On the Brink of War


My Name is Mark Hines,
I am a Lawful Notarised Commonwealth Public Official (Not Rebutted)
Which also has been in public notice through various public arena's    
It is my duty to report any wrongdoing against the Australian People
So Help Me God 
All law hangs on loving God and loving one’s neighbour as oneself
(Matthew 22: 40) any legislation which endeavours to take away the
Rights of the People are no law, at all. 

I have served in the Australian Armed Forces for 9 years,  When I signed up, I signed under the Crown to protect this independent Country under the Commonwealth Constitution 1900-1901 pre-amble, It wasn't just signing up to wear the uniform, It was signing my life away to protect this beautiful Country with Life or death, which a lot of people wouldn't be able get there heads around, It was a honour to serve and protect our independent Country in the best way possible and to the best of my ability, as my grandfather (Passed), my Father (Passed), my brother before me 

600,000 other service men and women did over the many years and paid the Ultimate price with honour and respect for what they did for our freedoms, our rights, our culture, our way of living, the privilege of the Law of the land, common law, In peace and harmony, been free of dictatorship from rogue Governments, dictators and foreign countries invading our beautiful Country and causing harm to the Australian people, 

I have also served in the fire service for a 11 years of my life where I went from Fire Fighter, to Leading Fire Fighter, to Chief, then Sector Commander, working my way up from the ground, through the ranks  fighting some of the biggest fires in Australia to protect life and property
In all my time in the services, I have done and seen many things happen and helped a lot of people in harms way, which was /is a honour and a privilege without wanting any recognition for the things I have done over the many years of service, 

I grew up with the one thing that sets Australia apart from almost any other Nation on Earth is the Aussie spirit. It can be seen as a “she’ll be right mate” attitude that suggests apathy; or “she’ll be right mate” because we will take care of it.  “she’ll be right mate” translates to “don’t worry we will help you out, we will take care of it” and rise up and say that this is our country Friends, If you come here from a foreign country you respect our way of living, live under our rule, our laws, our freedoms, our culture, our beliefs, our rights, our Common Law the law of the land, under the commonwealth constitution 1900-1901 our pre-amble.

if you don't like it get out , go back to your country, but don't bring your laws to our country and try make us bow down to you, to change our laws, our culture, our freedoms, our rights, our common laws to suit you.
Dam if we went to your country and tried to change your laws , the way you live ,we would be shot or thrown in jail for life or executed.

Many of us came from convict backgrounds, sent in to exile for stealing a coat or a loaf of bread or a silver spoon. Some came for murder and robbery or prostitution. Tough people.

Many came from China to work on the Gold Fields. Some came from Italy to work on the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electricity scheme. Some came from Hungary during the Revolution. Some came from Vietnam during the Vietnam War. But they came for a chance to work and start a new life. And they worked hard !! The Greeks, Serbs, and Irish, so many more that it would be impossible to name. There were no hand-outs, no privileges offered. These people were given a chance to start a new life, in Australia, to become Australians. And Australians they became. They learned English and embraced our country while offering the gift of their food and culture and music. We accepted that gift and sat together at the same table and laughed and drank their wine, ate their food, danced to their music and married and loved their people. As they did us.

I have spoken with friends from Greece, Hungarian, Italian, Jewish  etc, backgrounds and, while they embrace and celebrate their roots, they consider themselves Australian. They didn't try to change anything in our laws, our culture, our way of living, our rights our common law, they were thankful and happy to be Australians and love our country as they found it to live in peace and harmony and get along with everyone here     

The common denominator with this terrible situation that we find ourselves in today is that our current immigrant population do not want to embrace our culture but to destroy it. They do not want to learn our language, but to annihilate it. They don't like our laws, they manipulate it, they don't like our common law ,they try destroy it, They do not want to work but to get us to work for them.

