Bristol Local Plan ‘Call for Sites’ 2017
Any clients / developers with future aspirations for sites in Bristol are encouraged to ensure that representations are made to the review of the Bristol Local Plan.
The Council has started the review this month, with a consultation draft planned for autumn 2017.
Developers, landowners, businesses, and other organisations are invited to promote potential sites for housing and/or economic development within Bristol City Council area. This may include sites that the Local Plan currently reserves for another use.
Proposed sites for housing and/or economic development should be submitted by 21 April 2017.
For each site a separate form and map are required.
You may need professional guidance for the form, which needs to deal with: uses; capacity; site suitability; site availability; site achievability; and, timescales. -
CSJ Planning can guide you through this submission, explain the process and provide strategy guidance to best promote your site, with a covering letter promoting the site.
As well as promoting new land uses, it may also be applicable to promote sites for increased densities as opposed to current allocations.
CSJ Planning looks forward to hearing from existing and new clients at this important time of the Local Plan review process.
Please contact one of the Directors in the first instance to take things forward.
Andrew Beard / Jeremy Bladon / Michael Orr on 0117 927 2224