. And as you all know, I have not always been in a place to receive it, but I have always been in a place to naturally give it. It is what I am meant to do. It is the biggest piece of me as a whole. I love, and I love hard. But I have come to realize that without being in a healthy place ourselves, we cannot fully receive what we are meant to receive. This is where my life story and all that I have journeyed through comes in to play so intensely. I have ventured to a place of acceptance of love and self-love like I have never received in my life up until now. Here begins my story into love and the all-powerful acceptance and realization that it is.  

These past 6 months have been a learning curve in my life. It has been one of failure and success. But mainly success. I have been in a place of knowing who I am, loving who I am, and allowing others to love me as much as I deserve to be loved. It has been intense, sad, humorous, appreciative, random and in the end, it has been all of the things I have so longed and ached for. It has been all answered prayers, it has been all the wishes that I made, with all the pennies in the wishing well repaid, it has been everything returned to me in whole, if not more. It is life and all that life is about. So, that being said, there is a fear within us that we allow to consume us, allow to make us feel defeated. It has been the power that has overcome and crippled us in the unknown. The realm of uncertainty. It has brought us to our knees and made us feel powerless. What we have failed to understand is that, when the time is right, we see all the beauty that is before us. We accept and honor it in ways when we are mentally capable of just that.

I am assuming we all know of the person that loves with no bounds, and never gets it return? Well, let me tell you. That was me. To no fault. I loved (or at least I thought I knew what love was). I never received it back to the level I was giving it. I actually got treatment that I would wish on no one. But that was the problem at hand. I NEVER loved me. I NEVER seen what I was worth or what I deserved to have. Until the more recent years. Now I see. Now I know what love is at its highest form. As a mother, a friend, and a partner. I will tell you my little secret as to how and why I learnt how to allow and accept this undeniable love into my life. Maybe then you can start to allow it into yours in ways that you have not yet experienced. I hope that somehow you can respect and love yourself enough so that anyone that enters your life, or your circle can see what you are worth and the standards that you have set in place in your own desires. For who you are and what you want is not something you should shift and alter based on someone else’s wants or needs. It is about you my lovely’s. ALL ABOUT YOU!!!!!! More to come...


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  • Dominique Hurley is an intuitive visionary artist, educator, and naturopathic practitioner who guides you to explore and express your True Self as you connect to your inner guidance. Grounded in her love of beauty and the beauty of love, Dominique delivers insight and inspiration through her Intuition Into Action Treasure Map: 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life. She’ll delight you through energy-infused art, intuitive exercises, guided meditations, presentations, interactive workshops, and writings. For your conference, convention, meeting or event, Dominique can and will help nourish your transformational journey as an individual, organization or professional community.

Dominique says...

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The Journey From Fear to Love. The journey to unconditional love – for yourself and others – isn’t linear. It’s like a labyrinth. Set your intention and journey through the many twists and turns of life to the love at your core. Find that space to pause, reflect, connect, and collect what it is you need to bring it back out into the world with you. Every day offers you opportunities to learn how to better be & do love. Becoming aware of how its opposite, fear, feels in your body, is a great start: stomach twinges, faster pulse, shortness of breath, etc. With mindfulness, these can become signals to ask yourself “What would love do now?”?

Practices like yoga, meditation or action research (read my story here) can train your Observer Self to notice when you’re about to react out of fear instead of act from love.

  • What every day situations trigger your fears?
  • How does fear feel in your body? 
  • Can you see how your mind runs with untruth to wreck havoc on your happiness?

Your mind is powerful. So is your heart. With greater self-awareness, it’s possible to shift from darkness to light, fear to love, separation to unity consciousness. May the loving voice of your Higher Self ease you through your fears to teach you to be more loving towards yourself and others.

P.S. This painting, “Balancing” (12” x 36”), is one of 20 energy-infused original artworks in my online Soul Feast Art Auction at - 20 paintings, 20 days, 20% for the Community Food Sharing Association (Jan. 20 - Feb. 8, 2020). Thanks for stimulating a deliciously abundant energy flow in 2020.

On T.H.E. Community Mindset... JON BUTLER

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  • Jon Butler was born and bred in St. John’s and is especially passionate about helping to build the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Newfoundland & Labrador. After graduating from MUN in 2009, he spent the following 9 years building a career as an entrepreneur. He has started companies in both Ottawa and St. John’s, and most recently, a food business called LunchIn. Jon has also launched Get Started Café; an initiative that offers a new approach to professional development, leadership, and community impact. He believes that thinking like an entrepreneur can help anyone become empowered at work, enact social change, and find purpose. Jon Butler on LinkedIn.

