The broadCAST: February 2018
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
We are one month into 2018. We hope that it is moving well for you. This is The broadCAST? ; a monthly weigh in of thoughts and perspectives by members of The CAST? of Epic Engage?. Independent experts in their own right, and I am humbly proud to say friends of mine… members of The CAST? have an opportunity to share their earned insights right here, for you, each month. To see their perspectives on goals and more, check out our January issue. As we have said many times before, we encourage you to connect with these experts on their respective bodies of work and how they might be of service to you. They each bring great value in service to their respective work and audiences. Now, let's get to it.
The broadCAST for February 2018
This month, we explore thoughts around love, and more; seeing as it is February and all. We think the perspectives can add value to living and working your life.
Trent, Ray and I are offering a section called The Campus Corner where we each offer a short tip or idea on teaching or learning or some aspect of education and leadership; one simple idea from each of our bodies of expertise.
'Pondering' can be that occasional thought that seeps in or the draining 'brain bug' that is not willing to let go. It is the type of thinking that invades our personal space as we attempt to reintegrate into family and personal life after a long day or week, ultimately entering our safe havens and tree houses (so to speak). I regularly reference with my students the analogy of junior high as a jungle or deserted island filled with many challenges, 'unknowns', and often times of great loneliness. The teachers inhabit this island as well. I recall watching each week (with great wonder) how the Swiss Family 'Robinson' were able to survive their shipwreck, build a home (here is where the tree house reference comes in), and thrive in spite of the wild animals, natural dangers of the land, and the glaring uncertainty of what was to come. So I challenge you to build that tree house of yours (in both a literal and figurative sense) as a means of breaking the intrusive thought cycle.
- Hold strong to your best practices and professionalism.
- Make time for those real-time getaways to the gym, to the walking trail, or on a well-earned vacation.
- Schedule these get-away times daily.
- Get lost in your favourite book or movie.
- Take a mental health break from work to allow your energies and motivations to replenish.
- Seek out your informal advisors to assist with student strategies or simply to vent.
- Allow time to create emotional support plans that are intentionally designed for your students.
- Be very careful that the pondering does not fester into deeper-rooted anxieties.
- And... visit your local hardware store and pick up your tree house supplies... your get-away may be in the backyard!
I will share more in our next issue of the Leaducator... coming in February.
Trent Langdon is all about finding identity & building ‘life legacy’ through character education, integrity-based living, and social-emotional development. He is a junior high school counselor for nearly 700 adolescents and is dedicated to serving his students, their families, and communities. In addition, Trent works on behalf of his colleagues to build identity, protect professional roles, and to give teachers ‘a voice’; he is serving as Vice-President of the Newfoundland & Labrador Teachers Association (NLTA) for the 2017-2019 term of office. Trent is also a Canadian Certified Counselor with the Canadian Counseling & Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). And last but certainly not least, Trent is a proud contributor to the Epic Engage? team and co-author of The Leaducator Experience?. Check out Trent’s blog.
This month, I simply have to go with the theme, for very important reasons. Yes, LOVE – February is laden with commercialization of love and Valentines. You simply can’t escape it no matter where you go. The focus on romantic love is overwhelming, but I’d like to share with you a very recent, and very impactful display of love that I have experienced. My family (extended and close) just recently endured the terror and trauma of a missing teen. As soon as the teen was discovered missing, the family kicked into action; members of family were called all over the country, friends from all over were notified, and of course, the authorities were notified. There is a true terror that comes when you know that someone is gone, but it seems like the ‘rest of the world’ wants to wait to see if they are ‘really’ missing. I chose to share my concern with my Facebook audience – friends, family, and fans alike – in an attempt to familiarize as many people as possible with the missing teens picture and status. I was relying on the kindness, concern, and LOVE of strangers to help reunite this teen with her family. And LOVE triumphed! In less than 12 hours, my plea was heard, shared, and disseminated from Canada to Mexico and nearly every state of the U.S. And your love, your kindness was SUCCESSFUL! The teen was found and reunited with her family before a full 24 hours completed from the initial post. Every single person who shared, every single person who cared, every single person who offered assistance in ANY form, every one of them expressed a form of LOVE. I’d like to extend sincere gratitude – and awe – to all of you for that gift. And also extend a challenge: how can you offer love, kindness, and caring to someone this month? How can you help bring joy and happiness to someone with simple thoughtful acts unbidden? I encourage all of you to continue to spread love around you – you’ve already done so for one family, perhaps there is another who could use a smile right about now. With gratitude and LOVE...