When our feminists ignore the genital mutilation, oppression of women, rape of little children of both sexes, WE HAVE A PROBLEM.
When our Politicians condemn an elected member of the Dutch Parliament for coming to Australia to speak his views, WE HAVE A PROBLEM.
When Australians are callously-murdered in cold blood by immigrants of any Nationality, Religion or Race and our Government offers sympathy to the family of the perpetrator of the crime before offering sympathy to the family of the victim, then WE HAVE A PROBLEM.
When Australians are living below the poverty line and have nowhere to live while immigrants of any Nationality, Religion or Race are prioritised, then  WE HAVE A PROBLEM 
When 16,000 English-speaking skilled-professional workers are refused visas and 12,000 uneducated, non-English speaking refugees are accepted, then, guess what, WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When Australians are called racists and bigots for speaking out about their concerns about the above, then again, we as a Nation, WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When people prefer to debate the best bachelor or best contestant on X Factor to debating our Nation’s future, our children’s future and our grandchildren’s future, well, you got it, WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When our news is censored and we have to delve in to the internet to find out what is happening in the world and in our own country, WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When our own people cant get jobs because all our manufactories have been closed . WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When our own people cant get the proper help medically, WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When people from foreign countries get looked after better then our own people. WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When foreign country people get houses and our homeless don't, WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When we have Politicians changing our rules, our lives, our culture, our laws to suit the above, taking away our freedoms, changing our constitution without a referendum, making secret deals behind close door, taking there side and not the Aussies, WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When the government sell our land to foreign countries for profit and not been transparent or foreign countries try to take us over  , WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When our Politicians selling our wealth in the ground for near nothing, while foreigners take it to there country and make big profit out of it, then WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM       
When Politician dumb down our education for our kids . WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When Politicians run our country down and think they above the LAW. WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When our Politicians let thousands of foreign people into Australia not knowing if they terrorist WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM
When our Politicians let thousands of foreigners into Australia with nothing, draining our tax payers finances, WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM
When our Politicians change to tax us more and put police quotes up to raise revenue. WE HAVE A PROBLEM   
When our Politicians send billons of dollars of our tax payers money to foreign countries and organisations, While our own people suffer  WE HAVE A PROBLEM 
When our politicians profit and send money to other countries to tax dodge,
When we have lawyers sitting in parliaments thinking they are above the Law, WE HAVE A PROBLEM.
When we have lawyers sitting in any parliaments changing our Commonwealth Constitution 1900-1901 pre-amble without a commonwealth constitutional referendum, WE HAVE A PROBLEM 
When we have lawyers sitting in parliaments changing our laws, our rights, taken our freedoms away and our Common Law, law of the land away without a  commonwealth referendum, THEN WE HAVE A PROBLEM 
When we have lawyers sitting in any parliaments and bringing separation of power into question, WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When lawyers in parliaments takes the Royal shield/Emblem out of Courts, WE HAVE A PROBLEM
When we have politicians sitting in any house of parliament with duel citizenship WE HAVE A PROBLEM. 
When we have politicians sell all our assets of to foreign counties to make profit without the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, that now threaten us, WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM
When we have politicians put Australia in Harms way of war and told to pick sides from two of the biggest countries in population in the world as was reported last week, THEN WE AS AUSTRALIANS HAVE A BIG PROBLEM.  

The one thing that sets Australia apart from almost any other Nation on Earth is the Aussie spirit. It can be seen as a “she’ll be right mate” attitude that suggests apathy; or “she’ll be right mate” because we will take care of it. I saw “Bridge of Lies” the other day and it is well worth the watch. The Berlin Wall was put up to separate two different Political views. It was a physical wall.

Today, we have a wall being built in Australia.

It is not made of bricks and mortar. It is made of censorship, Political Correctness and insidious manipulation through media control, Acts of Parliament and Social media trolls.

There is no razor wire, no watch towers. Just the ability to call someone a racist. I am reminded of the words in the old childhood saying: “Sticks and Stones may break my bones – but words will never hurt me.”

Well today, apparently words can hurt you, but only if you live on the side of the wall that our Government and Politicians have elected as the “right” side of the wall. No longer are people in Australia even able to scale a wall. Bullets are not needed.

To shoot us down, all that is needed is to call us racists or bigots.

I am hoping that the Aussie “she’ll be right mate” translates to “don’t worry, we will take care of it” and rise up and say that this is our country Friends, this is not a Refugee crisis.

We have so many refuges coming into Australia with nothing , where the government  give them more then the true blue Aussie, they add to our unemployment, they cost the Aussie tax payer a extra, $100,000 a year per person to care of and then they unemployed, as it takes one person in jail $100,000 a year then they getting it pretty good, as they also get a house  and all the rest to go with it, While our own people suffer and the homeless don't even get the same treatment, our elderly our unemployment, our poor suffer while the government  let this happen to our own country,

now we have lib politicians spying on politicians office's and there phones bugged and the true blue Aussie people, there phone, there house, there cars, there office's and tracking just normal private people with there data retention, knowing every aspect of there lives and what they are going to do before they even do it, they  profiling everyone  under the flag of safety, which is a lie,  
I seem to recall someone else doing the same thing under safety. Hitler and all the rest of the dictators in the world,

Now we have our so called libs, labour and greens ripping Aussies of, now take a look and think about it, In the 70s and in 1988 we had a referendums where the people said NO to Local government ( councils ), Treason against the Australian people as the government didn't follow the word or the WILL OF THE PEOPLE of AUSTRALIA  in a Commonwealth Referendum,

Now I went through and remember in the 70s and in 1988 when the referendum was and here is a letter dated 08/July/ 2010, so the referendum still stood as NO to local government on the 08/July/2010

Attorney General
The Hon Robert McClelland MP
on the 08/July/ 2010

In 1988 four proposals to amend the Constitution were put to voters in accordance with section 128 of the Constitution . One of those proposals sought to give constitutional recognition to Local government but the proposal was not carried.
The Constitution dose not recognize Local Government. Any change to the Constitution to recognize Local government would need to be approved by voters at a referendum.
your sincerely

Robert McClelland

Parliament House Canberra ACT

Telephone (02)62777300 Fax (0262734102

So when was a referendum in the last 6 years since this person been the Attorney General The Hon Robert McClelland MP  (stated above on the 08/July/2010) stated in a letter that local government recognition was not carried in a commonwealth constitutional referendum,  ??? 

Then we have Bob Hawke, come in and bring in the Australian Act 1986,
Which didn't go to a commonwealth referendum of the people,
Then we had a plebiscite that asked the people do we want a republic  or section 9 of the commonwealth constitution,
Without full disclosure 
As a plebiscite is only lawful if it has a YES OR NO answer,
They tricked everyone into answering the second question, Because you cant have a question with a question in a plebiscite,
So there is another trick the government played on the people to get a outcome which is not lawful, UNLAWFULL, Treason, and unconstitutional against the Australian people  

This is an Australia Crisis,.