Jon says...

Wow, what a month. I don't doubt that many of you reading this have felt the pull of seemingly competing demands. They can feel like they are pulling us apart - sometimes in directions we may not want to go. That was January for me. Heading into February, which is known as the month of Love, I need to remind myself about the areas of my work that I love the most. That’s important.

But, is love everything we need? I have a tendency to jump into a lot of new projects because I love the feeling of being involved and doing meaningful work. That approach can really work against me, sometimes, where I find myself in a world of trouble. We only have so much time and energy, so I am increasingly aware of the importance of focus and alignment, understanding that every now and then something has to give. I am learning, and am certainly no expert, but I am realizing how important it is to focus on how my actions are aligned with my bigger dreams and goals.

My thought this month is twofold. First, do what you love. Second, find ways to make all of the things you love doing work better together. That way, you can be more productive as you move toward your long-term goals, and most importantly, enjoy the ride of getting there.

I still have a long way to go, but will have many more thoughts to share. I hope you’ll join me as I write about the path I’m on, including the many failures and successes I’m sure I’ll see along the way. Maybe I’ll come across something that’ll help you. If you have any thoughts to add, I’d be happy to hear from you.  Have a great month!

On Creativity... JAMIE McCABE

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  • Jamie McCabe is all about creativity and connection. She is on a mission to bring people together through art and exploring their creative side at Clay Café Avalon. Jamie became an entrepreneur and opened the paint-your-own pottery studio in 2008 and has seen many memories painted there since then. She works with children and schools where she provides after school art programs. She believes we should color outside the lines more and embrace our inner artist. At Clay Café, it’s not about painting the perfect piece, it’s about painting the perfect memory.

Jamie says...

February is the month of love. But what does that mean to you? The main focus seems to be on partnership or relationship with our significant other, but what if it represents more than JUST that. Take a mental note of all the relationships that’s are important to you. The ones with your families, your friends and business relationships. Take the month to nurture and be grateful for ALL your relationships. And don’t forget yourself! A little self care and love never hurt no one so do more of what you love. I love art and coming up with new class ideas and ways for people to connect through art at Clay Cafe. I get to see love every day at work. The love a parent has for a child as they put care into planning a their special party and the love of friendships. If we spent more time appreciating the relationships we have, it will feel like February every month of the year.

On Education... RAY HOLLISTER

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  • Ray Hollister is all about strength, excellence and potential. In fact, he has a very special connection with students – he’s helped thousands achieve average scores of over 90% for 20 years! His love of learning… and his ability to teach anybody the same easy strategies he used to study far less than everyone else while maintaining outrageously high test scores… quickly earned him a lot of ‘friends’ seeking his advice. Ray has personally conducted numerous studies to develop an intense, focused, and results oriented program for college students. With the success of that program, Ray set his sights on helping younger students in Junior High, High School, and those just entering University. The end result is a program that will help any student – especially YOU – learn more, study less, and earn consistently high grades.

Ray says...

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A study of utter futility. Allow me to illustrate how peer pressure really affects students by way of an absurd analogy (that is also 100% true and accurate).

  • ‘Jim’ has several tricks up his adolescent sleeve. But none is more insidious and effective than conforming to the whims and machinations of his peers. This is tantamount to psychological warfare against all adults.

I have a question for you: In the entirety of your scholastic life, whose opinion truly matters when it comes time for assigning grades? The answer is clear and obvious – it is the teacher’s opinion that matters. There is no way around it. So to put this in an absurd context, think of it this way; it only makes sense that if you want to avoid good grades and barely pass your classes, you must absolutely avoid - at all costs - any behavior or work that gives any teacher a good impression of you that could impact their opinion when it comes time to giving you your grade.

This may be one of the singular most important and powerful lessons ‘Jim’ can share. Nothing confuses or confounds a teacher more thoroughly than a wave of students all conforming to some ideal that can’t quite be explained or understood. Since it is the teacher’s opinion that matters when it comes to grades, what better way to foul that up and ensure a lower grade than to listen to, and model your behavior after - your peers!

This is truly a marvelous weapon at every student’s disposal that will virtually wipe out any chance of consistently high grades. If you do nothing else but master this skill, you could easily become the next ‘Jim’!

