British National Overseas Visa
The British National Overseas Visa is for those individuals who are from Hong Kong and are British nationals overseas. This also includes their family members. The children of a British national (overseas) who are 18 years of age or older and were born on or after 1 July 1997 need to apply separately from their parents. ?Their family members can also apply with them. After making this applicants these individuals cannot travel to the United Kingdom till they have received a decision on the application.
It is important for the applicants to have their permanent home in Hong Kong if their application is being made from outside the United Kingdom. Otherwise, it should be in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Hong Kong if they are applying from within the United Kingdom. Depending upon the circumstances the visa may be granted for either 2 years and 6 months or 5 years period. There is a provision to make an extension of this visa at the end of its validity period.
There is no limit on the number of times this visa can be extended. Also upon the completion of 5 years period of continuous residency in the United Kingdom, these individuals may be eligible to apply for settlement. Provided that they are able to meet the necessary eligibility requirements for settlement. The benefits of having this visa include being able to work as well as study in the United Kingdom. But this is subject to certain restrictions. Things not permitted include utilizing most of the benefits from public funds.
At the time of making the application, the applicants need to pay the application processing fee as well as the immigration health surcharge. The applicants are also required to prove through supporting evidence that they have enough finances. The applicant needs to provide all the necessary information when applying for this visa. They are also required to submit the relevant documents along with their application. These could be bank statements, BNO passport or status, birth certificate, household or utility bills and so on.
To know more about the British National Overseas Visa and for legal support with the application process, you can get in touch with ICS Legal Immigration. We have qualified immigration advisers and are regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. Immigration advisers can help you to know your possible options and the correct steps forward based on your surroundings.
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