Ray Hollister is all about strength, excellence and potential. In fact, he has a very special connection with students – he’s helped thousands achieve average scores of over 90% for 20 years! His love of learning… and his ability to teach anybody the same easy strategies he used to study far less than everyone else while maintaining outrageously high test scores… quickly earned him a lot of ‘friends’ seeking his advice. Ray has personally conducted numerous studies to develop an intense, focused, and results oriented program for college students. With the success of that program, Ray set his sights on helping younger students in Junior High, High School, and those just entering University. The end result is a program that will help any student – especially YOU – learn more, study less, and earn consistently high grades.
FIRST, I invite you to reflect on ...
Have a read and good reflection on what this virtue (this strength of character) might look like as an educator, entrepreneur or emerging leader. What might it look like at school, work, business or community? How might it be applied to family, friends, colleagues, clients... to your work, your community, your school? Consider L.O.V.E. as an action. It is manifested in our actions. And sometimes it is an even deeper kind of CUTE. Consider indeed and in deed. And take care of you. Love your work and life.
Barry Lewis Green is ultimately a vocalist, strength coach and educator. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths of character. His book Human Being Being Being Human speaks to that. and that is why Barry is The Unity Guy?. EPIC Engage? is an extension of The Unity Guy?. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.
Jamie, each month, offers a thought to ponder on Creativity; drawing on her longstanding expertise and experience in advancing same in others.
LOVE. What an amazing topic! Isn't it the best feeling in the world? Love has many meanings. What do you LOVE to eat, What do you LOVE to do...Who do you LOVE. Love is ALL around us and something you can NEVER get enough of! At Clay Cafe we LOVE seeing all the memories being made and painted with us. The gifts that are made with LOVE. The LOVE of art and painting something special. We LOVE getting to know our customers and seeing their faces light up when they pick up their art. We see the LOVE between people. It's beautiful! Just take a few moments now to think about all the things and people you love. You will see there are many!! Embrace love and show more love because Love is life and when you are full of it, you can CREATE anything.
Jamie McCabe is all about creativity and connection. She is on a mission to bring people together through art and exploring their creative side at Clay Café Avalon. Jamie became an entrepreneur and opened the paint-your-own pottery studio in 2008 and has seen many memories painted there since then. She works with children and schools where she provides after school art programs. She believes we should color outside the lines more and embrace our inner artist. At Clay Café, it’s not about painting the perfect piece, it’s about painting the perfect memory.
Joel, each month, addresses a matter on communications… interpersonal, in groups, through presentations and technology… and drawing upon his decades of experience and observation around how we find our message and voice.
See and hear what Joel has to say RIGHT HERE.
Joel Sweeney is all about effective communications. He has been speaking, training, coaching and writing about it for over 20 years. He is the author of The Wedding MC Handbook and Little Helpings of Food for Thought. His third book, The Speaker’s Tool Box – Perfecting the Craft of Speaking, was released in the 2015. He is the owner of Professionally Speaking (established in 1995). Joel helps entrepreneurs and business professional become effective, engaging and confident speakers.
Liz, Krista and April contribute on life hacks for living a cool LIFE… simple tips for better living. It will be crazy cool; and yes, April has joined us full time!