Remember Kim Beasley saying
(1) (Kim Beasley in federal parliament
"the United Nations has given the federal government a mandate of ownership of all housing, property, farms and business to government control once the republic has been proclaimed".
(2) "I believe these things are done incrementally. You prepare a public mind, a public attitude; you create an acceptance of the unacceptable ?????

Then we have Mr Hawke's Fabian speech: admitting to been apart of a Foreign power or Society as the Fabien Society was not born herein Australia.

Quote Hawk "I gladly acknowledge the debt of my own government to Fabianism". He also said in that speech, "The Fabian Society acknowledges the principal tenet of Marxism, the abolition of private property, in this case to own land. They then align themselves with the non-violent arm of Marxism by accepting the non-violent road of patient gradualism to total government."
In the same speech he drew attention to the restrictions imposed by the Australian Constitution on Fabian objectives

Here we have a former Labour Prime Minister and ministers calling for the control and manipulation of the minds of the Australian people through Deceit , to take OUR Land, Property, Our Farms, Our Houses, Our Assets and Our Business . ,

So they started to remove the commonwealth constitutional 1900-1901 rights ,freedoms, Common Law, Law of the land and destroying the commonwealth constitution without even telling the People of Australia, to impose there Fabian objectives onto the people of Australia, A foreign power , A foreign system, against the WILL OF THE PEOPLE  

Is this Treason against the Australia people ?????

In all these years Labour, liberal and the greens have been running Australia down to nothing, destroying our country from being one of the best countries in the world, to only a slavery system to finance there over $800,000.000 dollar house of cards per year in Canberra , where most of the riches people in Australia are, getting rich through (YOU)  The Tax payers money,

Ripping  the Australian people of , causing confusion with the Australian people so we the people keep of there back, causing division between the people so it takes the peoples mines of them while they rip us of blind, and make deals behind close doors without THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE consent like the TPP and other deals,

This stuff with SSM and the aboriginals is just a scam to take your mine of them doing deals behind closed doors, think about it.
Look at our primary schools teaching our kids about sex at a young age without the parents been there or consent, teaching our young about homosexual, bi sexual, transsexual, like paedophilia program,  
Aboriginals are Australian people as in WE THE PEOPLE and should be, been the first Australians here as for them to be recognized
The Commonwealth Constitution is not based on colour, race, or where you come from. People are classed as one
All law hangs on loving God and loving one’s neighbour as oneself
(Matthew 22: 40) and legislation which endeavours to take away the
Rights of the People are no law, at all. 
If it wasn't for them brining  it up and there media, brainwashing everyone, controlling and manipulation of the minds of the Australian people through Deceit  to change the constitution so they can rip the constitution apart, so they can run a DICTATERSHIP as they are now, without you knowing.

And here is another thing that the government has done ,

They brought in  the Monetary Penalties Enforcement Service under there own Fraudulent System, 
turned peace officer into cash collectors with Guns to Enforce there quoted infringements, penalties on people by coercing, fraud, blackmail, Threats, intimidation  onto the Australian people without even been to court , here is there way of doing things  through a Dictatorship company with a ABN.

Entity Name
Main Business Location: TAS 7000,  (NOTICE PRIVATE MAIN BUSINESS)
Copy from the Department of Justice
Monetary penalties enforcement service with a ABN

A copy of there whole file can be obtain by there website

Penalties are enforced within Tasmania changed.
Some of the major benefits of the Act and associated changed business
processes included the:
(1) removal from the court system of minor infringement notice related offences;
Change Minor Infringements to a criminal charge 
(3)  Removal of the use of Warrants of Apprehension for non-payment of fines;
(4)  Ability to use a range of enforcement sanctions to enforce payment;
(5)  Ability to tailor payments to an individuals capacity to pay; and
(6)  Ministration of the use of imprisonment for fine defaulters.

Overview of Services - Monetary Penalties Enforcement Service 2008 - 2009 30 June 2009
The MPEA provides the Director with the power to impose enforcement sanctions against enforcement debtors who have failed to comply with the conditions of an enforcement order or a variation of payment conditions notice, in other words those who avoid or refuse to pay their monetary penalties.
These sanctions include the following:
(1) Publish fine defaulters details;
(2) Suspend driver licences;
(3) Suspend vehicle registrations;
(4) Seize and sell assets;
(5) Re-direct any monies owed to a debtor including salary, wages and savings;
(6) Register an interest over any land in which a debtor may have an interest; or
(7) Apply to A Magistrate (a single Judge) for a Warrant of Commitment.

This is Bullying ,Extortion, Corruption, Blackmail, Intimidation, coerce and Obstructing the course of Justice.

Now ,this is a Illegal, Unlawful and perverting the cause of Justice in every state as every human being has a Right to be put through the right procedure's through a lawful court as Innocent till proven Guilty and not GUILTY before INNOCENT, Without been to court and having a lawful order with wet ink signature or charge been laid by a judge, Magistrate with 12 of your peers.

So this means that a Police Officer or anyone that is in the enforcement area, That has a personal grievance against you, Don't like the way you look , Don't like the colour of your skin, don't like your car, jealous of what you drive, jealous of what you have, can put a infringement against you without even pulling you up or you even knowing and its left to you to try to get into court to defend yourself even if you are INNOCENT or wasn't even driven the car, GUILTY before INNOCENT

So if you loose your licence through this you can loose your Job and everything that comes with it, Loss of income, Loss of house, not been able to support your family, put in Jail and other ,without been proven Guilty in a competent Lawful jurisdiction Court of LAW with Jury .