Hopefully, the absurdity of what you just read is clear to you – yet, conforming to your peers provides these exact results. And it happens every single day on campuses all over the world. To verify this, simply pay attention to how most students dress, how they interact, and how they ‘prepare’ for exams. It becomes clear very quickly that students are conforming to what they think their peers think is important, not what their teachers have specified is important. Contrast that with students that are commonly referred to as ‘nerds’ or ‘Teacher’s Pets’ – these students are commonly ridiculed for not conforming so easily to their peers. And it is no surprise that these students generally enjoy better grades and less stress in school.

For further proof, consider the following facts about “A” students. “A” students are keenly aware that it is the teacher/professor who assigns grades at the end of the semester. They are also keenly aware that the teacher does not act or behave in the same manner as the students. Taking this information to heart, the “A” student makes the giant leap that if they models their behavior and appearance according to what the teacher finds acceptable and/or superior, the teacher will view them as superior and their grades may be thusly affected.

So what can you learn from this:

  • A “D” Student Strategy: Find average or below average students, groups, or cliques in your school and conform to them in every way.
  • An “A” Student Strategy: Determine what types of behavior, mannerisms, and actions are acceptable and admirable to your teachers – and then act accordingly.

It really IS that simple.

On Communications... JOEL SWEENEY

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  • Joel Sweeney is all about effective communications. He has been speaking, training, coaching and writing about it for over 20 years. He is the author of The Wedding MC Handbook and Little Helpings of Food for Thought. His third book, The Speaker’s Tool Box – Perfecting the Craft of Speaking, was released in the 2015. He is the owner of Professionally Speaking (established in 1995). Joel helps entrepreneurs and business professional become effective, engaging and confident speakers.

Joel says...

Here is the link to my February contribution. Do you love what you do? If you do... if you have a fire in your belly and a passion for what you do you are extremely fortunate. February is the month of love and we should celebrate and acknowledge those individuals who are special in our lives. It has been said that if you love what you do you will never have to work a day in your life. If you are one of those individuals consider yourself blessed and use the month of February to acknowledge and be grateful for that blessing. 

On Youth, and Opportunity... WHITNEY and WILL

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  • Hey there! I'm Whitney (Roberts), a student from Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. I'm super involved in my Student Union and advocating for students. I'm also a creative (@wvartwork)...I have a passion for visual arts, fine arts, and more! However, my heart lies with community engagement and youth initiatives. I've worked with youth centres from a young age and found a passion for advocating for at-risk youth. For the past few years, I've worked with a national non-profit called Youth Centres Canada. I've had many titles since starting there but my main focus is the #Youth Magazine. I've learned so much about youth initiatives across Canada and engaged with so many individuals with similar passions! Recently, I've co-founded a non-profit organization entitled The Opportunity Project Youth Association (TOP for short). Our goal is to connect youth with opportunities to grow and develop their skills. We want to provide opportunities to youth so that they can succeed in this fast-paced world!
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  • Will White began his journey of working with youth-serving organizations at the Youth 2000 Centre in Grand Falls-Windsor, NL. Discovering a continuous need to do something bigger he began to search for opportunities to grow. Through this search, he joined groups such as the Youth Advisory Council for the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health, Young Canadians Round Table on Health and became a Telus Wise Ambassador. After 4 years as a Programs and Promotions Coordinator at the youth centre, Will made the difficult decision of taking a break from working directly with youth and shortly after was appointed as the CEO of Youth Centres Canada. He has since joined the Advisory on Youth Matters, served two one year terms on the Premiers Youth Council and most recently become accepted to the Constituency Youth Council for MP Scott Simms. He is excited to have embarked on a new venture, Co-Founding a national non-profit, The Opportunity Project Youth Association (TOP for short), which focuses on creating and advocating for opportunities for youth across Canada from employment to volunteer opportunities. Will’s core passions are youth mental health, digital literacy and youth engagement. He believes that every youth is a wealth of untapped potential and hopes to prove that to the world.

Whitney and Will say...

Love is Love  A phrase we often hear during pride week is "love is love." But what's the message behind this famous saying? It implies that all people should be free to love who they wish, without discrimination. There are so many kinds of love that we feel in different ways but the outcome is the same… that positive warm feeling! Love is love, it just simply is... no matter how we express it or who we express it to.  Today's youth are more educated on LGBTQ+ issues than previous generations. We can learn a lot from them. An open mind, good communication and education are the key to discussing LGBTQ+ issues. These issues should be a topic of conversation among youth and adults! Be open to teach one another about love. Youth are taking action like never before! Pride parades are growing, LGBTQ+ non-profits are popping up, young people are still fighting for gay rights! As Valentine's day approaches make a point to remember, love is love. Let's appreciate each other.

