The broadCAST 2020: January
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
The broadCAST? is back. In our last issue of The broadCAST? for December 2019 we alluded to a re-start. Let it begin again.
The broadCAST? remains a monthly weigh in of thoughts and perspectives by our members of The broadCAST? Team. As noted so very many times in the past, "these wonderful people are independent experts in their own right, and I am humbly proud to say friends of mine. Here, they have an opportunity to share their earned insights, for you, each month. And, as we have said many times before, we encourage you to connect with these experts on their respective bodies of work and how they might be of service to you. Think of The broadCAST? as a "news and views" letter ... intent on bringing value added and even fun to your life at work and beyond. Intended for educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders, it has something for everyone... and we encourage you to share it.
On Love in Action... JENNY DEARING
- Jenny Dearing speaks to love in action. She brings talent, experience and learning around love, trauma and care. With a passion for Child and Youth Care and Addictions, and a background in same, she connects, and memorably so. Her work spans children and youth care with addictions, personal and senior care, respite work, and business leadership; delivering on all. Jenny is a Certified Virtues Project? Facilitator, with professional training in child and youth care with addictions support and home support services. With certification in ASIST Suicide First Aid, Autism Awareness and Understanding, Trauma Information Care and Child and Youth Care Practice, Jenny brings it, with zeal. On top of all that, she loves singing, and is an accomplished multi-media artist … and brings both to her work. Artistry is a path to love and healing. Jenny knows it. She believes in it. She drives it. Connect with Jenny @ Epic Engage, right here.
Jenny says...
Check out what I wrote recently on change. Following on posts on Empathy... Fear... and Love... this month, it is about change. First, please check out what I wrote.
As 2019 drew to an end, we were feeling the stress of shopping, decorating the tree perfectly, or making sure the turkey is ready to go and the gifts are wrapped. In those moments, we are so consumed with the little details that we may not be honing in on the precious particles of what life is really about during that special time. Or any time for that matter. We can trim the trees and dress the turkey and throw the best parties. But really, at the end of the day, there are these changes being made. Or at least the opportunity to begin to make them. We get a year, some get to see the next, others don’t. But if you do, you are one of the lucky ones. We get to live out the remainder of the year, like we have gotten to live out all years in the past. Deciding whether we want to make a resolution. Whether we want to continue living life the way that we have been for all the years prior. We have the honor of making changes in our own lives. Holy crap, do you hear that??? We get to decide what our new beginnings will be in a new year. We get to steer our own ship! No one else in the world has that kind of power over you. That is the most amazing thing of all. Whether or not we chose to do something with that power, well, that’s up to you, I guess. Yes you. We'll explore more in the Benny and Jarry Blog on Wednesdays this month. Join me.
- Dominique Hurley is an intuitive visionary artist, educator, and naturopathic practitioner who guides you to explore and express your True Self as you connect to your inner guidance. Grounded in her love of beauty and the beauty of love, Dominique delivers insight and inspiration through her Intuition Into Action Treasure Map: 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life. She’ll delight you through energy-infused art, intuitive exercises, guided meditations, presentations, interactive workshops, and writings. For your conference, convention, meeting or event, Dominique can and will help nourish your transformational journey as an individual, organization or professional community.
Dominique says...
Reconnect To Your True Self Series. Emerging into this new year with 20/20 vision starts by seeing, accepting, and loving yourself fully. Then, you can take inspired steps aligned with who you truly are. Are you ready to live your best life in 2020? Journey with me as I share this free series of 11 lessons learned during the co-creation of the Re-Connecting Collection of paintings. Their teachings will add colour & vibrancy to all areas of your life. Using the index on my website you can:
- explore the 11 original blog posts to witness the evolution and understand the symbolism within each artwork,
- access the 11 Lessons they inspired. Short videos with accompanying exercises are being added on my blog every 2 weeks until March 9th.
The lessons already available are:
- Every Sock a Prayer
- Own Your Light
- Cheers to Your Tribe
- Shine Your Superpowers
- Look Deep Into the Mirror
- Get Creative
Allow my intuitive visionary process to nourish your transformational journey. Invest time in these simple yet profound exercises to help you co-create the life your heart desires. Self-understanding, self-love, clarity and courage - these are some of the ingredients you’ll harvest from your time in the garden cultivated by the creation of this Collection.