The denial of Rights to Trial by Jury is sinister, vile and reprehensible.

Preamble.   (Relevant part only).
“Whereas the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth, under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and under the Constitution hereby established.”

“Whereas the people…..; the words “Whereas the people” establish the fact that it was the people that Federated Australia and not any form of Government. “Whereas the people” is neither discriminatory nor racist. Those three words also establish the fact that the people are sovereign over and above any Parliament in Australia. The Annotated Constitution written by Quick and Garran make the following comments; “This opinion approaches near the truth, is the supreme absolute and uncontrollable authority remains with the people.  The opening words of the preamble also proclaim that the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia is founded on the will of the people whom it is designed to unite and govern”.

All Acts of Parliament in Australia since 1919, with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles,
Have not been lawfully enacted due to the fact that there have been no Orders in the Privy Council, ie: the Queen-in-Council, for the Appointments of any Vice Regal executive representatives of the Crown of the United Kingdom to grant the “Royal Assent” to enact Statute Laws, which was the procedure when the Commonwealth of Australia is “under the Crown of the United Kingdom” as per the Act of the UK Parliament to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia (Victoria 63 & 64, Chapter 12, 9th July 1900). It follows that all the Appointments of Judges and Magistrates are also fraudulent.

“A Judge without jurisdiction is to be disobeyed with impunity”…a Legal Maxim.

Australia is a Democracy which literally means that the PEOPLE RULE, ie: Sovereignty lies with the People who exercise that “ultimate authority to make and impose laws” by way of the unanimous Judgments of 12 Free Men impanelled as Jurors who ask, :”So help me God”, in order that they can administer Justice.

The Law is the Law and even the Police and Government have to abide by it lawfully and Constitutionally, an order /fine/ notice by police officer or a single magistrate is NOT a Judiciary Order - it is illegal because it is a violation of Common Law and comes under Slavery in the Criminal Code Act 1995 Sect 268.10 Any Council laws that conflict with Common Law are illegal,

To deny Trial by Jury is to deny Democracy …..and to deny Democracy is Treason, ie: a violation of allegiance.

All law hangs on loving God and loving one’s neighbour as oneself
(Matthew 22: 40) and legislation which endeavours to take away the
Rights of the People are no law, at all.

The Magna Carta is Common Law and is part of Australia today. It declares - "No Free-man shall be taken indeed imprisoned, either dispossessed, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any manner destroyed... except by means of the legal judgment of his own equals - indeed - the law of the land." (Common Law). “His own Equals” (plural) - is a Jury of 12 people -
A single Judge is NOT an equal - and can never be - because no individual is unbiased.

There has not been A referendum to tamper with Sections 79, 80, or 109.

Any order by a single Judge, Magistrate, Registrar or anyone, without your consent
, is invalid, and also carries severe penalties against them - as listed in the Crimes Act, Section 43 “...for obstructing the course of Justice.”

Habeas Corpus Act which ordained that, “...unless and until a jury trial is held, and an “event” of a judicial nature occurs, no costs are payable by either side in proceedings, regardless of any direction from any Parliament, only a Jury can award costs - and - ANY ruling made by a single Judge without your consent, or a Jury, is illegal and invalid .... Period.

On Aug 20, 2001, the penalty was fixed at 25 years jail for both the solicitor and the judge who commit the crime of Costs Orders. It comes under slavery, in the Criminal Code Act. Sect 268.10.

In 1996, the High Court of Australia, the highest court in the land ... Sect. 71 ... in what is called the Kable Principle, declared that the Commonwealth remains one and indivisible - with only one Judicial Power - not different rules in each State.,

Page 791 of the constitution 2nd last paragraph it states clearly neither Federal of State Parliaments are not sovereign bodies they are simply legislators with limited authority , If they attempt to past a law in excess of that authority the law is annulity and it comes under no authority and cant be enforced.

(1) "(Police officers) have no power whatever to arrest or detain a citizen for the purpose of questioning him or of facilitating their investigations. It matters not at all whether the questioning or the investigation is for the purpose of enabling them to ascertain whether he is the person guilty of a crime known to have been committed or is for the purpose of enabling them to discover whether a crime has or has not been committed. If the police do so act in purported exercise of such a power, their conduct is not only destructive of civil liberties but it is "unlawful."

Regina v Banner (1970) VR 240 at p 249 - the Full Bench of the Northern Territory Supreme Court

(2) "It is an ancient principle of the Common Law that a person not under arrest has no obligation to stop for police, or answer their questions. And there is no statute that removes that right. The conferring of such a power on a police officer would be a substantial detraction from the fundamental freedoms which have been guaranteed to the citizen by the Common Law for centuries."

Justice Stephen Kaye -Melbourne Supreme Court ruling - 25 November 2011

"There is no common law power vested in police giving them the unfettered right to stop or detain a person and seek identification details. Nor, is s.59 of the (Road Safety) Act a statutory source of such power."

