Britain's Active Parks conference
Svend Elkjaer
Director, Sports Marketing Network(SMN) #growsport Help you deliver more vibrant, visible & viable sport activities
How our parks can play an increasing role in getting people active and changing lives
Midlands Arts Centre, 24th October 2019, Birmingham
How Britain’s parks are engaging with new audiences, in new places…
There is an increasing focus on the importance that our parks and other green spaces can play in getting inactive people active.
There are many ways of motivating and taking physical activity specific to local people in their park. This may include different levels of physical activity which can be fit into a general walk or dog walking schedule, the use of new technology to link to further information or perhaps the use of augmented reality and games.
There is no generic template for a good park or green space. The connections between experiences of nature, including diverse trees, plants and wildlife and mental wellbeing are strong. A park that only serves as a children’s playground or a football training ground is not fulfilling its potential.
This conference will feature real stories and successes to be told, lessons to be learnt, ideas and experiences to be shared
This conference is aimed at representatives from parks, social and sports development and other departments at our local authorities, social prescribers, public health, trusts, social enterprises, community groups and health and wellbeing bodies.
Presentations on
The challenge of moving at scale while keeping it local Dr Justin Varney MBBS MSc FFPH, Director of Public Health for Birmingham City Council
Creating an accessible parthway for people on lower incomes to offer them free outdoor exercise classes Born Borikor, CEO, Our Parks
Working collaboratively with our communities to test out the ways to bring our parks into use as venues for physical activity Karen Creavin, Chief Executive; The Active Wellbeing Society
It’s all about the local community and award-winning green space management Paul Harper, Sports Development Officer, Glendale Lewisham
Designing our cities to be playful: beyond parks Dr Emmanuel Tsekleves, Senior Lecturer, Lancaster University
Connecting Actively to Nature – Devon Gareth Dix – Director Strategic Relationships, Active Devon in partnership with Sport England
Waterways have the power to make a difference to people’s lives Richard Preston, Partnerships and External Relationships Manager, The Canal & River Trust
Revaluing Parks and Green Spaces Angela Lewis, Head of Programmes, Fields in Trust
Parks – our natural health service greenspace scotland’s newly appointed Green Health Programme Manager.
For further information go to or email [email protected]