Bristol Stool chart
Jacqui Fernandez
Jacqui Fernandez Naturopath, Nutritionist, Psychotherapist & Counsellor
Bristol Stool chart
We wrapped up our research project last week. Thanks to everyone who participated, it was greatly appreciated. One of the tools we used was the Bristol Stool chart. I might share it with some additional information.
The Bristol Stool Chart is widely used as a research tool to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments for various diseases of the bowel. The chart describes the shapes and types of stools and what they mean to our health. It is also used as a tool to diagnose constipation, diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome and the impact of these on health and well-being.
As we welcome winter, it can be an opportunity for some of us to start prepping for the slower days to be a time for rest and renewal with warming healing foods and lifestyle changes.