Magistrate Duncan Reynolds - Melbourne July 2013

NOTE: None of the above precedents have been overturned on appeal or in the High Court in any state of Australia

Refer to Sections the Victorian Infringements Act is an Act of the Parliament of Victoria 116 and 117, ALL states have to give full force and effect to the Victorian Act

The Australian Government Law Reform Commission states the following:

15.89 The common law privilege against self-incrimination entitles a person to refuse to answer any question, or produce any document, if the answer or the production would tend to incriminate that person.[123] Although broadly referred to as the privilege against self-incrimination, the concept encompasses three distinct privileges: a privilege against self-incrimination in criminal matters; a privilege against self-exposure to a civil or administrative penalty (including any monetary penalty which might be imposed by a court or an administrative authority, but excluding private civil proceedings for damages); and a privilege against self-exposure to the forfeiture of an existing right (which is less commonly invoked).

There are many more references to an Australian citizen’s right to not incriminate himself or produce any document that may tend to incriminate him and this is where motorists should stand up for their rights in this regard.

ANALYSIS : As proven by the precedents set by various judges, common law supersedes statutory law.
Therefore, whether there are statutory laws compelling a person to submit to providing anything that may tend to incriminate him, the fact remains that a person has the legal right to not provide any material, whether verbal or tangible, if the production of that material would tend to incriminate that person.

That material can be any or all of the following:

?Verbal statements


?Data such as computer files

?Breath alcohol samples

?Blood alcohol samples

?DNA samples

CONCLUSION: No person should ever succumb to any demand to produce anything that may tend to incriminate him, no matter what police or other officials say or threaten. Every citizen has the common law right to refuse to incriminate himself in any way.

Obviously any attempt to coerce or forcibly take any material from a person against his will that may tend to incriminate him should not only make that material completely inadmissible as evidence in any prosecution, but will possibly render the person who has coercively or forcibly obtained that material to prosecution for violating a person’s common law rights

The legislation below simply states that you can only be fined after a valid court conviction. Also bear in mind that courts must comply with Chapter 3 of Australia’s Commonwealth Constitution (plurality of judges and a jury of your peers, for the indictment of any offence).
Note that the Infringements Court is not a constitutionally recognised court.

Imperial Acts Application Act 1980 – SECT 8


Legislation source: https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_act/iaaa1980240/s8.html

Acts Interpretation Act 1901 – Section 15A – Construction of Acts to be subject to ConstitutionEvery Act shall be read and construed subject to the Constitution, and so as not to exceed the legislative power of the Commonwealth, to the intent that where any enactment thereof would, but for this section, have been construed as being in excess of that power, it shall nevertheless be a valid enactment to the extent to which it is not in excess of that power.

Constitution – Section 106 – The Constitution of each State shall operate subject to the Commonwealth Constitution. All State Constitutions are subject to the commonwealth Constitution of Australia 1900-1901 and the preamble

Constitution – Section 108 – Saving of State laws. The legislative powers of the state parliaments cannot be altered except by altering the Constitution, which can only be done by the Australian people voting in a referendum.

Constitution – Section 109 – Inconsistency of Laws When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid. This is in contradiction to the belief that modern laws override older laws. The Constitution is the foundation from which statutes are to be constructed. The construction of any building must conform to the limits imposed by it’s foundation, or else the building will collapse. Unabated statute laws would also lead to chaos and destruction if the Constitution didn’t lay the ground rules to govern their creation.

Constitution – Section 128 – Mode of altering the Constitution can only be by way of referendum. Since Federation, only 8 of the 44 proposals to amend the Constitution via a referendum have passed. Over 70% of the proposed changes were rejected by the Australian people.

Referendum 1984 – Interchange of Powers – Not Carried. The States were not given the authority to freely interchange Commonwealth powers at will.

Laws of England are still in force – The Imperial Laws of England were brought into Australian Law via the Australian Courts Act 1828 (9 Geo 4 c 83) section 24, Imperial Acts Application Act 1980 and Victorian Constitution Act 1975 – Section 3.

The Bill of Rights Act 1688 was declared via the Imperial Acts Application Act 1980 – Section 8

While our Australian debt gets higher out of reach for anything to be paid of.
The funny thing is they say i'm going to spend or we libs, labour and the greens are going to spend it, on all this stuff,  but as people have seen in the passed they say and promise a lot and as soon as they get in they turn around and brake every promise they did before the election, 
O and by the way ITS NOT THERE MONEY,
IT'S OUR MONEY, The Australian peoples Money, NOT THERE'S

Think About  this
Why is there lawyers, and people with duel Passports running our parliament, our country, 
because they wanted to destroy our rights our Commonwealth constitution 1900-1901 because it restricted them from getting rich of the commoners, WE THE PEOPLE OF AUSTRALIA  
This also brings separation of powers into question

Look at it this way, you have lawyers running in Parliament changing laws behind close doors so you have to use there mates that are lawyers while they take common law out of the courts and remove the crown so you loose every time.