With the month of February comes Valentine’s Day! We get inundated with chocolates, pink cards and cute messages of affection everywhere we turn, but do we actually take time for real love on Valentine’s Day? If you’re coupled up, have a family and maybe a few kiddos I’m sure there are tons of ways to share real love, even beyond the candies and roses. But don’t forget to practice a little self-love as well! Beyond the love we share with others this February 14th, it’s a great time to give yourself a little extra self-care. Treat yourself to a fancy coffee drink in the morning, give yourself time to stretch and breathe and maybe even go for a walk throughout your work day, pack your favourite lunch - or go out with a coworker, head to the gym or a yoga class, and just share a little extra kindness and a big smile with everyone! If you don’t have plans for the evening, watch a movie you’ve been dying to see, cook yourself a fabulous meal or fill up the tub, light some candles, play some relaxing music and sink in! We often get so caught up in our work and in our daily lives that we become stretched thin and forget to be kind to ourselves. Self-care is very important for our mental and physical health. So, try and remember to show yourself a little extra self-love this Valentine’s Day - without feeling guilty! We will all be better in our work, friendships and family lives if we remember to take a little time to take care of us too!
Liz Burt is about real and healthy results. She is a master motivator. She is also a marathoner and marketing specialist living in Calgary, AB. She holds a three-year diploma in Business Management and Marketing, a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, and will begin her MA at the University of Alberta this spring. In addition to being wild about learning and running, Liz is also an avid traveller and has backpacked through twenty countries in the last few years. In her professional life she loves working with small businesses to develop simple and effective marketing and communications plans that achieve real results. She is creative, a bit of a health nut and loves to share her healthy passions in her blog. Liz is a goal setter and risk taker. She loves coffee, cooking, and great conversations. She gets huge joy in helping people and small businesses achieve their goals and are always ready to lend an ear and share advice.
In my work with KC Collect, I have come to understand that three strengths are vitally important. Patience - Not everyone has the means to pay their past due account in its entirety. Most debtors are going to need your expert guidance in order to properly budget their existing debt. You have to be patient with them as you conceive an appropriate payment plan that is going to lessen their debt load and result in payment. Persistence - The “out-of-sight, out of mind” mentality is quite common when attempting to collecting debt. If you keep persisting, you have a better chance at being paid when the money becomes available. Keeping the account fresh in their memory is an important tool to recovering debt. Empathetic- Being sensitive to the debtor’s current situation will most likely aide in your attempts in getting paid. Most people have the best intentions to repay debt, but, due to unforeseen circumstances, have fallen behind on their bills. Working together to resolve the debt will instil proper money management and better the individual for future financial transactions. As I reflect this month, I think these true in many or all fields of professional and personal endeavour.
Krista Walsh is about productivity and creating cash flow. Krista is an award winning entrepreneur, author and speaker. From dental assistant drop out, to family business builder, to emerging leader for Atlantic Canada (twice), Krista will share her journey from failure to success and explore how to increase your cash flow and productivity. In 2005 Krista established “KC COLLECT,” a credit, collection and resource company. It would be the first and only female-owned collection agency in Atlantic Canada. Krista’s informative presentations engage and challenge audiences to effectively manage and build their businesses, professional relationships, and enhance their profiles. Andrew Oland- President, Moosehead Breweries says “Krista is a smart, dedicated and passionate woman. She is an engaging and practical presenter who adds tremendous value to any audience.” Her breakout sessions will assist you in navigating the practical tools you can implement immediately to increase sales and productivity, enhance and build relationships, and strengthen and increase cash flow. Krista’s determination and vision has been recognized by her peers and she has twice received the Atlantic Canadian Emerging Award as one of Canada’s leading young entrepreneurs.
April McCarthy says...