And if you’re in St. John’s, drop in to the gallery at Modo Yoga - 233 Duckworth St. until February 18th to see these energy-infused paintings live. They’ll deepen your experience as you enter the portal to the Universal Energy Flow. Open for viewing 30 minutes before any class on the schedule as well as Monday, Tuesday. and Thursday 5:00 – 8:30 PM; Wednesday 5:00 - 8:00 PM; Friday 5:00 – 7:30 PM; Saturday 8AM – 12PM; Sunday 9:30 – 2:00 PM.
In the meantime, click here to access the Reconnect To Your True Self Series.
On T.H.E. Community Mindset... JON BUTLER
- Jon Butler was born and bred in St. John’s and is especially passionate about helping to build the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Newfoundland & Labrador. After graduating from MUN in 2009, he spent the following 9 years building a career as an entrepreneur. He has started companies in both Ottawa and St. John’s, and most recently, a food business called LunchIn. Jon has also launched Get Started Café; an initiative that offers a new approach to professional development, leadership, and community impact. He believes that thinking like an entrepreneur can help anyone become empowered at work, enact social change, and find purpose. Jon Butler on LinkedIn.
Jon says...
Happy New Decade! Yep, a new decade! Take a moment to reflect on that. Think about all the change that has happened over the past 10 years. Good or bad, a lot has been done across the country and throughout the world. I bet when you sit back to think about it, you’ll see that you’ve done quite a lot, yourself. New relationships, life changes, career moves, new business… I’m sure the list goes on. How about 2019, though? Have you knocked off many of those beloved Resolutions? Or, are you staring at your empty checklist wondering where the year went? As Bill Gates once said, “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”
With that in mind, I’ve been challenging myself to simplify what I aim to accomplish in a year by setting a one-word resolution. In 2017, I decided to put away my Top 10 Resolution To-Do List and opted for a Top 1 List. I wrote a broadCAST article on this last year. You can check it out here.
What I find most valuable with a one-word strategy is its simplicity. I constantly think about my one word and use it as a compass to help me focus on what’s important. Try it for yourself! Think of a single word that can act as your theme for 2020. Something like “relationships” or “health” or, for me, “execute”. Then, the next time your trying to figure out what you need to do for the month, week, or day, think about your one word to help guide you. Go ahead, and try it! If you’d like to share your word, I’d be happy to hear from you. Connect with me on LinkedIn.
On Creativity... JAMIE McCABE
- Jamie McCabe is all about creativity and connection. She is on a mission to bring people together through art and exploring their creative side at Clay Café Avalon. Jamie became an entrepreneur and opened the paint-your-own pottery studio in 2008 and has seen many memories painted there since then. She works with children and schools where she provides after school art programs. She believes we should color outside the lines more and embrace our inner artist. At Clay Café, it’s not about painting the perfect piece, it’s about painting the perfect memory.
Jamie says...
NEW YEAR and CREATIVE BEGINNINGS. With the new year always comes the excitement for new things, new goals, new dreams or visions of new prosperity. While all of these are great, have you ever thought about trying a new hobby? Or taking an art class to expand your creative side? I find the new year is a great time to light a fire in myself to accomplish new things in my life and my business but often with that comes those resolution and pressures as I tend to set maybe too many goals. Have you ever said, “it’s a new year, I’m going to get in shape, eat healthier, make more money, save money, take a trip......” but what about taking care of your mind?
The stresses of life can boggle my mind but when I get out and do something creative I reconnect to myself and feel refreshed. Taking art classes can actually help you with your other goals as art improves your motivation, concentration and confidence. It provides us with a deeper understanding of ourselves, the world around us and each other. We have lots to offer at Clay Cafe. Rug hooking, painting, drawing, Clay, board art and more. So for this new year, think about taking a monthly or weekly art class and let creativity be your goal and watch the rest fall into place.