Remembering that a lawyer gives OATH to the BAR (the court) , there system,
If you go against there lawyers, police, politicians for wrongdoing something  to you, you will loose no matter what you do or say,  they both get payed,  you loose,

 As far as lawyers in parliament it states below 
46 Edward III AD 1372 80.
Lawyers and Sheriffs excluded from Parliament
WHEREAS men of the law who follow divers businesses in the king’s courts on behalf of private persons, with whom they are, do procure and cause to be brought into parliament many petitions in the name of the commons, which in no wise relate to them, but only the private persons with whom they are engaged; also sheriffs who are common officers for the people, and ought to be abiding in their office, for the doing right to every one, are named, and have heretofore been and returned to parliament knights of the shires, by the same sheriffs; it is accorded and assented in this parliament, that hereafter no man of the law following business in the king’s court, nor any sheriff for the time that he is sheriff, be returned nor accepted knights of the shires; nor that they who are men of the law and sheriffs now returned to parliament have any wages; but the king willeth that knights and sergeants of the most worthy of the county be hereafter returned knights in parliament; and that they be elected in full county.

Look at all the other Elections before, as I said they don't give, they strip away funds 
Not one of them have told the truth in any Election,

Our hospitals would be running up to date and be staffed 
Our waiting list would be low 
Our Australian people wouldn't be suffering waiting for operations, 
Our schools would be up to date and our kids would have great education,
Our factories/ Manufactures wouldn't be closing
Our unemployment would be lower  not getting higher  
Our farmers wouldn't be loosing there farms,
Our farmers wouldn't be committing suicide,
Our homeless would have placers to stay with a roof over there heads, 
Our workers wouldn't be working harder and longer for the same wage
Our small businesses wouldn't be closing
Our unlawful Taxes,
Our living Costs wouldn't be as high

While they sit back liven  on there high end wagers, lying, manipulating  
sucking the Australian people in with there endless unfunded promises, to get votes

What would happen if we got one less sub and one less jet 
How could that money be spent ??? on hospitals, schools, education, our veterans, our homeless, our elderly, water to our farmer in drought,  save a few lives from suicide,  

The thing that makes me laugh is, By the time we get them, they will be out of date. ??? how stupid is that.      

The full one-hour version of his documentary can be found at https://truth-now.net/

Not only is Australia a corporation registered in the USA, but the so-called “Australian government” is an administrator who has been appointed to administrate a bankrupt country. 

When you understand that the government has been defrauding you for many years, you may just change your mind about paying council rates, income tax, parking fines, failure to vote penalties and so on.

If a company whom you do not recognise sends you an invoice; an invoice which you did not agree to pay or consent to, do you have to pay it?

The majority of people pay the fines (*invoices*) without question, and so the illegal government can keep their money, keep their authority and maintain their power. (I’m pretty sure that Al Capone ran a similar racket in Chicago, called “pay me or I’ll bust you up”).
Like Capone’s money-grab, it would seem that the seated Australian governments and councils also has no legal rights to your cash; they only get it if you hand it over without a fight and if you pay up without asking questions.)
Did you contract with them,
Did you sign any agreement
Did they disclose full details to you  of any contract
Did they send you a account with no signature ( so is it lawful)
Are you a slave and ruled by these people 

|This is slavery, a trespass of the Australian peoples sovereignty, A breach of International Law,
a crime against the peace,
a terrorist act,
an act of war of aggression,
an attempt to enslave the people of Australia,
A breach of the following International Treaties, agreements and accords, including though not limited to;

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948; Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery,
the Slave Trade
Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery 1956; 
International Covenant and Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 1966;
Declaration of the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Rules of Law at the National and International Levels 2012;
And thus constitutes a crime under international law against all Humanity,
A direct breach of the Trade Practices Act 1974.
A direct breach of (UCC uniform commercial code)
A direct breach of the Commonwealth Constitution 1900-1901, Letter Patent 
A direct breach of the Commonwealth of Australia Crimes Act. Act 12 of 1914 (with Royal Assent. Not repealed or rebutted):
A direct breach of international law

where the instigators and perpetrators are guilty by their own admission through their deeds,

A phititiouse convenes of langhnige title 15 section under 1692(E) which is False and misleading statements and perjury, coerces  to deprive through trickery (racketeering ) title 18-1961 fines up to $2,000,000 plus 25 years Imprisonment

As all men/ wo-man are equal under the eyes of God.
Noting:- {What remains un-rebutted, in substance (All the Above), creates The Truth, in Law}.
Please also be aware …. “Law is supreme” … Natural-Law…Universal-Law… and above all … God’s Law …

Legal and legalese, is something that politicians, Police and  the-bar association play with, to entrap people to their will, all under assumption, thus a crime against humanity is being committed-creating unwitting-slaves through deceit .

46 Edward III AD 1372 80.

Lawyers and Sheriffs excluded from Parliament WHEREAS men of the law who follow divers businesses in the king’s courts on behalf of private persons, with whom they are, do procure and cause to be brought into parliament many petitions in the name of the commons, which in no wise relate to them, but only the private persons with whom they are engaged; also sheriffs who are common officers for the people, and ought to be abiding in their office, for the doing right to every one, are named, and have heretofore been and returned to parliament knights of the shires, by the same sheriffs; it is accorded and assented in this parliament, that hereafter no man of the law following business in the king’s court, nor any sheriff for the time that he is sheriff, be returned nor accepted knights of the shires; nor that they who are men of the law and sheriffs now returned to parliament have any wages; but the king willeth that knights and sergeants of the most worthy of the county be hereafter returned knights in parliament; and that they be elected in full county.

