British Expertise International  - 2018 Award Winners

British Expertise International - 2018 Award Winners

Winners Announced!

The annual BEI 2018 Awards reception took place on Thursday 12 April 2018 - Congratulations to the winners, the Highly Recommended mentions and all the participants!

In a year of marked with many uncertainties for UK business, it was a pleasure to showcase the many accomplishments made by UK companies. The project submissions were as inspiring as the people who deliver them. This powerful showcase would not be possible without the generous backing from our sponsors; BRE, Mott MacDonald and Squire Patton Boggs - Thank you!

International Business of the Year (Sponsored by Squire Patton Boggs)

WINNER — Turner & Townsend - Turner and Townsend have continued to expand their global client base and capability in order to respond to challenges and opportunities across the globe. Along the way, they have acquired numerous accolades and have moved up 29 places to #26 in the Sunday Times Grant Thornton Top Track 250 rankings.

International SME Business of the Year (Sponsored by Squire Patton Boggs)

WINNER: Trivandi - an international consultancy that specialises in planning, delivery and operational advice on major projects in the sports, leisure and event sectors. Trivandi’s knowledge of international events and their expertise allows them to bring world class events to the UK and the rest of the globe.

Young Consultant of the Year (Sponsored by Mott MacDonald)

WINNERS: Alix Landais, Elan RDC, Monica Inkpen, IMC Worldwide, Cara Buchan , WYG Group. Inspiring, nurturing and retaining young talent is challenging. This award recognises those that already have significant achievements on the international stage and show great future potential.

International Architecture & Design Project

WINNER: Populous for Groupama Stadium - designed as an architectural focal point for a new civic destination. The massive 53.7 hectare canopy roof reflects the local forest canopies and extends out over the crowd. The uses for this stadium are extremely diverse ranging from the annual Festival of Lights in Lyon to the UEFA Europa League.

International Healthcare Project (Sponsored by Mott MacDonald)

WINNER: Public Health England (PHE) - Fast-Track Global Collaborations to Conquer Emergencies Such as Ebola and Zika. The challenge facing PHE was to develop and negotiate robust but fair arrangements that allowed participating bodies to share knowledge about Ebola and the Zika Virus. The goal of this project was to allow a more efficient delivery process of resources.

International Development: Physical Project

WINNER: Mott MacDonald - Shire River Basin Management Project. Mott MacDonald supported the process of engineering and repairing infrastructure of Malawi as well as developing institutional capacity for planning and monitoring, rehabilitation of catchments, development of alternative rural livelihoods. This project was done to support the surge of the national population of Malawi, which was projected to double by 2040.

International Development: Non-Physical Project

WINNER: Landell Mills - Panj-Amu River Basin Programme. Landell Mills supported a project aimed at improving access to water in Afghanistan. The new system would provide a fair water distribution method to individuals. This project played a significant role in sustaining the flagship industry of agriculture at a time when the country was experiencing a spike in population.

International Positive Social Impact Award

WINNER: Mott MacDonald - Char Development and Settlement Project Phase IV (CDSP IV). The CDSP has brought stabilisation to the Char Lands of Bangladesh, where hostile environments terrorise local farmers and jeopardise the well-being and lives of those who live in this region. CDSP has transformed the landscape into a functioning and sustainable homeland for 28,000 households as well as sparking gender development initiatives for women.

International Collaborative Project

WINNER — Building Research Establishment (BRE) - Advancing the Sustainability of Social Housing in Brazil. BRE was able to bring in expertise from Mexico, Chile, and the UK based on the sustainability standards such as BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes. Working with organisations in Brazil, the transfer of tools and a variety of other resources have enabled better social housing from building to community level.


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