On Education... RAY HOLLISTER
- Ray Hollister is all about strength, excellence and potential. In fact, he has a very special connection with students – he’s helped thousands achieve average scores of over 90% for 20 years! His love of learning… and his ability to teach anybody the same easy strategies he used to study far less than everyone else while maintaining outrageously high test scores… quickly earned him a lot of ‘friends’ seeking his advice. Ray has personally conducted numerous studies to develop an intense, focused, and results oriented program for college students. With the success of that program, Ray set his sights on helping younger students in Junior High, High School, and those just entering University. The end result is a program that will help any student – especially YOU – learn more, study less, and earn consistently high grades.
Ray says...
TEACHERS ARE CREATURES (of habit). Have you ever considered discovering a teacher’s quirks and routines for the purpose of conforming your behavior to achieve better grades? I ask you this because when you model your behavior around your teacher’s desires, the result for you is a good reputation and massive respect from the teacher. Be careful though, this can cause embarrassing grades of 85% or higher when you in fact may not have deserved them! Think of it this way, Respect and a Good Reputation will deal a serious damage to an “average” student and likely cause them to enter “A” student territory. If you wish to remain an average student, keep doing things your way. If you wish to be well above average, do things your teacher’s way.
Let’s take a look at a “C” student’s behavior vs. an “A” student’s behavior to find out how to each accomplishes their goals:
- “C” Student behavior: Make every attempt to interrupt the teacher’s routines. Being obnoxious or uninterested is helpful in achieving this dynamic. Not participating in class is especially good at disrupting the teachers ability to ‘infect’ you with useless information.
- “A” Student behavior: Pay close attention to the teachers routines and then adjust your behavior accordingly so that your full attention is always on them. Each teacher will give tell-tale clues of what they expect and demand from their students. Most of these signals can be easily seen before the “announcement” is made. By observing carefully what these signals are, you can be well ahead of them. The teacher won’t know what you are doing, but they WILL know that you always seem to be paying attention, on time, courteous, and willing to learn.
- “C” Student Action Plan: Spend at least one week studying your teacher’s habits and routines. Create several specific actions and/or comments you can make that will effectively interrupt the routines. Create at least 5 backup plans. Drink lots of liquid before class. Play video games when you are ‘studying’.
- “A” Student Action Plan: Spend at least one week studying your teacher’s habits and routines. Identify the specific actions and/or questions you can ask that will help facilitate your understanding of the materials presented and study accordingly.
By following these simple steps and action plans for a “C” student, you can easily help maintain your status as ‘average’, if that is your desire. Conversely, if you’d rather be a better student, following the “A” student action plan will help immensely.
On Communications... JOEL SWEENEY
- Joel Sweeney is all about effective communications. He has been speaking, training, coaching and writing about it for over 20 years. He is the author of The Wedding MC Handbook and Little Helpings of Food for Thought. His third book, The Speaker’s Tool Box – Perfecting the Craft of Speaking, was released in the 2015. He is the owner of Professionally Speaking (established in 1995). Joel helps entrepreneurs and business professional become effective, engaging and confident speakers.
Joel says...
Here is the link to my video installment for January 2020. Normally, I would speak about goals and goal setting for the first post of the year. I've done that for 2-3 years now and decided I would do something a bit different. It has been 20 years since Y2K (year 2000). In the lead up to Y2K there were dire predictions of major computer crashes and other calamities. It turned out that the impact was quite minimal. During the subsequent 20 years there was an explosion in technology that has radically changed our lives. One area where this is particularly true is communications. We have seen the introduction of many text based technologies and a variety of social media platforms. All of this has changed how we communicate with one another. Used wisely they can be very powerful. During the last 5-10 years the increased usage of these technologies has caused an erosion of our oral communication skills. I believe they should be leveraged supplement oral communication not replace it completely.