Any person who without lawful authority (proof whereof shall lie upon him) and with intent to deceive makes any mark resembling or apparently intended to resemble or pass for, any authorised official stamp or mark of any department of the Commonwealth or of any public authority under the Commonwealth, shall be guilty of an offence.  Penalty Imprisonment 

Any person who-
personates any Commonwealth officer
on an occasion when the latter is required to do any act or attend in any place by virtue of his office or employment; or

Falsely represents himself to be a Commonwealth officer, and assumes to do any act or attend in any place for the purpose of doing any act by virtue of his pretended office or employment, shall be guilty of an offence: Penalty  Imprisonment.

Any person/ man/wo-man that is enforcing  these fraudulent, unlawful rule/laws are  personally liable/responsible of there actions
 and can be sued in a lawful court of competent jurisdiction:  highest Lawful International Criminal Courts where the Nuremberg Principles will apply. 
Notice to Agent notice to principal Notice to Principal Notice to Agent

The problem is Australia wide

They have been sitting falsely in office and their decisions cannot be valid, as falsely stated by Ms Goodwin
Australia's government is truly a corrupt entity, enslaving the masses.
The people who purportedly sit as judges', magistrates', etc are (alleged) criminals up for treason.
posted by AuCorp  at 10:30 AM

The Commonwealth Constitution 1900-1901 Act: letter patent : is still alive, can never be rebutted, dissolved or destroyed, unless you the Australian people vote with a referendum, 
They have covered it up fraudulently with there corporate constitution through False and misleading statements and perjury, coerces  to deprive through trickery (racketeering ) causing a slavery system against the Australian people . Penalty life Imprisonment 

Tasmanian magistrates not sworn in correctly for 30 years
Photo: The proper procedure for swearing in Tasmanian magistrates has not been followed for decades. (Cate Grant: ABC News) Map: TAS

The State Government has revealed Tasmanian magistrates have not been sworn in correctly for 30 years.

Magistrates, coroners and justices of the peace are currently required under an 1869 Act to take the judicial oath in the presence of the Governor, or a representative, prior to undertaking their duties.

Attorney-General Vanessa Goodwin said the requirement was out dated and it was recently established that it had not been followed for the past three decades. The Government will introduce an amendment in Parliament to allow the oath to be taken before a Magistrate.

Ms Goodwin said any decisions or actions taken by magistrates or justices before the error was realised remain valid.

A swearing-in was held yesterday to ensure existing magistrates, coroners and active bench judges were correctly sworn in in the meantime.

Impersonating any Commonwealth officer
The above is Impersonating any Commonwealth officer 
They just can't be sworn in, in a swearing in procedure
The crime has already been committed   
How can this happen,
Ms Goodwin is committing a crime by covering a crime up, when it states below
(9) Penalty on not taking required oath
If any officer specified in Schedule 1 declines or neglects, when any oath required to be taken by him under this Act is duly tendered, to take such oath, he shall, if he has already entered on his office, vacate the same, and if he has not entered on the same be disqualified from entering on same: but no person shall be compelled. in respect of the same appointment to the same office, to take such oath or make such affirmation more that once:

So this means that people have been charged, lost there licence's, put in jail, lost there jobs, Lost there house, there farms, lost there relationship, paid Billions out in unlawful orders without a wet ink signature  from people that have not been Constitutionally lawful

As far as the requirements been out of date, the constitution has been here for over a 100 years
Sorry nothing can be changed in the constitution unless
it is put to a referendum which has never happened . 
All laws are to be constructed within and according to the Commonwealth Constitution 1900 -1901/Letter Patent Act:
Bear the correct Royal Seal of Scotland and Australia and the correct Royal Commission Assent:
Have to be constructed accordance with the commonwealth statutory rules order 15a:
No Lawful Referendum was held to pass these acts/Bills to Law  to the Australian Act 1986 UK, in accordance to The Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 -1901/ Letter Patent:
The only constitution that has lawfully been to a referendum and is Lawful is Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900-1901 Letter Patent:  which is Law today


Excerpt from
Commonwealth of Australia Crimes Act. Act 12 of 1914
(with Royal Assent. Not repealed or rebutted):

"Commonwealth officer" means any person holding office under the Commonwealth, and includes any person permanently or temporarily employed in Public Service of the Commonwealth, or in or in connection with the Naval or military forces of the Commonwealth, or in the service of any public authority under the commonwealth and includes an officer of the Commonwealth Bank.

Any person who without lawful authority (proof whereof shall lie upon him) and with intent to deceive makes any mark resembling or apparently intended to resemble or pass for, any authorised official stamp or mark of any department of the Commonwealth or of any public authority under the Commonwealth, shall be guilty of an offence.  Penalty Imprisonment 

Any person who-

personates any Commonwealth officer on an occasion when the latter is required to do any act or attend in any place by virtue of his office or employment; or

Falsely represents himself to be a Commonwealth officer, and assumes to do any act or attend in any place for the purpose of doing any act by virtue of his pretended office or employment, shall be guilty of an offence: Penalty  Imprisonment.

