BRiOTs DigiStores - Complete Warehouse Management Solution - Fastest Deployment Time
BRiOT Technologies Pvt Ltd
Industry 4.0 | Digital Transformation | Industrial Iot | Data Analytics | AIDC Solutions | WMS | Inventory Management
It has been little less than a decade that we as an organization are trying to help our customers automate/digitize their supply chain information management.
Be it as simple solution as GRN (good receipt note) automation to as complex as a complete MES (Manufacturing Execution System) or AI/ML Based predictive maintenance package, one critical aspect majority of client's overlook or ignore is the ""project deployment time". According to us this parameter should be right at the top due to following reasons -
One more major reason is cost, cost of time, cost of resources engaged, cost of inconvenience, for getting the project delivered.
For Example when an organization wants to deploy a Warehouse Management Solution - most system integrators design the solution where in client in enabled for tagging (barcoding/ RFID tags) the materials while in-warding, but what about existing inventory? That itself is a huge task. Most products give facility of bulk upload to manage existing warehouse inventory, but client would not have detailed data to upload, which ultimately would leave end user in a tricky situation wherein he/she will have the tool ready to use, but to make it actually work will be a ""mountain"" task.
That's how we (BRiOT) solve it - One is via BRiOTs Digistores product where project deployment times are 50% shorter than what most of the other available WMS solutions in market. Secondly we facilitate and train users in such a way that existing inventory in warehouse can be tagged within no time. The UI/UX is deigned in a way that the laziest person on earth would kill it in no time. We also offer tagging as managed service, where in the task can be completed in much shorter span and customer's overall supply chain isn't effected much with the new change in system i.e. warehouse management deployment.
Thinking of WMS think BRIOT, Thinking of digitization think BRIOT. Thinking of Faster deployment, do not think too much, rather contact us at [email protected]
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