On Youth, and Opportunity... WHITNEY and WILL
- Hey there! I'm Whitney (Roberts), a student from Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. I'm super involved in my Student Union and advocating for students. I'm also a creative (@wvartwork)...I have a passion for visual arts, fine arts, and more! However, my heart lies with community engagement and youth initiatives. I've worked with youth centres from a young age and found a passion for advocating for at-risk youth. For the past few years, I've worked with a national non-profit called Youth Centres Canada. I've had many titles since starting there but my main focus is the #Youth Magazine. I've learned so much about youth initiatives across Canada and engaged with so many individuals with similar passions! Recently, I've co-founded a non-profit organization entitled The Opportunity Project Youth Association (TOP for short). Our goal is to connect youth with opportunities to grow and develop their skills. We want to provide opportunities to youth so that they can succeed in this fast-paced world!
- Will White began his journey of working with youth-serving organizations at the Youth 2000 Centre in Grand Falls-Windsor, NL. Discovering a continuous need to do something bigger he began to search for opportunities to grow. Through this search, he joined groups such as the Youth Advisory Council for the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health, Young Canadians Round Table on Health and became a Telus Wise Ambassador. After 4 years as a Programs and Promotions Coordinator at the youth centre, Will made the difficult decision of taking a break from working directly with youth and shortly after was appointed as the CEO of Youth Centres Canada. He has since joined the Advisory on Youth Matters, served two one year terms on the Premiers Youth Council and most recently become accepted to the Constituency Youth Council for MP Scott Simms. He is excited to have embarked on a new venture, Co-Founding a national non-profit, The Opportunity Project Youth Association (TOP for short), which focuses on creating and advocating for opportunities for youth across Canada from employment to volunteer opportunities. Will’s core passions are youth mental health, digital literacy and youth engagement. He believes that every youth is a wealth of untapped potential and hopes to prove that to the world.
Whitney and Will say...
Typically we have an episode of TOP of the Hour to share with you along with a short message about the episode. This time we are doing things a little different. It seems the podcast took a bit of a break, we didn't see it coming and we didn't really know it was happening. The break does give us time to reflect on the past episodes and really think about how far we have come since the inception of the idea. There were many points where we were quietly leaving the idea behind as just an idea. We were not comfortable with recording ourselves and didn't any of the technical side of a podcast. But one day we finally sat down to record. If you listen to that first episode you can hear the awkwardness through the low quality recording. It was something we have never done and we stepped far outside of our comfort zone. Even now, with our first season completed, we are still learning to be more comfortable with the mics and learning how to improve on the content and quality. But that in a nutshell is an important part of life. Step outside your comfort zone and continue to learn to improve the quality of your life.
We will definitely be stepping out of our comfort zones more and more in the near future and there will be an episode of TOP of the Hour covering this topic as well. But in the meantime if you are looking for inspiration, we encourage you to check out a YouTube channel called "Yes Theory". They are a group of young people who truly show what it means to step outside of your comfort zone and take on challenges to do just that with their motto "seek discomfort" guiding their efforts.
On Motivation... MARK BLACK
- Mark Black, CSP is all about wellness and resilience. He is a Heart and Double-Lung Transplant Recipient, 4-time marathoner, resilience expert, speaker, and coach. Mark helps people “Thrive in Challenging Times”. A Certified Speaking Professional, Mark has inspired more than 100,000 people in more than 350 presentations. At 23 Mark faced an unimaginable challenge. His doctor informed him that his heart was failing. Without a rare and dangerous heart and double-lung transplant he would not see his 25th birthday. Three years later, after receiving his second chance at life, Mark ran his first marathon. Mark spends his free time with his beautiful wife and two kids.
Mark offers...
... and enjoy this interview with Mark on resilience.
On Compassion... SHEENA GROBB
- Sheena Grobb Singer/Songwriter and Speaker… is humbly amazing. “It is without a doubt a masterpiece of songwriting and soundscape. Really incredible, soulful music. She will definitely get a huge audience in time, trust me.” Alex Wharton, Abbey Road Studios. A songbird from the age of two, songwriter at ten, with 3 albums under her belt, a nomination for the Western Canadian Music Awards, and over 500 tour dates across Canada, the US, and the UK, Sheena Grobb (one of Canada’s best kept secrets) is spilling over. With the release of her newest album, The Breakless Heart, mastered at Abbey Road Studios in London, and a life changing music video created by Lindsey Nelko (past choreographer with So You Think You Can Dance), Sheena is embarking on her most meaningful project yet – The Living Compassion Project? – inviting others to “unlock their lives” through sharing their stories… as she begins to share hers.