February is the month of Love! Valentine’s day ads of loving couples are everywhere. Cards, chocolates and flower sales are at their highest of the year. It is a wonderful holiday to express love for your partner, but what about Love for yourself? For most of us, it is easy to take care of partners, children, our parents, siblings and friends, but when it comes to ourselves we are the last on the list. This month practice giving some love to yourself! Give yourself permission to take a “Selfie Day”. A day that is all about you! Take a long bath in some bubbles with candle light, take a hike and breathe in the fresh air and allow yourself to be fully present in nature. Indulge in your favourite meal or a sinful dessert without letting yourself feel guilty. Take a nap! Sit and read a book you have been wanting to read. Treat yourself to a spa day, or just a massage. Buy yourself a little something that you have always wanted but thought you did not need. Take time for yourself. Rick Warren once wrote, “Time is our most precious asset. We can make more money, buy more things but we cannot make more time.” If you cannot take a full day, there are things you can start and do daily to just lift your spirit and nourish your soul. Try writing down 3 things you are grateful for each morning when you wake up. Starting the day in gratitude will place you in a positive space. Stretch. The simple act of stretching your muscles will release not only tension in your body but also in your mind. It is an amazing stress reliever. Be Still. Take five minutes to just sit quietly by yourself, listen to your breath and remind yourself what a blessing it is to be alive. Light a scented candle that you enjoy and let the aroma calm you. Don’t have time to read a whole book, listen to a short podcast or read a daily affirmation. Start an exercise routine, even if it is a 15 minute walk each day. Unfollow negative “friends” and pages on your social media. You will feel better without this negative energy in your life. Chose only to follow people who add wisdom, joy or laughter to your day. Just adding simple habits to your routine can have an impact on your well being. The most important thing is to be gentle with yourself, exercise patience with yourself, forgive yourself, honor your body, and give yourself the love you deserve. Sometimes we think we need to have others love us, before we can give ourselves permission to Love ourselves. You cannot truly love unless you love yourself first. In the words of the Legendary Beatles: “All We Need Is Love”. Happy Love Month!
April McCarthy, is all about Taking Your Life Back! After losing her husband in 2009, widowed at the age of 33, with three young kids. April was determined her children would not lose the mother they knew as well, and she made a conscious decision to grow from her grief journey and become her true authentic self. After a life long battle with weight she lost 97lbs, through clean eating and strength training, She believes that lifting weights not only changes your body but shapes your mind, body and spirit. She created the Commit to be Fit Program to help others take their life back and regain their health! She actively speaks on grief, has a grief series on how to live again after loss. She is a CanFitPro Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor and Weightless Coach... and has completed Martin Rooney's famous Training for Warriors Level 1 course ... and recently went to Halifax to become a Certified Coach Practitioner. April believes that daily gratitude should be the greatest intention!
Going forward, Mark and Sheena will be contributing quotes and music respectively in our new section called MUSIC and MESSAGE… to lift the mind and heart. For February…
Going forward, Mark will be offering motivating thoughts in visual form… going to be cool. For now, with goals in mind, Mark has offered…
Mark Black, CSP is all about wellness and resilience. He is a Heart and Double-Lung Transplant Recipient, 4-time marathoner, resilience expert, speaker, and coach. Mark helps people “Thrive in Challenging Times”. A Certified Speaking Professional, Mark has inspired more than 100,000 people in more than 350 presentations. At 23 Mark faced an unimaginable challenge. His doctor informed him that his heart was failing. Without a rare and dangerous heart and double-lung transplant he would not see his 25th birthday. Three years later, after receiving his second chance at life, Mark ran his first marathon. Mark spends his free time with his beautiful wife and two kids.
Moving forward, Sheena shares in song, and message; and I am ever thankful. This month she shares a beautiful message via her wonderful TEDx Talk.
Sheena Grobb Singer/Songwriter and Speaker… is humbly amazing. “It is without a doubt a masterpiece of songwriting and soundscape. Really incredible, soulful music. She will definitely get a huge audience in time, trust me.” Alex Wharton, Abbey Road Studios. A songbird from the age of two, songwriter at ten, with 3 albums under her belt, a nomination for the Western Canadian Music Awards, and over 500 tour dates across Canada, the US, and the UK, Sheena Grobb (one of Canada’s best kept secrets) is spilling over. With the release of her newest album, The Breakless Heart, mastered at Abbey Road Studios in London, and a life changing music video created by Lindsey Nelko (past choreographer with So You Think You Can Dance), Sheena is embarking on her most meaningful project yet – The Living Compassion Project? – inviting others to “unlock their lives” through sharing their stories… as she begins to share hers.
More surprises to come in March... we are growing. Ride with us. For now, here...
- Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. --- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- Here are some videos aligned with our topic this month: The Light
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- You can also check out other free resources and services right here.