On Motivation... MARK BLACK

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  • Mark Black, CSP is all about wellness and resilience. He is a Heart and Double-Lung Transplant Recipient, 4-time marathoner, resilience expert, speaker, and coach. Mark helps people “Thrive in Challenging Times”. A Certified Speaking Professional, Mark has inspired more than 100,000 people in more than 350 presentations. At 23 Mark faced an unimaginable challenge. His doctor informed him that his heart was failing. Without a rare and dangerous heart and double-lung transplant he would not see his 25th birthday. Three years later, after receiving his second chance at life, Mark ran his first marathon. Mark spends his free time with his beautiful wife and two kids.

Mark offers...

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... and enjoy this interview with Mark on resilience.

On Compassion... SHEENA GROBB

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  • Sheena Grobb Singer/Songwriter and Speaker… is humbly amazing. “It is without a doubt a masterpiece of songwriting and soundscape. Really incredible, soulful music. She will definitely get a huge audience in time, trust me.” Alex Wharton, Abbey Road Studios. A songbird from the age of two, songwriter at ten, with 3 albums under her belt, a nomination for the Western Canadian Music Awards, and over 500 tour dates across Canada, the US, and the UK, Sheena Grobb (one of Canada’s best kept secrets) is spilling over. With the release of her newest album, The Breakless Heart, mastered at Abbey Road Studios in London, and a life changing music video created by Lindsey Nelko (past choreographer with So You Think You Can Dance), Sheena is embarking on her most meaningful project yet – The Living Compassion Project? – inviting others to “unlock their lives” through sharing their stories… as she begins to share hers.

Sheena shares...

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Barry here. From the album The Breakless Heart, Sheena shares Gonna Make It.

It reminds me of a loving message my own mother left with me.

Have a listen.

Consider the message.

Enjoy the music.

On Reverberations... TRENT LANGDON

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  • For 25 years, Trent Langdon has invested (and greatly appreciated his experience) in public education, youth care, and organizational governance. He is a nationally-certified school counsellor, teacher, and ‘peer-elected’ leader, promoting the human connection, integrity-based leadership, and the power of relationships. Trent works to build the personal identity, skill-set, and resilience of students, educators, community leaders, and professionals. He is a ‘helper’ and ‘educator’ by temperament and training, addressing the challenges of adolescence & young adulthood, interpersonal communications, and organizational culture. He is a family guy, speaker, child and human rights advocate, and community volunteer. Connect with Trent right here.

Trent says...

Reverberations: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Global Goal #4: Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education & promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Education liberates the intellect, unlocks the imagination and is fundamental for self-respect. It is the key to prosperity and opens a world of opportunities, making it possible for each of us to contribute to a progressive, healthy society. Learning benefits every human being and should be available to all.

Having spent the great majority of my life thus far as either a student or an educator (within formal education settings), I have grown to greatly value thought, knowledge, and opinion.

It was not until after my formal university training and the birth of my two children, that I developed a true fascination for ‘informal’ reading and knowledge acquisition. In many ways, it has provided me with the mental getaway needed after the daily grind of work and family. It is somewhat atypical I guess that I have found this refuge in historical and non-fiction offerings, always looking however to apply the teachings to my personal and professional interactions. 

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Some of my favorite places are used bookstores and antique shops to see what literary treasures lie within (I am weaning myself away from the draw of roaming the latest releases in a brightly-lit bookstore chain, with coffee in hand). On a recent exploration, I came across this beauty - 'The Treasure Chest: A Heritage Album Containing 1064 Familiar and Inspirational Quotations, Poems, Sentiments, and Prayers From Great Minds of 2500 Years', edited by Charles L. Wallis and published in 1965 by Harper & Row. As can be seen by the title as well as the cover and binding, it is aptly titled.

It is through such a simple hobby that I continue 'lifelong learning', the 'liberation of the intellect', and the 'unlocking of imagination'.

  • We all have a responsibility to seek the same for ourselves and certainly our communities, becoming students of and for life.