Sheena shares...
From the album Safe Guarded Space, Sheena shares Clean and Discreetly.
Have a listen.
Consider the message.
Enjoy the music.
En-joy. :-)
On Reverberations... TRENT LANGDON
- For 25 years, Trent Langdon has invested (and greatly appreciated his experience) in public education, youth care, and organizational governance. He is a nationally-certified school counsellor, teacher, and ‘peer-elected’ leader, promoting the human connection, integrity-based leadership, and the power of relationships. Trent works to build the personal identity, skill-set, and resilience of students, educators, community leaders, and professionals. He is a ‘helper’ and ‘educator’ by temperament and training, addressing the challenges of adolescence & young adulthood, interpersonal communications, and organizational culture. He is a family guy, speaker, child and human rights advocate, and community volunteer. Connect with Trent right here.
Trent says...
IMPACT. Adolescence has been well-documented as a time of exploration, relationship-building, and creating your niche, within an often unforgiving world. Adolescents are wired in ways that drive them to ‘leave their mark’, ‘raise the bar’, and ‘make an impact’. It is a stage that is fraught with dangers and pitfalls that have stressed multitudes of parents and educators, with no real advancements in strategies to ease the journey. If anything, today’s challenges have heightened the worries, as the playing field has expanded well beyond the confines of one’s neighbourhood and communication tools have given greater personal access with the power to influence. Teens are taking un-calculated risks and are acting on impulse during each and every interaction. Online connections are about one-upping, calling out opposition, initiating tension, and revealing highly personal histories / circumstances, with the intention of drawing attention or attaining some warped sense of achievement. Many adults have fallen victim to the same behaviors. As educators, we see these same online antics, seeping into our school hallways and classrooms.
Call to Action: As educators and parents, we have a responsibility to:
- Celebrate those actions by our students that are altruistic, meaningful, and make a positive impact.
- Avail of teachable moments to influence future decision-making.
- Utilize character-building resources that provide the framework for safe and empathetic actions.
- Model caring relationships (in spite of the medium being used).
- Revert back to proven methods of personal ‘grounding’ – e.g. nature, private time, time off the grid,…
- Teach virtues-based communication and listening skills.
- Embrace the benefits of e-communications while teaching about the dangers.
- Work to build self-regard in students that is not rooted in public or online opinion.
- Take a stand…
On the Environmental... DAWN GOUGH
- Dawn Gough is about environmental excellence including change through policy, corporate social responsibility, and long-term sustainability. As an environmental consultant, policy writer, and management system consultant and owner of EnTec Environmental Consulting, she has enjoyed forging environmental initiatives and providing environmental expertise across Newfoundland and Labrador for the past 20 years. She leads with knowledge of federal, provincial, and municipal regulations, industry best practices, and ISO 14001. Dawn believes that change starts with policy and real change must be initiated from the inside out and from the top down of any organization. Dawn holds a Master of Technology Management degree in Engineering and Applied Science Technology, is a certified Lead Auditor for ISO Integrated Management Systems and is enthusiastic about inspiring the leadership of socially and environmentally-conscious companies to become recognized as leaders in the community. Connect with Dawn.
Dawn says...
During the Christmas season, we throw away an incredible amount of paper and cardboard. Offices and schools are the most notorious culprits for wasting huge amounts of paper. While recycling is a great idea, we need to stop wasting paper and get away from the disposable mindset. Half of the waste that companies produce is paper waste. Paper and cardboard comprises 40 per cent of our household waste in NL. Here in the St. John's area, we have a two-stream curbside recycling program where all paper goes in one blue bag and containers go in another for curbside pickup. Here are my best strategies to tackle paper waste:
- Come up with some creative gift giving ideas that do not include gift wrap.
- Insist on doing as much work as possible electronically. Most schools and workplaces have some sort of environmental policy - hold them to it. Teachers: let students submit work electronically. Businesses: allow receipts to be emailed. Make sure all printers have double-sided printing set as the default.
