British Transplant Games 2024, Nottingham
5 years ago, a life-changing kidney transplant at Hammersmith Hospital brought new hope to my family. My younger brother, at the age of 21, became a living donor for our incredible mum. Their journey of recovery and care continues to inspire me every day.
This weekend, I had the honour of representing both Hammersmith Hospital and The West London Kidney Patients Association. Despite facing my own challenges over the last 1, including an ACL surgery that temporarily set back my athletic aspirations, I've found new strength and determination.
I was recently cleared to run again after 18 months, a milestone that filled me with joy and reignited my passion for sports. To celebrate this victory and the #5years since the transplant, I'm embarking on a mission to support Transplant Sport UK. By June 2025, I aim to complete a series of events to raise funds and awareness for this incredible cause.
Completing the 5K Donor Race at the British Transplant Games was just the beginning. Each step I take is a step towards my ultimate goal: returning to the Judo mat, stronger and more resilient than ever.
Join me on this journey of rehabilitation, resilience, and raising awareness organ donation. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those touched by the gift of transplantation.
Transplant Sport is a registered charity whose main aim is to raise awareness of the need for organ donation. They organise sports and social events for transplant recipients and donors to improve health and well being whilst actively promoting organ donation.
Every contribution, regardless of size, will have a meaningful impact and bring us closer to our goal. Together, we can bring hope to those living with an organ transplant.
#BTG2024 #giftoflife #transplantsportuk #organdonation #BritishTransplantGames #rehabjourney #kidneytransplantawareness