On the Environmental... DAWN GOUGH

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  • Dawn Gough is about environmental excellence including change through policy, corporate social responsibility, and long-term sustainability. As an environmental consultant, policy writer, and management system consultant and owner of EnTec Environmental Consulting, she has enjoyed forging environmental initiatives and providing environmental expertise across Newfoundland and Labrador for the past 20 years. She leads with knowledge of federal, provincial, and municipal regulations, industry best practices, and ISO 14001. Dawn believes that change starts with policy and real change must be initiated from the inside out and from the top down of any organization. Dawn holds a Master of Technology Management degree in Engineering and Applied Science Technology, is a certified Lead Auditor for ISO Integrated Management Systems and is enthusiastic about inspiring the leadership of socially and environmentally-conscious companies to become recognized as leaders in the community. Connect with Dawn.

Dawn says...

My love for environmental policy is no secret. I think the most effective way to initiate change on a large scale is through effective policy - the kind of change that improves our quality of living, reduces environmental impact, and ensures workplace safety.

Spending 38 years in Newfoundland and Labrador formed my love for the environment. How could you spend so much time here and not be inspired by our beautiful, rugged and vastly untouched landscape? You could say I am a product of my environment in that way, and luckily for me the philosophy of sustainability just happens to form the foundation of our natural resources industry, creating a demand for environmental professionals in our province.

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In the 80s and 90s, the greenhouse gas effect was a hot topic and a relatively undisputed scientific term that described the effect that greenhouse gases were having on the planet. This concept was easy to understand and relate to because it took a difficult scientific concept and put it in terms that everyone could understand.


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  • After twenty years of ‘successful’ yet unhappy corporate living, Leslie Bridger decided to follow her calling, helping people create healing environments both internally and externally with nature. After her near-death experience in 2005, she fully understood the importance of what she had learned from the Elements. Leslie now spreads this message through her joyful awe-inspiring talks accompanied by her uplifting nature photography, as well as her upcoming book “AWE for Humanity: Awakening Wisdom from the Elements”. Her mission is to lovingly empower others, individually and in groups, as they awaken to the magnificence within and all around them. The Awe Project.

Leslie says...

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February 14th. A day many love and just as many, if not more, dread. It has been promoted as a time to show those close to you how much you love them. What happens, though, is we tend to focus on who didn’t tell us they love us and, as a result, we become sad and hurt. 

Like many of you, I used to look outside of myself for love. Years ago, I didn’t feel worthy or valued unless someone else loved me. It wasn’t until my near-death experience I understood the importance of loving myself. When I came out of my coma, I remembered these words, “Love IS the answer and it begins with Self-Love.” 

I had to almost die to awaken to this truth, but you don’t have to. This Valentine’s Day, I encourage you to do things differently. Don’t wait for someone else to validate your magnificence. Make this the year that you start treating yourself with the love, respect, kindness and compassion that you deserve. There are many simple, yet creative and unique, ways you can celebrate yourself. Here are some ideas:

? Take yourself on a play date. 

? Go to a movie that your inner child wants to see. 

? Hike in your special place in nature. 

? Fuel your body with nutritious food. 

? Enjoy a blissful, candlelit bath.

Now use your imagination to think of how you are going to honour you. Not just on February 14th, but every day if possible. 


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  • Barry Lewis Green is ultimately a vocalist, strength coach and educator. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths of character. His book Human Being Being Human speaks to that. and that is why Barry is The Unity Guy?. EPIC Engage? is an extension of The Unity Guy?. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.

Barry says...

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Love is an emotion, an action and a Virtue. I have been writing of it and Honor and more of late.

I have written on it in being honest and decisive.

Love connects to legacy, change, success and confidence.

Love is a force; neither kumbaya nor soft and weak. Love of team and family, is strength. Love of work is passion and purpose. Love of others is Kindness, in action. Kindness is powerful currency (warning on language).

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Of late, I have come across this video on your best marriage partner... and this news on one of my earliest heroes Jane Goodall... and this on Chunk the Groundhog. And, today, I posted this video of my own.

For me, they all speak to Love and Kindness towards ourselves and others. This day, I only suggest that you reflect on the Virtues that are Love and Kindness, and you consider how they might be manifested this month, and beyond... through the practice of any and all virtues... and in Honor of St. Valentine.


  • "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." --- Lao Tzu




Thanks yet again for engaging us!

We want to wish you a real and wonderful February 2020!

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Do please stay tuned! And share!!! We do invite you to connect with our contributors. They are remarkable and diverse people to know and with whom to work. 

Many of them are part of our new SPEAKERNET too.

Either way, let us keep doing this!

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy

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The FREEPIC Forums?

We invite you to catch up and check out some of our back issues:

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You can also check out other free resources and services right here.

... and we are ever thankful for the global goals. Connect soon!

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