- Don't print, use technology. Need to sign a document? No need to print it. Use apps such as “Adobe Fill & Sign” to fill out applications, add your electronic signature, and then email your document.
- Use digital document storage. Convert your documents to PDF and use an eFiling system to store your documentation on a cloud server, shared drive, or intranet.
- Purchase products that have less packaging or leave the packaging with the retailer. Packaging makes up the greatest percentage of paper waste.
Environmental, social and economic responsibility is driving the need to reduce paper waste. It is expensive to manage paper waste - especially in remote Canadian areas; reducing consumption is a greener option in every sense of the word. We need policy and legislative changes to drive greater action, but until that happens, it is up to each of us to assume the responsibility for reducing paper and cardboard waste. If you have any paper reduction strategies of your own, please get in touch! I would love to hear from you.
- After twenty years of ‘successful’ yet unhappy corporate living, Leslie Bridger decided to follow her calling, helping people create healing environments both internally and externally with nature. After her near-death experience in 2005, she fully understood the importance of what she had learned from the Elements. Leslie now spreads this message through her joyful awe-inspiring talks accompanied by her uplifting nature photography, as well as her upcoming book “AWE for Humanity: Awakening Wisdom from the Elements”. Her mission is to lovingly empower others, individually and in groups, as they awaken to the magnificence within and all around them. The Awe Project.
Leslie says...
January 2020. The first month of a new decade. This past year there were incredibly difficult challenges for many people, including me. Lots of loss, releasing and letting go, both personally and professionally. I’m sure you’ve felt it, either yourself or through those close to you. The old ways of living and working are breaking down as we open up to more life-affirming and live-giving ways of being. We’ve been making space for the more within us that has been crying out to be seen and heard. Those who are still reading this know it is time to remove all of your masks and allow your authentic self to flourish and shine like never before. The time of mindlessly ‘doing’ task after task is on its way out. Now it’s all about allowing yourself moments each day to Just Be so that you can be truly present in your life, as you access your own inner Divine wisdom and guidance. You have all the answers within you that you have been searching for externally. This month forward, how can you find the courage to make daily quiet time for you, so your soul can take a more prominent and active role in your life during your waking, and awakening, hours? When you make a commitment to you, you’ll feel yourself coming alive like never before as you start falling into your own natural rhythm and flow of living and being.
- Barry Lewis Green is ultimately a vocalist, strength coach and educator. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths of character. His book Human Being Being Human speaks to that. and that is why Barry is The Unity Guy?. EPIC Engage? is an extension of The Unity Guy?. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.
Barry says...
December was a crazy, busy and cool month, finishing off an even more so Fall 2019... 2 university courses of study, 5 courses teaching and running the work of Epic Engage. Through it all, I decided to explore character and the Christmas and Holiday Season. You can have a look for yourself. That being said, I also forged a vision wall for 2020, and started focusing on being R.A.D.... exploring more on motivation and Optimism. But, here and now, I simply want to offer up what I now suggest is a virtue: Dominion.
It is about finding your middle ground and claiming it. My only question for you this month (and year, even) is "How will you practice it?" For me, it is about living my vision wall with a fierce focus... mine all mine.
- Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. --- Seneca
Live noble and strong.
- Day One
- And look for our ROCKfox Unity Radio
- How To Start The New Year - Motivation For 2020
- Check out broadCAST Live coming... Trailer 1 and Trailer 2, more to come
Thanks yet again for engaging us! We want to wish you a real and wonderful 2020!
Do please stay tuned! And share!!! We do invite you to connect with our contributors. They are remarkable and diverse people to know and with whom to work.
Many of them are part of our new SPEAKERNET too.
Either way, let us keep doing this!
Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy
The FREEPIC Forums?
We invite you to catch up and check out some of our back issues:
- December (and November) 2019: Back!
- October 2019: On Thanks and Fear and More
- September 2019: Getting Started
- August 2019: Magnificence
- July 2019: Dominion
- June 2019: June Bugs of Ideas
- May 2019 and may it be
- April 2019 and those Easter Eggs
- March 2019 and march on
- February 2019 on love and leadership
You can also check out other free resources and services right here.
... and we are ever thankful for the global goals. Connect soon!