Reference Case Michael-Grant of  the ------ family  V Western Prosecutions Service
Complaint number 51841/15 November 13, 2015
(audio file time approximately 01:10:00)

Magistrate McKee states "he understands Michael's argument and it is fairly simple that any laws that have been passed since 1900 in  Australia and the state of Tasmania are invalid because they didn't put the correct seal on and the laws prosecution is relying upon do not exist and if prosecution were to proceed any further they would have to address the seal argument

Prosecution  Oliver Hinss  latter with drew all charges and tendered no evidence: 
Case has never been rebutted

This is slavery, a trespass of the Australian peoples sovereignty
, A breach of International Law,
a crime against the peace,
a terrorist act, an act of war of aggression,
an attempt to enslave the people of Australia, a breach of the following International Treaties, agreements and accords, including though not limited to;
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948; Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery,
The Slave Trade
Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery 1956; A phititiouse convenes of langhnige title 15 section under 1692(E) which is False and misleading statements and perjury, coerces  to deprive through trickery (racketeering ) title 18-1961
International Covenant and Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 1966;
Declaration of the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Rules of Law at the National and International Levels 2012;And thus constitutes a crime under international law against all Humanity,
A direct breach of the Trade Practices Act 1974.
A direct breach of (UCC uniform commercial code)A direct breach of the Commonwealth Constitution 1900-1901 A direct breach of the Commonwealth of Australia Crimes Act. Act 12 of 1914 (with Royal Assent. Not repealed or rebutted):
A direct breach of international law

Where the instigators and perpetrators are guilty by their own admission through their deeds, and will be relentlessly pursued to the highest Lawful International Criminal Courts where the Nuremberg Principles will apply.

As all men/ wo-man are equal under the eyes of God.

Noting:- {What remains un-rebutted, in substance (All the Above), creates The Truth, in Law}.

Please also be aware …. “Law is supreme” … Natural-Law…Universal-Law… Law of the Land.... and above all … God’s Law …

Legal and legalese, is something that politicians, Police and  the-bar association play with,
To entrap people to their will, all under assumption, thus a crime against humanity is being committed-creating unwitting-slaves using deceit. 

Sir John Quick LL.D. and Sir Robert Randolph Garran, M.A.
“Not all enactments purporting to be laws made by the Parliament are binding; but laws made under, in pursuance of, and within the authority conferred by the Constitution, and those only, are binding on the courts, judges, and people. A law in excess of the authority conferred by the Constitution is no law; it is wholly void and inoperative; it confers no rights, it imposes no duties; it affords no protection” (Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 10th May 1886).

 Former Chief Justice Latham’s made the comments in a High Court decision; South  Australia v The Commonwealth 1942 (Uniform Tax Case) former Chief Justice Latham’s comments:
“If either the Commonwealth Parliament or a State Parliament attempts to make a law which is not within its powers, the attempt fails, because the alleged law is unauthorized and is not a law at all”.
“The courts have declared a statute invalid, sometimes lead to misunderstanding. A pretended law made in excess of power is not and never has been a law at all. Anybody in the country is entitled to disregard it”.

Any Act passed by any Parliament is ultra vires, not lawfully enforceable if in contradiction inconsistent or repugnant to the Commonwealth Constitution.
Any Act that is in contradiction with the Commonwealth Constitution is not valid and is unlawful and the people of Australia and States are entitled to disregard it.

I call for a Independent  Special Prosecution in Constitutional Law in a competent jurisdiction Court of LAW
The World Court to deal with Breaches of the Commonwealth Constitutional 1900 preamble Laws/ Rights/ Common law against WE THE PEOPLE OF AUSTRALIA

Yours true

Mark-Edward, O.

Commonwealth Public Official: Safety Professional

8 年

Remember Kim Beasley saying (1) (Kim Beasley in federal parliament "the United Nations has given the federal government a mandate of ownership of all housing, property, farms and business to government control once the republic has been proclaimed". (2) "I believe these things are done incrementally. You prepare a public mind, a public attitude; you create an acceptance of the unacceptable ????? Then we have Mr Hawke's Fabian speech: admitting to been apart of a Foreign power or Society as the Fabien Society was not born herein Australia. Quote Hawk "I gladly acknowledge the debt of my own government to Fabianism". He also said in that speech, "The Fabian Society acknowledges the principal tenet of Marxism, the abolition of private property, in this case to own land. They then align themselves with the non-violent arm of Marxism by accepting the non-violent road of patient gradualism to total government." In the same speech he drew attention to the restrictions imposed by the Australian Constitution on Fabian objectives Here we have a former Labour Prime Minister and ministers calling for the control and manipulation of the minds of the Australian people through Deceit , to take OUR Land, Property, Our Farms, Our Houses, Our Assets and Our Business . , So they started to remove the commonwealth constitutional 1900-1901 rights ,freedoms, Common Law, Law of the land and destroying the commonwealth constitution without even telling the People of Australia, to impose there Fabian objectives onto the people of Australia, A foreign power , A foreign system, against the WILL OF THE PEOPLE Here is a list of the PM that ran our country Gough Whitlam adopted the Fabian approach from the day he entered parliament, and the seminal 1972 Whitlam policy speech – the most comprehensive program ever submitted to the Australian people – was a drawing together of twenty years of systematic Fabian planning and research. Arthur Calwell before him was proud to call himself a Fabian, and the tradition has been carried on through subsequent Labor leaders including Bill Hayden, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Julia Gillard, Bill Shorten, Peter Cosgrove, John Cain, Don Dunstan, John Bannon, Neville Wran and Bob Carr, Here we have a foreign Society/ power running Australia for years without the people of Australia knowing . when it states below this is corruption, treason against the Australian people, 43 Member of one House ineligible for other A member of either House of the Parliament shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a member of the other House 44 Disqualification Any person who: (i) is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign Society/ foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign Society / foreign power; or shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.


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